Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Perception And Knowledge Surrounding Environments, Its Psychological

The perception and knowledge surrounding environments, its psychological interpretation have very much great value, since. By means of this difficult psychological process we betray sense to world around, we participate in various forms of a public life, we establish the interhuman connexion, we choose spaces for body and soul rest. And under the influence of this environment the child as the person develops. Still . I.Feldshtejn said that the child enters special relations with surrounding his environment which is the basic source of its development, carrying out a role of the original starting mechanism. But in most cases environment which surrounds children and adults in preschool centres, creates atmosphere of establishment with is command the management management system which purpose is to arm the child with knowledge, skills, instead of is considered as means of high-grade development of the person, its basic personal culture. Thereof in an education system attempts of change of preschool centres under the form, as their functioning, under the maintenance, and also revision of the relation to the child and its vital space which surrounds it in modern preschool centres have been undertaken.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Loadings Such In Respect Of An Independent Method

Loadings such in respect of an independent method of treatment of excess weight are inefficient. An another matter, loadings plus a diet, but we already spoke about it. And how to dose out loadings? Very simply. If after training or gymnastics you feel pleasant heat, increase of a tone of muscles, and your appetite decreases, or anyway, amplifies, means you have guessed also this loading to you approaches. If after training you are tired, a muscular tone low, and appetite raises, this loading for you means is excessive also you should reduce its intensity. Physical activities have one more important property - with the help exercise it is possible to cause a selective expenditure of fat in those or other places. It is proved that fat leaves from those areas where muscles intensively work more likely. That is, if to you stirs fat on a stomach, it is necessary to do the exercises strengthening an abdominal tension. You know them. For example, in a prone position to tighten feet to a stomach or to make them rotary motions.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Zelenova E.S., Zabello E.V., Golubeva M. V, Bezrodnova

Zelenova E.S., Zabello E.V., Golubeva M. V, Bezrodnova S.M. , . Propaedeutics of children's illnesses The supervisor of studies: a member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, prof. Orehov K.V. KATAMNESTICHESKY SUPERVISION OVER CHILDREN OF THE FIRST YEAR OF THE LIFE, TRANSFERRED THE SALMONELLOSIS, THEIR IMMUNOLOGICHESKY STATUS. Katamnestichesky supervision over children of the first year of the life, transferred a salmonellosis, has revealed the so-called residual phenomena which remain throughout 2 months and are connected with adverse influence of an infection basically on a gastroenteric path. Supervision was spent throughout 2 months with the subsequent clinical, bacteriological, inspection of 50 children with the disease form. By the time of an extract from a hospital at 30 % of patients infringement signs intestines activity (presence in neutral fat, grains of starch, fat acids) have been noted at research. At 18 (36 %) children in 2 months have not been revealed any deviations in a condition and relapses of dysfunction of intestines, that is, the absolute recovery is ascertained.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

It Is Clear That At Deficiency Of Fiber

It is clear that at deficiency of fiber in food these functions suffer. As result increase of any probability of infections and diseases. It is impossible to limit and receipt in an organism of vitamins - factors of food which the organism itself cannot synthesise but in which presence very much is in great need. And some vitamins, in particular 1 and 6 actively participate in oxidation of fats. Their deficiency will necessarily affect rates of a weight loss. Above I already wrote about omega-3 polynonsaturated fat acids. They too can be carried to irreplaceable factors of food as the organism does not develop them. These acids participate in building of membranes of cages and at their lack there can be the diversified infringements of a metabolism and cellular functions. Usual requirement for them - an order of 1-3 grammes in day. Products most them rich - fish and cod-liver oil. It is desirable that in a diet there would be enough of food fibres. They detain surpluses of sugars and fats in intestines, interfering with them , normalise intestines work.

In Representations Of Many Patients Value As A

In representations of many patients value as a matter of fact a unique self-sufficient method of treatment of adiposity - diets is lowered. Three immemorial questions: who is guilty?, what to do? And with what to begin? Are guilty, naturally, ourselves. To begin, as it seems to me, follows what to realise at last that excess weight or adiposity, this chronic disease connected with infringement of a metabolism which basic display is excessive accumulation of fat in an organism. And here about what to do, we will very in details talk further. But at first let's find out, superfluous kgs whence undertake? * At people with excess weight the so-called diabetes of the second type is more often develops. It develops at mature age and long time proceeds . Insulin is applied To its treatment rather seldom. There is usually enough only a diet or a diet and preparations. By the way, on this type of a diabetes 80 % of all cases of disease are necessary. Whence superfluous kgs undertake? As it is not sad, but the true reasons underlying a set of superfluous kgs of fat, till now precisely are not established.

1996: A Virus Hepatitis And - 252,5 In

1996: a virus hepatitis And - 252,5 in Stavropol, 231,9 in edge, a virus hepatitis In - 16,6 in Stavropol, 9,2 in edge, a virus hepatitis With-1,5 in Stavropol, 1,4 in edge. 1997: the virus hepatitis And - 55,02 in Stavropol, 81,56 in edge, a virus hepatitis In - 15,28 in Stavropol, 7,18 in edge, a virus hepatitis With was not documented. Bajda K.J., Bezrodnova S.M., Zelenova E.S., Rogova S.S., Jatsenko N.A. , . Propaedeutics of children's illnesses . The head: a member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, prof. Orehov K.V. INDICATORS SPECIFIC IMMUNITY AT THE CONGENITAL VIRUS HEPATITIS IN DYNAMICS OF INFECTIOUS PROCESS. Indicators Ig A at sharp forms of a congenital virus hepatitis In as much as possible differ during the first half of the year of a life owing to presence of current process and activation reactions in reply to a hepatitis virus In, and authentic distinctions of level Ig A between the form and the form with throughout the first 2 months of a life is not revealed.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Suffers Attacks For Many Years. In The Last

Suffers attacks for many years. In the last two days attacks have become frequent and within last six months happened monthly. One days prior to an attack usually there comes a depression - the presentiment of an attack which, gradually accruing, usually comes to an end with an attack. Recently such condition became constants and - because of fear before able to come an attack, does not go out of doors. 21.II - the blood Analysis: Na=260mg %; K=23,1mg %; Mg=0,4mg %; Ca=11,3mg %; Eh=140 . 22.II - Intravenous injection: (StNa+NaCl+MgCl2+glut)/10. 27.II - Intravenous injection: StNa+NaCl+MgCl2+glut. 8.III - the blood Analysis: Na=292mg %; K=20,1mg %; Mg=1,5mg %; Ca=14mg %; Eh=147 . 9.III - Intravenous injection: StNa+NaCl+glut. 15.III - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+glut. 20.III - the blood Analysis: Na=302mg %; K=20,5mg %; Mg=1,5mg %; Ca=11mg %; Eh=162 . Injections are stopped 25.III - - feels healthy. The Depression is not present. Goes out of doors, happens in public places. During treatment of attacks was not.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Optimum Conditions For Development Are Created At Tenfold

Optimum conditions for development are created at tenfold cultivation. It has appeared more difficult optimisation of existence of all population in various conditions. The matter is that in process of increase of the general biomass water starts to become soiled products of an exchange of these animals that depresses them. Thereupon an indispensable condition of work of treatment facilities is bioproduction removal that is the positive fact as meat of Crustacea is a valuable forage for animals. Taking into account that in interests of developed technology we are interested in the greatest biomass in ditches and simultaneously in the greatest duration of existence of population we have chosen a variant with a constant biomass about five gramme on cubic metre. Thus the volume of removed production on the average reaches during operation of population to twenty gramme on cubic metre a day. Thus, clearing of cattle-breeding drains really to carry out by means of polyculture of microseaweed and a plankton which optimum structure else should be defined.

Monday, December 3, 2007

There Is Exact Enough Data That Wrong Actions

There is exact enough data that wrong actions in respect of weight reduction increase tendency to corpulence and with completeness all will consult then more difficultly. Why? Because during a diet, especially if it is picked up incorrectly, the organism is accustomed to spend more economically energy, starts it to protect. That is, when the person grows thin exclusively on purpose to improve appearance, by the way, aim, reputable, it should do from the very beginning all correctly. Actually, it is better to do in any case all correctly. And how it is correct? If I tell at once about it, many of you to me will not believe and will be right. A principle of my narration in other. I prefer that my readers would understand an essence of things then they easily will understand and the conclusions drawn by me. One is bad, the narration from my reasonings becomes longer and, where that boring. But, believe, the problem of that costs. I adhere to the Same principle and in work with patients. I cannot treat their all life.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Kinds Of Sort Chorthippus - Inhabitants Of Thickness

Kinds of sort Chorthippus - inhabitants of thickness of a grassy cover - the presents , use in food the big set as cereals, and . Ch. brunneus Thnb. - changeable - the polyphage also uses the fad in food from cereals - an oats, barley, , ; from grasses - a lucerne, , chicory. Ch. dichrous - the southern fad and Ch. parallelus-korotkokrylyj the fad, meet on meadows, in deltas of the rivers (Kuban, Terek) and considerably harm to pastures and meadows. Heteracris pterosticha - keeps mainly at water (along channels, ), harms sometimes to cultures. Epacromius targestinus - saline - roadsides of channels, fields with weed vegetation, saline soils and the salted soils with cereal and sedge vegetative cultures. Sort Calliptamus - in territory of the Stavropol height is presented by two kinds (C. itilicus L., C. barbarus barbarus) I. Beat-bienko has carried these kinds to , having an extensive area and all vegetative groupings occupying almost. Upholstered on open sites of soil, for a food use as cereal vegetation, and and bushes.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Basic Stages Here Three. The First Stage

The basic stages here three. The first stage is their carrying over to the blood environment on a vascular channel to the inflamed centre. The second stage - passage through capillary walls in the inflamed centre and, at last, the third stage - action display in fabrics of the inflamed centre. Substances entered by us should not change the properties at mixture with blood and remain in the dissolved kind. At the same time they should not form strong links with components of blood and should not curtail it. In the first case we have received absence of action in the further stages of a way, and in the second case we will receive a thrombosis. Experimental check should be answered on following questions: 1) Whether cause the given substances change of biological properties of blood, i.e. what their influence on coagulability of blood, , their subsidence and . . 2) Whether are sated in blood, which it is equal 7,30 - 7,36, chrome and it passes all basicities in insoluble chrome. Research of these moments has shown the following: 1) the given structures considerably detain fibrillation process.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

We Test A Technique Of Definition Of Speed

We test a technique of definition of speed of reduction bodies by measurement of time for achievement of the maximum pressure of accommodation. For this purpose, in the beginning, by E.S.Avetisova's technique (1986), were defined positive and negative reserves of accommodation, and then by means of second readout time of adaptation of the patient to as much as possible disseminating lens was defined. Clinical inspection in clinic of microsurgery of eye is spent on 14 patients, mainly young age. With the differentiated account of age stocks of accommodation have allowed to divide surveyed patients into groups with the normal, lowered and lowest ergonomic abilities muscles. Along with it, in last two groups decrease in production of an intraocular liquid to 1,0-1,5 (was marked at norm 2,5 - 4,5 mm \mines). abilities bodies spent research by a well-known technique of definition of minute volume of an intraocular liquid (F) at electronic on Shiottsu, on -100. The obtained data confirms that a progressing basis is discrepancy of functions bodies.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Therefore By Consideration Of A Question On The

Therefore by consideration of a question on the mechanism of action of our medical actions the account of a role of a soedinitelno-fabric step is necessary. Modern representations about a connecting fabric as about physiological system of an organism, are created by A.A.Bogomoltsa's researches and its schools. Let's result A.A.Bogomoltsa's statements on this question. "Representation about a connecting fabric of an organism as about physiological system though it is prepared by numerous researches of authoritative scientists, since brilliant researches of Ranve, however, demand also now some explanatories". "Now every day, in process of question studying, the sphere of influence of a connecting fabric on a current of vital processes in an organism reveals more and more". "Representation about nonformalization of the intercellular substances produced by cellular elements of a connecting fabric, also is only a consequence of their insufficient studying". "Cellular elements of physiological system of a connecting fabric develop generated in the form of fibres and not properly executed small and , the various chemical nature of substance which, filling space between capillaries and cages , together with capillaries, form so-called a barrier.

Monday, November 26, 2007

And Still. To Name This Diet Absolutely Safe

And still. To name this diet absolutely safe and harmless all the same it is impossible. Often enough at patients against its application headaches and decrease in intellectual working capacity that is obviously connected with infringement of a food of a brain are noticed. Often, at infringement of vodno-salt balance at patients stones in kidneys and a bilious bubble can be formed. At last, some cases of cardiac arrest are described at application , and for patients which to an initiation of treatment did not complain of heart. Seldom who from practical doctors will risk to apply this diet out of walls of a medical hospital. And it is one more lack as the majority sick of excess weight on the condition do not require hospitalisation and do not wish to lie in hospital. Here it is possible to bring some result. Without a diet not to manage, but what of them take, everyone has those or other lacks. Most often there is following: Bad shipping Organism adaptation, reduction of a power consumption and as result delay of rates of decrease in weight of a body or the weight loss termination Potential harm for the patient, especially if the diet is poor fiber, minerals and food fibres.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Experimental Checks Of Their Action On An Organism

Experimental checks of their action on an organism in the conditions of the given medical technique was not. The question all time remained opened. Now it followed resolve. The essence of a question consisted in the following: whether keep the groups SH properties, being entered into an organism as a part of standards, i.e. whether they influence in these conditions oxidation-reduction processes in an organism. The indicator choice defined also an experience technique. In the conditions of our works such indicator which would characterise set of all oxidation-reduction processes, instead of their separate parts was favourable. The indicator, to such requirement, power level of processes of oxidation - restoration is satisfying. The size of power level of oxidation-reduction processes is expressed through Eh, i.e. through oxidation-reduction potential. The word "potential" shows that Eh defines itself size of oxidising or regenerative ability of the given solution. If we define this level the received size will show a reaction direction at mixture of this solution with a solution having others Eh.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

S. . ** From Milk The Doctor-slim Differs

S. . ** From milk The doctor-slim differs already that at its cultivation to a consistence of usual milk, the squirrel in it appears approximately in one and a half time more, and in 30 times it is less than fat, than in milk. * the Unique situation when fat is allocated with an organism arises at women at feeding by a breast. Fat losses thus reaches 50 grammes a day. Therefore feeding women well enough grow thin at simple a food. * Happens and on the contrary. At stress appetite amplifies. This phenomenon is called as reaction . Above we already spoke about it. * the sating effect from the portion of a product containing 100 calories Means ** Their sating effect is connected with presence of knitting substances which calm and sensations of a hungry stomach, that is that we usually and we feel how feeling of hunger. * the Majority of women of middle age spend in day of an order of 2200-2500 kcals. It is no more. * Until recently was considered that the daily norm of consumption of fiber fluctuates in 70 - 100 grammes.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Really, As I Already Told, The Most Typical

Really, as I already told, the most typical complications of excess weight, hypertensive illness, an atherosclerosis and a diabetes are in many respects connected a lot of fat. Even, maybe, it is not so much in an organism as a whole, how many in blood. A malozhirnoe food leads to reduction of the maintenance of this fat and, as consequence, to decrease in arterial pressure. So, if the person is sick of a hypertension or an atherosclerosis (and such people in age group the majority is more senior 55 years already) but on what that to reasons does not wish to grow thin, I would recommend it a food. By the way, there are convincing enough researches showing that a food is the powerful factor of the prevention of development of a hypertension, an atherosclerosis, a diabetes and some tumours including at persons with normal weight of a body. These illnesses usually amaze people already at mature age. So I would recommend a food to all who is more senior 50 - 55 years, whether irrespective of they have excess weight or weigh normally.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Infringement Of This Rule Usually Gives Negative Medical

Infringement of this rule usually gives negative medical effect. This law is, however, relative as in certain cases, despite normalisation of sizes "K" and "Ca" in whey of blood, clinical improvement was not. These facts show that influence "K" and "Ca" medical structures and blood whey on a current of processes - is limited. Proceeding from representations about a direct communication of all phenomena considered here, it would be possible to see the reason of this limitation: In inferiority of methods of the analysis. In influence of others blood whey, besides "K" and "Ca". Inferiority of methods of the analysis is caused by that all "K" and "Ca" blood whey is in a kind of active ions: the part from them is connected with fibers, the part is a part of not dissociated molecules. Titration (actually analysis process) we define a total sum, instead of their active part. Therefore defined sizes can be equal by quantity and are various on action. Ways for elimination of this lack, on visible, still are not present.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

In This Connection We Have Defined The Purpose

In this connection we have defined the purpose of our research influence of game on formation of social and cultural qualities of the person of the child that has formed the basis to make the first attempts in workings out of the program of games on socialisation and a cult of a portable radio set of the person of the child - the preschool child in DOW. For this purpose we have developed diagnostic toolkit on revealing of levels of development of social and cultural qualities of the person of the child in game. Approbation of the given program and diagnostic toolkit assumes drawing up of recommendations for tutors, the teachers working in DOW, for the purpose of use of the given program. E.A.Novikova . . , . . And . . And . Formations . The head: So-called MENTALITY ROLE IN DEFINITION OF VALUES AND THE FORMATION PURPOSES. Recently in the historical, socially-psychological, pedagogical and philosophical literature gets the driver's licence of citizenship concept of mentality. What is such? In what an essence of the given concept? World vision should not be mixed with outlook or ideology.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It Starts To Be Allocated In Blood. Increase

It starts to be allocated in blood. Increase of level of fats in blood directly conducts to acceleration of development of an atherosclerosis and an ischemic heart trouble. Through a number of events increase of level of fats in blood conducts and to increase of arterial pressure. Fat fixing in fatty cages the hormone carries out insulin which is developed by pancreas cages. At increase of level of fat in blood the pancreas should apply more and more efforts what to keep fat in fatty cages. Insulin level in blood starts to raise. But can happen and so that insulin even at the big concentration in blood will not suffice and then in the conditions of shortage of this hormone will start to raise and sugar level in blood. And it already a diabetes. Believe, if excess weight would not become complicated so often diseases listed above, it would not be a medical problem. At the best - cosmetic. By the way, will develop or not these complications, depends not only on weight of superfluous fat, but also from, whether it is possible to an organism to keep this surplus in fatty cages, or not.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Any Other Illness People Are Not Ill So

Any other illness people are not ill so often as with adiposity. In have 54 million person. Depresses also that frequency of adiposity steadily grows in the majority of the countries. Scientists conclude that the developed countries deal with adiposity epidemic. Really, epidemic. It has been counted up that adiposity as a social problem manages to Englishmen in 13 billion pounds sterling, and to Americans in 70 billion dollars annually. As to Europe here as mark, figures of distribution of adiposity though also a little smaller, than to the USA, but too the impressive. Frequency of disease at adults varies in the different countries a little and fluctuates from 22 to 28 percent. Disease above in the south of continent and slightly more low in the countries of Scandinavia. Practically everywhere growth of frequency of disease is to a greater or lesser extent marked. And, programs of training extending in last decades the population focusing inhabitants on more balanced diet and more active way of life, yet have not stopped these tendencies.

Paradox. It Appears It Is Possible To Get

Paradox. It appears it is possible to get fat starving. For example, somebody is capable to burn for days a maximum 100 fat. It almost 1000 kcals of an order of 35 percent from average day caloric content It is admissible, he has eaten for a day only two glasses 30 percentage fat contents, that is 150 fat are swept away. it? Certainly is not present. It will be hungry. But this day it will get in a stock 50 more fat. You only think - all the day to starve, what in the end of day also to grow stout. It is not difficult to count up that if the person will hold on on such diet month though agree, will sustain it difficultly enough in the end of this month it will grow stout already on one and a half kg. I often enough had to meet, directly , paradoxical cases of a set of weight. For example, when patients, on purpose to grow thin kept to a diet consisting of one vegetable salads. But these salads have been plentifully enough seasoned by vegetable oil or mayonnaise. After a month of a food such the weight not only did not decrease, but on the contrary increased by 2-3 kgs.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Facts Have Shown That Lowered Sizes Na,

The facts have shown that lowered sizes Na, K, Mg and Ca in blood whey are normalised, if to medical structures corresponding elements are added. To assume that normalisation of sizes blood whey is only a direct consequence of addition from the outside of corresponding elements while there is no data. For example, as a result of intravenous injection of 1 sm [3] medical structures to all weight of circulating blood increase: Na=5,54 mg; K=2,62 mg; Mg=0,06 mg; Ca=0,2 mg. Certainly, such small doses of entered substances cannot be reflected in balance of corresponding elements, limits of which physiological fluctuations in hundreds times exceed these sizes. Thus, really there are bases to consider normalisation of whey of blood by a consequence of the processes arising in an organism under the influence of the certificate of intervention. It is necessary to find out now the qualitative nature of these reactions and their starting point. The certificate of medical intervention consists in intravenous introduction of 1 sm [3] our medical structures.

Monday, November 5, 2007

And. To , . . And . .

And. To , . . And . . And . Formations The supervisor of studies: senior lecturer Taranova . SOCIALIZATION OF THE CHILD - THE PRESCHOOL CHILD. The childhood represents the special condition which essence is process of a growing of the child, its occurrence in the social world of adults that provides acquisition of properties and qualities of the mature person. Occurrence in the social world occur directly through interaction of the child to adults. This interaction of the person and a society is designated by concept "socialisation". However socialisation function is not settled only by possibility of interaction of the person and a society. It also provides society preservation as socialisation promotes mastering by new citizens of ideals and values. The socialisation problem draws many years steadfast attention of scientists. Almost all schools have the explanation of process of socialisation. Sources of development of the theory of socialisation had researchers: G.Tard, Parsons, V.

Do Not Forget, At Faster Modes Of A

Do not forget, at faster modes of a weight loss the organism can lose along with fat and a considerable quantity of a muscular fabric. And reduction of weight of muscles, that is that fabric in which basically fat also is spent is a sharp reduction of possibilities of an organism on its oxidation. Others, words, the more muscles it is lost, increase of weight is especially probable then and the it is necessary to apply efforts on its maintenance more. Even kg figures 3-5 a month and that should be brought cautiously. My patients having grown thin for a month of kg for two often ask me: "That the doctor, is not enough?". By no means, all depends on that on how many easily these kgs were gave. It first. Secondly, weight reduction, it always stress. The organism strains, it should suffer of deprivations, constantly to constrain itself. Even healthy it is heavy. And if the person is sick? For example, at it a hypertension? To grow thin to it it is necessary. Pressure increase often happens is caused by excess weight.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Blood Analysis: Na=320mg %; K=17mg %; Mg=2,7mg

The blood analysis: Na=320mg %; K=17mg %; Mg=2,7mg %; Ca=9mg %; Eh=160 . 19.II - Intravenous injection: StK+glut. 2.III - Intravenous injection: (StK+glut)/10. The patient feels much better. Eats the crackers soaked in tea, a cream of wheat and mashed potatoes. Has recovered and has added a little in weight. Injections are stopped. 10.III - Owing to infringements in a diet there were diarrheas. The certificate of swallowing became worse. Has strongly weakened. 13.III - the blood Analysis: Na=294mg %; K=23,2mg %; Mg=2mg %; Ca=8,5mg %; Eh=158 . 14.III - Intravenous injection: (StNa+glut)/10. 20.III - Intravenous injection: (StNa+CaCl2+glut)/10. 24.III - Diarrheas have stopped. The food passes freely. The blood analysis: Na=320mg %; K=20,1mg %; Mg=2mg %; Ca=8,7mg %; Eh=163 . 29.III - - has caught a cold. Complains of a stitch. 3.IV - the blood Analysis: Na=320mg %; K=17,2mg %; Mg=2,3mg %; Ca=8,8mg %; Eh=155 . 4.IV - Intravenous injection: StK+glut. Further injections did not become. 20.IV - - feels well.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Saw The Patient After Six Months. Feels Absolutely

Saw the patient after six months. Feels absolutely healthy. 10) - - , 34 years. It is sick within two years - a lung cancer. It is regularly treated by radiotheraphy. As a result of a treatment last year the cancer tumour has decreased in 2 times. Felt well. Two weeks ago has felt a headache which gradually amplified. Every other day - has been forced to lay down in bed. Movements of the left hand became inconvenient, the same has occurred and to the bottom left finiteness. The phenomena accrued and there has come a paralysis of the left hand and the left foot. A number of experts is inclined to consider as the paralysis reason a metastatic cancer of a brain. 3.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=240mg %; K=13mg %; Mg=1mg %; Ca=11mg %; Eh=140 . 4.VI - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+glut. [12?].VI - Intravenous injection: (StNa+NaCl+glut)/10. 17.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=290mg %; K=17,85mg %; Mg=0,75mg %; Ca=10,5mg %; Eh=147 . 18.VI - Intravenous injection: (StK+KCl+glut)/10. The condition - has considerably improved.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Freely Transfer Repeated Intravenous Injections Of The Structure

Freely transfer repeated intravenous injections of the structure 549 which doses were from 5-10 sm3 each time. After that it has been started experiences with a stick . For an exception of influence of individuality experiences were put by series. The number skilled and was identical (from 5 to 8). Rabbits caught , doses undertook deadly. To skilled rabbits intravenous injections were made in one part of experiences simultaneously with infection, and in other part in 1 hour after infection. All rabbits under supervision was 86. Results were the following: all rabbits - both skilled, and control - were lost. The analysis of reports has shown the following: at coincidence of the moments of infection and intravenous injection skilled rabbits lived on 6 % less, than control and the phenomena at them were observed on 33 % more often. At the intravenous injections made in hour after infection, life expectancy of skilled rabbits on 44 % more than control and the phenomena at skilled on 85 % are more rare, than at the control.

It Turns Out That Typing Weight The Person

It turns out that typing weight the person as though adapts for fatter food and it is protected from the further set of weight. There can be that you have just read, will not seem to you essential, but me the question why the person throughout several years eats not correctly always interested, and its weight is at a stop and does not increase. After all according to the logic of things its weight should grow steadily. Now the answer is found. The the person more thickly, the better it with other things being equal burns fat. And if in the beginning he recovered if fat content of its food exceeded for example 70 grammes a day now, having recovered on 30 kg, it does not type weight even if the fat maintenance in its diet reaches 130 in day. And the return situation, at weight reduction progressively decreases ability of an organism to oxidise fat. Law approximately same: at reduction of weight by each 10 kg of possibility of its oxidation decrease on 20 in day. The reason also consists in it, by the way, adiposity.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Intravenous Injection Of 6 Sm3 549. 14.I

Intravenous injection of 6 sm3 549. 14.I It is few inflammation. very small. The phenomena the same. Injections are stopped. THE CONTROL. 11.I the Rabbit white, ears grey. Infection simultaneous and similar with a skilled rabbit. 12.I 3 . . Places of injections , reddened. Are outlined . 13.I 4 . Day. The redness has amplified. has increased, much bigger, than at the skilled. on a surface has increased in comparison with the skilled. 14.I Nekroz is sharply designated. An inflammation and in a former condition. 16.I The inflammation phenomena became less. 18.I Inflammation and decrease, but are expressed accurately. It is removed from supervision. EXPERIENCE. 14.I 1933 Rabbit white, ears black. 11 . Day. Conditions the same infections, as in the previous experience. 4 . Day. A redness. Big . The phenomena are expressed more strongly in a zone of 5 drops. Big . Intravenous injection of 6 sm3 549. 15.I 3 . Day. It is not enough place of injections . Reddenings are not present. Intravenous injection of 6 sm3 549.

Some Vitamins, Especially Ascorbic Acid And Group Vitamins

Some vitamins, especially ascorbic acid and group vitamins In, participate in fat oxidation. Their appointment is rather desirable. But the polyvitaminic preparations usually applied with that end in view can contain and the vitamins blocking disintegration of fat, in particular vitamin or nicotinic acid. That is and , the thing desirable, too should be appointed the doctor. Perhaps, the basic conclusion which I would like to offer you looks so: In an arsenal of modern medicine there is a number of means which against a diet can either improve its shipping or strengthen a fat expenditure that, will undoubtedly lead to result optimisation, however to appoint these means and to supervise their action the doctor having as an operational experience with these means, and with the patients having excess weight should. Whether physical activities are obligatory? Many people, suffering fatness, think that intensive physical activities are necessary for successful weight reduction, and, the more intensively, the better.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Application Of This Method Has Strengthened Further Trust

Application of this method has strengthened further trust to it and by the present moment the clinic collective considers possible cautious transition to statement of experiences of operations without sterile conditions on a corresponding material." The commission has confirmed the offer under condition of observance of following points: Cautious transition from insignificant interventions to more difficult is necessary; To create conditions conditions - cautiously and gradually; All material to subject to the careful both all-round analysis laboratory and clinical; All interventions are admissible to manufacture on patients, only from a permission and the consent of the last. Let's stop only on those cases which have been operated in absolutely unsterile conditions and concern a category of stationary operations, not the out-patient. Conditions of production of operations were the following: 1) Operations were made in the general operational. Hands did not wash, tools were not sterilised, the gauze was applied unsterile (bandage were cut).

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Freud, E.Ericson). The Problem Of Intellectual Development Has Been

Freud, E.Ericson). The problem of intellectual development has been developed by Z.Piazhe. It is the representative theories. L.Kolberg has developed the theory of moral development. Domestic as showed interest to the given problem. In 30th years L.S.Vygotsky has defined socialisation, as transformation in during joint activity and dialogue. I.S.Kon defines socialisation as "mastering by the individual of social experience, in which course is created the concrete person". B.D.Parygin considers that: "socialisation process represents occurrence in the social environment, the adaptation to it, development of certain roles and functions which after the predecessors are repeated by each separate individual throughout all history of the formation and development". The intrinsic sense of socialisation reveals on crossing of its such processes, as adaptation, integration, self-development and self-realisation. Their dialectic unity provides optimum development of the person throughout all human life with environment.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

III Series: The Skilled Animal Entered Intravenously 1

III series: the skilled animal entered intravenously 1 sm [3] water solutions - acids 0,5 - to 500 ml [HSCH2OOH a comment of M. and Century ]. In each series was five experiences. In total experiences was 15. For an illustration I will result some reports: I series. Experience No3. Rabbit white. A narcosis radio. The pocket in the left pad is made. Measuring (active) electrode - plus. (auxiliary) electrode - a minus. Time Eh in T? 6 55 361 +31? 7 00 398" 7 10 416" 7 15 435" 7 20 441" 7 25 439" 7 30 443" 7 35 443" In 7 35 intravenous injection of 1 sm [3] StK+0,05 sm [3] KCl n/I is made. 7 37 464 +31 � 7? 43 464" 7 50 464" 7 55 476 +30,5? 8 00? 487" 8 05 488" 8 10 494" 8 20 505" 8 25 513" Clinical outcome: the wound has begun to live without suppuration. Experience No5. Rabbit white. A narcosis radio. The pocket in the right pad is made. Measuring (active) electrode - plus. (auxiliary) electrode - a minus. Time Eh in T? 6 00 372 +30,5 � 6? 10 374" 6 15 390" 6 20 392" 6 25 387" 6 30 390" In 6 30 intravenous injection of 1 sm [3] StK+0,05 sm [3] KCl n/I is made.

Monday, October 22, 2007

At Skilled Rabbits Fabrics Have Been Condensed, At

At skilled rabbits fabrics have been condensed, at damp, putrefactive disintegration was observed. In one case at the phenomena dry were not. The number of leukocytes in blood increased in 2,5-3 times; at skilled in cases of their survival the number increase was observed usually. On all extent of this stage of works, a red thread passed aspiration to affect on process. The Etiologichesky moments were out of sight our interest. Results received in experiment and clinic, promoted strengthening of these positions and the idea of pathogenetic therapy in our representation became more rational, than idea of therapy . The technique of our work promoted it. Really: the simple fact of imposing of the bandage impregnated with structure No 549, or other of former updatings, contradicted elementary rules as these structures did not possess antiseptic properties and were not sterile. Each intravenous injection, since a skin puncture, , a venous wall and finishing introduction of these unsterile structures in blood, infected also fabric the channel and blood.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Uolter, Etc. G.Tart Believed That Socialisation Represents Only Accumulation

Uolter, etc. G.Tart believed that socialisation represents only accumulation by the individual of social roles, norms and values of that society to which it belongs, by imitation. Structurally functional direction of the American sociology ( . Parsons, R.Merton), socialisation process open through concept "adaptation". The essence of socialisation in humanistic sociology reveals through self-realisation process "I - concepts", self-realisation by the person of the potentialities and creative abilities, as process of overcoming of negative influences of the environment, disturbing to its self-development and self-affirmation. Here the subject is considered as itself becoming and itself developing system, a self-education product (G.Ollport, A.Maslou, K.Rogers, etc.). A number of other foreign theories in the head is put by various making persons, including their most significant. Psychoanalytic theories consider development spheres of the person. To them carry theories of psycho-social and psycho-sexual development (Z.

However Theoretical Concepts And Researches Of "life" Of

However theoretical concepts and researches of "life" of this phenomenon were considered separately: game theories in philosophy and a cultural history were universally - generalising, and studying of concrete game displays had especially empirical character. Till now game was studied by separate sciences as a private phenomenon of this or that sphere of activity of the person or as display of the higher animals. In a kind the big distance between empirical researches or speculative concepts some authors, as for example P.P.Blonsky, considered that, the general theory of game cannot be. If to offer impossibility of the general theory of game it is probable, all the same it is possible to speak about game as a cultural phenomenon which should be investigated specially. As theoretical sources Marxist works having the big methodological value about a defining role of work in occurrence of cultural values before should be used, including G.V.Plehanov who considered necessary revealing of work and game in culture for finding-out of genesis of art, and as it is known, has done essential work in this direction.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

From 100 Children On Artificial Feeding Since A

From 100 children on artificial feeding since a birth was 5 (5 %) the person. The others throughout various time received parent milk: till 3 months - 60 (60 %) children, by the time of introduction of the first feeding up (4,5 - 5 months) - 50 (50 %). After 1 year continued to receive chest milk 16 (16 %) children. Early transfer (till 3 months of a life) on the artificial or mixed feeding took place at 35 (35 %) children: at 21 (21 %) the child were used conditionally adapted mixes ("Baby", "Kid", "Check"), at 10 (10 %) - the adapted mixes ("by Similak," Nan "," Nestozhen "," Nutrilon ", etc.), at 4 (4 %) - not adapted mixes (integral dairy products). For correction of requirement for vitamins 25 (25 %) children received fruit juice from 3 monthly age, 55 (55 %) children - before this term, 20 (20 %) - after 3 months. Fruit mashed potatoes are entered into a diet 51 (51 %) the child at the age of 3 - 4 months, 12 (12 %) children have started to receive it to the specified term, and 37 (37 %) - after 4 months.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Here Again We Recommend It Usual Three Meals

Here again we recommend it usual three meals a day, naturally, consisting of products and before each food intake a portion the Doctor-slima. By the way, I already wrote that the Doctor-slim it is possible to apply and as addition in food instead of usual milk and even to preparation of cottage cheese and yoghurts. In general, I consider it it is very successful that the Doctor-slim to taste and on the majority of properties is similar to usual milk. After all every time the patient to the taste can use its that in the form of a coffee drink, with tea, from cocoa *, in the form of fruit and berry cocktails or yoghurts. There would be an imagination. We have supervision when patients, applying the Doctor-slim before meal and adding it in food did not type weight both on 6 and for 12 months whereas the world statistics shows that at the termination of treatment the weight of a body of the majority of patients comes back to initial level within the first year. I recollect one young man. It at the age of 18 years at growth of an order of 165 centimetres weighed kgs 170.

In This Connection The Offer Has Been Brought

In this connection the offer has been brought the following that originally human, the organised environment, inherently "the second nature" person, should be a basis of display and strengthening in consciousness of the child of trust to world around, confidence. The vital environment can and should develop and bring up the child, serve as a background and the intermediary in - developing interaction with adult and other children, should provide safety of their life, promote health strengthening. Converting activity of children that environment should promote formation at them representations about beauty and advantage, to bring up aesthetic taste and requirement to creativity. Proceeding from all above told it is possible to see that development of the child depends on that as it bring up, as education where it grows in what environment - monotonous, monotonous, standard or various, not ordinary, changing. The last is the most comprehensible in the today's developing world, trying any ways to find, organise that environment in which the child could develop, satisfy the requirements for dialogue with the nature, a society, contemporaries, with the various world of subjects and the phenomena, creating thereby a complete picture of the world.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Eventually The Pulse Diet Also Has Turned Out.

Eventually the pulse diet also has turned out. Or to tell more correctly, a pulse principle of construction of a diet. At first our thought developed on the following chain. A diet with it is expressed by low caloric content it is undoubtedly effective, but it is difficult enough for taking out. And what if a food typical for this diet to appoint every other day, and in other days to resolve any products? Interdictions? Yes, but only today, tomorrow again all is possible. And what if those days when all is possible, the patient will try to eat less fat? Gradually he will get used, after all now he will know, what exactly fat is dangerous to it. Will eat more fast food less to use oils. Then having stopped treatments, but without increasing fat consumption, it will support the weight at the reached level as much as long. In days of a usual food it is possible to eat flour and sweet, but it is necessary to try to eat these products in quantities, big, than you ate before diet observance - why? Recollect, flour and sweet (carbohydrates) in fat do not pass, but at their considerable quantity in food fat oxidation decreases.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Urgency Of Our Research Is Caused By

The urgency of our research is caused by that in modern conditions of formation. It is considered as open system, hence, it is necessary to develop the concept of interaction and coordination of institutes of formation with the centres of culture, leisure and art. From the cultural centres for children: musical, art, theatrical the special place is occupied with museums. Museum - historically caused multipurpose institute of the social information intended for preservation of cultural-historical and natural-science values, accumulation and distributions of the information by means of museum subjects. Today the new educational concept of a domestic museum is formed. The museum tries to refuse from former enough rigid ideological installations, aspires to develop the activity within the limits of the communications theory. The concept according to which at visitors the valuable relation to a cultural-historical heritage is formed becomes a basis of cultural-educational activity . The relation to an audience which starts to be perceived not as object which needs to be trained, brought up and as the participant of communicative process equal in rights, the dialogue which is carried out in the museum environment varies.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

By The Way, Very Interesting Supervision. In Some

By the way, very interesting supervision. In some cases our patients started to keep simultaneously to an unloading diet and intensively to go in for sports. And so, for first two weeks they lost less weight, than at application of one diet - a maximum of one kg. To tell that they have been upset, it to tell very softly. It is so much tortures!. And all speaks very simply. The hypostasis of muscles develops in the first days of intensive playing sports, or speaking differently, accumulation in liquid muscles. This hypostasis also masks weight loss. And it is valid. If to continue the taken mode of treatment for two weeks, or to make playing sports more sparing the hypostasis gradually takes place also weight reduction became considerable. In what can and with what massage cannot help? As that one of my patients in the initiation of treatment has warned me: "the Doctor, massage does not help me, recently passed a course, has accepted ten sessions, has not grown thin thus for kg." All is correct, massage has no independent value, however, help all the same can.

By The Time Of The Operation Termination When

By the time of the operation termination when the intestines were set in a belly cavity it was revealed that the part of a loop of a small intestine has got to narrow space between an edge of a surface of a table and a strip which is passing in parallel to it. Under the influence of a touch to metal in this place of an intestinal loop there was sharply expressed spasm and the part of a gut located more low has extended. The infringement was created as though, to liquidate which it was possible only minutes through 1-2. Seams have been removed for 5th day after operation. An outcome prima. B th has been detained for supervision and written out for 12th day after operation. 5) - - , 29 . An appendicitis. Operation under the general narcosis . Seams usual also have been removed for the third day after operation. An outcome - prima. Let's pass now to the description of the operations made in similar conditions, but under local anaesthesia. These operations a priori inspired some fears and that is why: experimental supervision on animals have shown that coincidence of the moments of intravenous injection and infection harmfully responds on the further current of process.

Friday, October 5, 2007

That The Child Of Preschool Age Perceived Riches

That the child of preschool age perceived riches of the museum information it is necessary to learn to look it an exposition. But at the present stage in museum pedagogics the technique of training of children to dialogue with relics is not developed enough and has formal character. Therefore also there was a necessity for system engineering of formation of preschool children for museums which will allow to attach children to the past, to the present and the future of the native land, to bring up feeling of patriotism and civilisation. Ivanov I.JU. , chair of preschool psychology and pedagogics . The head: . . PSYCHOLOGICAL BASES OF PERCEPTION OF SPACE AT CHILDREN OF THE PRESCHOOL AGE. The person from the moment of the birth stays in the certain vital environment which includes wide enough spectrum of the parametres influencing mental development and functioning of the person, affecting on it individually - mental shape on formation of stereotypes of perception specific to it and systems of relations to the validity.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

If They At Times Also Try To Assure

If they at times also try to assure us of the return and tell that eat very little to concern it, according to authors, it is necessary as to hide to clumsy attempts from us the truth. Whether so stout persons more thin eat or not? I specially tried to find the answer to this question and have looked through mountain of research journals. Has found some works saying that stout persons eat no more the thin. And some more where it has been established, what even is less. And here that more, has not found any. To admit first me it has surprised, especially the statement that if all people to divide on two groups and to the first to carry gluttons, and to the second the people eating moderately thin it will appear more in the first group, and fat men in the second. But the strict system of proofs presented by authors, has forced to believe and go to search for the reason in what that the friend. Therefore, when I hear from the patient that he eats a little, I usually trust it * (. And still.

The Same Both In Birthdays And On Other

The same both in birthdays and on other holidays. And, perhaps, here our researches had an interesting continuation. Really, if the spirit on treatment is so essential, and shipping of treatment is not less important indicator, than efficiency, it is necessary to give to the patient the right most to appoint to itself a mode. Well what, the right, sense to oblige the patient to observe let obviously effective but heavy enough mode of treatment if it all the same does not sustain it! So, by the way till now also was! The diet was set. Its patient could not sustain, threw. And the doctor spoke to it: "Well, my dear if you do not wish to carry out my recommendations as I will treat you? I will not treat you! "Also added then:" What you, the right, weak-willed! ". I hope, I already managed to convince you that will powers at people having excess weight, frequently much more, than at people with normal weight of a body. Do not trust? Find among the thin acquaintances at least one who would starve days or more.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Spices: Are Recommended: An Onions, Garlic, Parsley And

Spices: Are recommended: an onions, garlic, parsley and an onions-rezanets - without restrictions. Are resolved (in a small amount): allspice, an anise, a bay leaf, a coriander, fennel, (sweet fennel), a muscat, ( ), rosemary, a sage, a saffron, , a thyme, , summer savory (garden ??). Are forbidden: all the others. Linen oil. Linen oil strongly differs on the structure from other vegetable oils - I lower biochemistry is a unique oil which can be used at . The problem that linen oil quickly is oxidised in the presence of oxygen - after a large bottle is opened (linen oil oil is on sale sealed in a large bottle with nitrogen instead of air [i.e. in a large bottle, and from above there is some air - and so in a large bottle of linen oil from above - nitrogen]) oil spoils literally for some days even in a freezer. Therefore, possibly, best variant - having extracted flax seeds, to squeeze out oil most, directly ahead of the use, using the same press, as for juice. Thus at on linen oil it is impossible to fry anything, in general it to heat up (i.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Extended, But Not The Universal. At Some, At

Extended, but not the universal. At some, at all desire it is not possible to connect surplus of fat with . And you such know. For example crooner Krylov or nearly so all structure of group " ". Loadings at them enormous, and adiposity are. Why promotes weight increase? More low we will consider this question in more details, here we will specify the following. Muscles are rather effective trap of fat. Not to remind that 90 percent of all fat in an organism are oxidised or burns down in muscles. And still. In working muscles fat oxidation repeatedly amplifies. And, it is natural, on the contrary, if the person works as muscles also fat in them is oxidised a little a little. Here again some more words. Work of muscles is not always obvious or even is appreciable. For example a muscular tone. This partial reduction of muscles defining their availability for service. Energy too is spent for maintenance of this reduction. Probably, many of you noticed that the tone depends on mood. The above mood, the above a tone.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

These Influences Are Doubtless. As Their Proof The

These influences are doubtless. As their proof the example of fluctuation of the maintenance can serve in blood under the influence of painful irritations. How these influences are carried out? The histology has not found out the nervous terminations in . And inaccessibility of their existence in wandering cages in rest, and furthermore in the cages which have left a condition of rest. It is necessary to think of nervously-gumoralnyh influences, about development in an organism of the substances regulating activity of cellular elements in physiological system of a connecting fabric, and about the nervous influences regulating development of these substances ". "It is necessary to think that each cage of an internal not only receives regulating influences from sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Regulating activity of vegetative nervous system, in turn, should go those changes bio- and physical and chemical character which arise in a cage in the course of its ability to live and are subject to elimination ".

Cocoa-slim 1 Table Spoon The Doctor-slim, 1/2 Teaspoons

Cocoa-slim 1 table spoon the Doctor-slim, 1/2 teaspoons of soluble cocoa, 200 of Boiled water. All components to mix by means of a mixer before skin occurrence, to use the cooled. The given cocktail can be used for replacement of standard practices of food in days of limited intake of food. 2. Fruto-slim Half of one banana either 4 strawberries, or 1 peach, or 1 table spoon of a raspberry, 1 table spoon of a mix the Doctor-slim, 1 tablet or , 200 . Boiled water. To use the cooled. The given cocktail can be used Table 3 Caloric content and structure of most often used products The appendix 4 Recipes of preparation of cocktails on the basis of a product "Doctor-slim". 1. Cocoa-slim 1 table spoon the Doctor-slim, 1/2 teaspoons of soluble cocoa, 200 of Boiled water. All components to mix by means of a mixer before skin occurrence, to use the cooled. The given cocktail can be used for replacement of standard practices of food in days of limited intake of food. 2. Fruto-slim Half of one banana either 4 strawberries, or 1 peach, or 1 table spoon of a raspberry, 1 table spoon of a mix the Doctor-slim, 1 tablet or , 200 .

1 . Day: Intravenously 1 Sm3 549. 15.I

1 . Day: Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 15.I 12 . Day: Intravenously 1 sm3 549. A skin without changes. is not present. 16.I the Skin hardly . Small . 11 .45 day: Intravenously 1 sm3 549. A skin . 19.I Reddenings of a skin are not present. In the heart of hypodermic plane , it is a little away from a prick. 11 .30 day: Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 20.I has decreased. 12 . Day: in area 1 sm3 of staphylococcal culture, the same that in last experience. 1 . Day: Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 21.I without change. Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 22.I decreases. Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 25.I is not present. A skin normal. THE CONTROL. 14.I the Rabbit a hare, whitish. Weight 1500 . Conditions the same infections, as at the skilled. 15.I the Skin slightly . in an injection place. 17.I the Skin reddened. it is a bit more. 19.I the Skin red, . 20.I without change. under a skin of staphylococcal culture of 1 sm3. 21.I became more. A skin more reddened. 25.I the same. Decrease in the phenomena it is not observed. EXPERIENCE.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

III Series. Experience No1. Rabbit White. A Narcosis

III series. Experience No1. Rabbit white. A narcosis radio. The pocket in the left pad is made. Measuring (active) electrode - plus. (auxiliary) electrode - a minus. Time Eh in T? 6 35 394 +32? 6 40 404" 6 45 410" 6 55 435" 7 25 423" 7 30 439" 7 35 447" In 7 35 it is entered intravenously 1 sm [3] - acids (0,5 - to 500,0 ). 7 37 447 +32? 7 38 445" 7 50 443 +31,8? 7 54 439" 7 56 447" 8 00 447" 8 15 443" Clinical outcome: a wound . Experience No4. Rabbit white, ears grey. A narcosis radio. The pocket in the left pad is made. Measuring (active) electrode - plus. (auxiliary) electrode - a minus. Time Eh in T? 6 40 360 +30,5? 6 45 364" 6 55 372" 7 00 398" 7 10 384" 7 20 394" 7 25 394" 7 30 398" In 7 30 it is entered intravenously 1 sm [3] - acids (0,5 - to 500,0 ). 7 35 398 +30,5? 7 40 392" 7 50 395" 8 00 394" Clinical outcome: a wound . Total results of these experimental supervision were such: I series: In all supervision after intravenous injection of 1 sm [3] StK+0,05 sm [3] KCl n/I the potential size increased also a wound further healed without a suppuration.

In A Fodder Diet Are Noted: A Bittercress,

In a fodder diet are noted: a bittercress, , grapes, a dogrose, bean, a potato, sunflower, grain cereals, a wormwood, etc. Ciscaucasia was for a long time area mass two dangerous kinds of locust Dociostaurus maroccanus Thnb. D. brvicollis Ev. These kinds live in a grassy cover, but do not avoid open sites of soil. Have the mixed type of a food. T.Tokgaev (1966) is almost omnivorous kind. Marks for it about 70 kinds of various fodder plants. Prefers cereals, , , some bean, etc. From cultural - grain cereals. Gorkunova V.V. , zoology chair . The head: Dementyev M. S. EKOLOGO-PHYSIOLOGICAL RESEARCHES OF THE METABOLISM OF ANIMALS. The aspiration to animal physiology knowledge under natural conditions for an establishment of a physiological condition of an organism and activity of its separate systems quickly increases. Continuous growth of the population of globe, problem of excess of a standard of life of millions people demand economic development of the new territories which earlier almost have been not used by the person - Arctic regions, Antarctica, hot deserts - an arid zone, and also biological efficiency for a long time already the territories occupied by the person.

Americans For A Designation Of This Effect Of

Americans for a designation of this effect of returning of weight after its decrease have thought up even the special term weight cycling - weight. This most weight drives stout persons to despair. Often having come to be treated to me they especially underlined "the Doctor, whether probably to grow thin so, what never not to recover any more, or all it is useless?". In general that to recover more difficult than to grow thin. Can even be easier. But about it hardly more low. Here a conclusion which has very big practical value for being guided by it the person can support the weight at constant level as much as long: If the person does not wish to recover, it should at least, learn to eat fat less than eats now. As less as possible It appears, it is not difficult, after all presence of fat at food practically does not increase it , and absence does not lead to hunger. If you yet do not trust me, try to eat a sandwich with oil and honey or only with honey. A sense of fulness one and too though in the latter case you have eaten on 200-250 kcals less.

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Human Body Does Not Develop Them. From

The Human body does not develop them. From here and the indispensability moment. In food they meet in fat of fishes, or, speaking easier, in cod-liver oil. Since the childhood many of you remember its opposite taste. But it was necessary to drink, after all it is a source of vitamin , so necessary for growth of children's stones. And so, it has appeared, as at mature age it is possible to accept cod-liver oil, but already as a source of these most - 3 fat acids. And still. It has appeared that these fat acids possess powerful action. Allow me not to press in the mechanism of this effect, he is learnt enough. Take my a word. And that cod-liver oil would be more pleasant or, more precisely, is less opposite, it have learnt to do in capsules. Daily norm about one-three gramme pass. For the purpose of reception necessary kolichestvaomega-3 fat acids it is possible to recommend to eat more fishes. Especially many these acids in fat salmon and fishes. The certain structural requirement is available and in vegetative and animal fats.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

By Means Of Described Above The Device Or

By means of described above the device or a rubber pear enters to itself coffee into back pass. Lies, having relaxed in any at its choice to a pose. Keeps coffee of 12-15 minutes. All. If there are difficulties with injection of the whole quart, with deduction throughout 12 minutes, etc. all can be varied it a little, but in general at some practice all should turn out. At desire (in case of spasms and any other problems) it is possible to anticipate a coffee enema ( tea 4 table spoons of colours of a camomile on 1 quart of water are used at a body temperature, 5 minutes are kept). In beginning it is necessary to do coffee enemas of time at 4 o'clock (it is possible is more often if the state of health to that calls), approximately in a month it is possible to reduce their quantity gradually. Notice that the double coffee enema (i.e. 2 enemas successively) has slightly other influence, than 2 enemas divided by some time interval. 2.IV.4. A kastorovaja enema. In the morning: swallow two table spoons oils, wash down with a cup of hot sweet coffee (it is a unique situation in which during therapy it is authorised to drink coffee).

Friday, September 21, 2007

This Principle Of A Structure Of Formation In

This principle of a structure of formation in culture of new time correspond to principles of the organisation of this culture. It is possible to allocate a number of problems in an education system. Constructed for specialised knowledge the formation space does not consult with the problem since the volume of knowledge in culture not only has considerably exceeded possibilities of its transfer through formation, but also continues to increase quickly. Mass character of formation, democratisation, both an average, and higher education. Developed in culture of new time the education system is aimed at training, instead of on education. Therefore it is necessary to tell about creation of a new education system, which the new purposes of formation. As culture and formation interaction is very important, . . considers that formation and culture are two parties of genetically uniform process . Now the educational centres (schools, lyc?es, grammar schools, universities) should become simultaneously and the culture centres, and subjects of its creativity and consumption.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

By The Way, Reaction To Stress - Unique

By the way, reaction to stress - unique infringement of a diet is far not. Still it is possible to meet so-called carbohydrate thirst. It when the person consumes very much a considerable quantity of carbohydrates (flour and sweet), and at attempts to reduce this quantity runs into the real depression. It is interesting that sugar in these cases plays a role something like a drug. At refusal of it the burdensome condition often accompanied by infringement of mood, depression, and sometimes and aggressive displays develops. But it is necessary to receive sugar as all these phenomena pass in food. It is clear that such people should consume considerable quantities sweet and excess weight at them is more probable. Though besides, numerous cases when patients with carbohydrate thirst have quite normal weight are known. Often enough at women appetite strengthening last 3-4 days menstrualno-ovarialnogo a cycle is observed. This original infringement of a food can be combined with carbohydrate thirst or reaction to stress, but can act and separately.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Imitans 1,2 Gerp Dry Open Places 11 F.

imitans 1,2 Gerp Dry open places 11 F. cunicularia 2 Gerp Luga, glades, glades 12 Aphaenogaster Subterranea 1 Gerp moderately damp woods 13 Monomorium pharaonis 1,2 Sinantrop In houses of the person of the Place of finds: 1th Stavropol, 2th Kislovodsk Designations a biomorph are given on Arnoldi 1968: - , - , - . . . , . Zoology of Nauch. The head: Dementyev M. S. ECONOMIC And BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANTIATION of ISLEDOVANY Many valuable in the economic and ecological relation animals (for example, ) are used or used completely because of insufficient studying of their biological value. Use in an ecological direction has led to ordering of descriptions of some characteristic representatives of fauna Aranei (E.Laksman, 1770; I.Lepyokhin, 1795; I.Krynitsky, 1837). More often supervision were casual. And bases of original scientific comparative studying of behaviour were put by V.Wagner (1894). As eat only live extraction, and the majority of our spiders - insects, mainly their preservation and cultivation in certain quantities represent a powerful business factor at agriculture development.

A.I.artemenko, N.A.hook , . Anatomy And Human Physiology

A.I.artemenko, N.A.hook , . Anatomy and human physiology . The head - . M. DYNAMICS OF ATTENTION OF PUPILS 10 - CLASSES OF HIGH SCHOOLS. The decision senior pupils of the majority of mental problems, basically, is connected with display and intense functioning of processes of attention and short-term memory. Their compound components, as it is known, are mobility of nervous processes (including speed of circulation of a nervous impulse), and also steadiness of excitation and braking of the various nature. All parties of nervous activity set forth above proceed cyclically and are subordinated to management by means of internal clocks. At the same time data on attention in the accessible literature extremely insufficiently. Questions shifts of the various parties of cerebration and their determination by cyclic astronomical processes are especially poorly taken up. In connection with, the purpose of the present research studying of week dynamics of attention of pupils of the senior classes of high schools and influence on it of a lunar cycle was specified.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

2.IV.2. The Device For An Enema How To

2.IV.2. The device for an enema How to give an enema - in general not essentially but as the device used for this purpose by Institute Gersona, differs from a rubber pear used in Russia, I will result the description of this device (actually I not in a course quite probably that such device and in Russian medicine is applied). So: the device consists from: 1. The rubber tank with a drain below, an aperture for in it liquids above and a hook for which it can be suspended, 2. The flexible plastic tube attached to a drain of the tank, coming to an end 3. A plastic tip of long 10-20 centimetres and in external diameter of 6-7 millimetres, in a junction with a tube 4. A clip on a tube 2. The tube is clamped by a clip, the tank is suspended at height of 40-50 centimetres over a cot, coffee is filled in in the tank, the tip is greased with vaseline, the patient lays down on a cot, inserts a tip to itself into back pass and unclenches a clip. 2.IV.3. An enema The patient lays down on a warm, convenient cot.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In Other Words, If In Food It Is

In other words, if in food it is not enough fat products, the rest it is possible and not to consider all. All the same you cannot eat them so many that fat content of your day diet would exceed 40 grammes. And still that too has come to light in our researches. People very quickly get used to be guided in fat content of those or other products. So all these tables in which the quantity of fat is resulted, are necessary to them literally on first one-two weeks. I expect a question: "the Doctor, but after all if to exclude from food all fat, an organism can suffer, or the person can manage in general without fat?". Really, fat molecules are necessary for normal ability to live of an organism. These molecules are built in membranes (cover) of cages and cellular , form special structures for carrying over to blood of some fibers and vitamins. It, so-called, structural fat. Is in its structure and irreplaceable fat acids. In a science for their designation there is a term - polynonsaturated omega-3 fat *.

Whether It Is Known To You, What Only

Whether it is known to you, what only five of everyone hundred grown thin it is possible to keep the received result in a current of year? So to understand is in what and if you really wish to grow thin and never not to recover any more know that it is possible only in the event that you from the very beginning will do all correctly. Footnotes * M.M.Ginzburg, G.S.Kozupitsa, G.P.Kotelnikov Adiposity as illness of a way of life. Modern aspects of preventive maintenance and treatment. Publishing house of the Samara State medical university. Samara 1997 ** M.M.Ginzburg. Wish to grow thin? Publishing house "Samara house of the press" Samara 1997 * to Understand it follows so. Application only loadings of the stipulated type does not cause authentic weight reduction. However, if these loadings are applied against special diets, the effect of weight reduction amplifies a little. It more low we will speak about all in more details. It is necessary to consider what weight superfluous? Let's define to begin with when it is necessary to speak about excess weight.

Monday, September 10, 2007

And Still. Surplus Of Fat Can Develop In

And still. Surplus of fat can develop in blood and at people with quite normal weight. It can be connected a lot of fat in a food or with . Surplus of fat in blood can appear at people of advanced age if, certainly, they do not reduce consumption of fat with a food. And then at the person one of three typical complications will develop. And sometimes and all three at once. How to avoid weight increase? Question not the idle. Agree, taking into account that every second person is anyhow inclined to completeness. Besides, if after weight reduction it would not come back to initial level with the probability close to hundred percent perhaps there would be no also a problem. Therefore it is not less important, than to be able to grow thin, be able as and not to recover. And still. In this chapter I especially often should use words fat and fat content. Sometimes on some times in one phrase. There's nothing to be done, it is necessary to suffer. So, let us assume, someone from you began to notice that it adds in weight.

A Direction Of Use: To Taste. It Is

A direction of use: to taste. It is recommended to use till a breakfast. And if necessary preparations for digestion stimulation/simplification (pancreatin [ a pancreas], acidol pepsin [Pepsin + HCl], powdered ox bile) a direction of use: acidol pepsin - before meal, pancreatin - after meal, powdered ox bile - it is added to to enemas. A dosage: necessarily. (How much I represent, to Russia the nomenclature of the medicines applied in the similar purposes, differs from the nomenclature in the USA; thus to apply, for example, gastric juice of animals as it becomes in Russia, would be, possibly, very much in the spirit of . Try to request Institute Gersona if for you this question is actual.) 2.III. Juice. 2.III.1. A juice extractor. demands some juice cold ; I result the description of a suitable juice extractor (a wringer meeting requirements to buy basically probably, but there is it of abrupt money - I will result in the end of the address and the price - accordingly it would be preferable to make a wringer most or to order any - if to have the suitable tool and a head on shoulders to construct a wringer not so difficult).

Sunday, September 9, 2007

You Can Ask, And What For In General

You can ask, and what for in general in this mix carbohydrates are necessary, after all modern technologies allow to create the mixes consisting only from fiber without problems. Carbohydrates are necessary. Even in that small amount they are used for a food by a brain. It improves intellectual working capacity, reduces displays of hunger and, hence, raises shipping of treatment. Remember, I wrote that in the majority of import mixes for a diet with is expressed by low caloric content try to do so that the squirrel would be more and per day that would leave an order of 70-80 grammes. In a mix the Doctor-slim the maintenance of fiber is slightly less, an order of 35-45 grammes per day. For that maintenance of carbohydrates it is increased till 40-50 day. For comparison, in the same the day portion of carbohydrates makes only 15 grammes. What as a result? Day of a food by a mix the Doctor-slim is transferred much better than a food by same Optifastom. And fiber? Certainly, at daily application it would be quite good to have this fiber more.

Friday, September 7, 2007

During This Moment Influence Na, K, Mg And

During this moment influence Na, K, Mg and Ca medical structures prevails over influence blood. It is stronger because concentration of these elements in 1 sm [3] medical structures of more their concentration in 1 sm [3] blood plasmas and consequently still that in medical structures there are no antagonistic influences of other ions. Last circumstance has especially great value as allows to reduce concentration of a medical dose many times over. Influence medical structures in these conditions not only will remain, but also will be stronger, than set of antagonistic influences blood plasma. Intravenous injection is ended, blood proceeds usual order, medical structure mix up with all its weight, their direct influence stops, but the action period yet has not ended for all organism as a whole. Let's consider now this period. We know that the constancy of parities of sizes is environments a necessary condition for an optimum condition . The concentrated push of the medical structure sated one , undoubtedly, changes a condition veins as "any of forms of a condition of substance not so it is strong, as the form, any form is not accessible in such degree to various influences".

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Gauze Pressing Stops A Bleeding. Seams. 6 .30

Gauze pressing stops a bleeding. Seams. 6 .30 evenings. A narcosis: an aether-chloroform. The skin with a cut is cut out. The preparation ( 1 is made 3). The microscopy data: congestions of leukocytes. it is sharply expressed. A zone the wide. Vascular reactions are sharply expressed, visible the numerous expanded vessels overflowed with blood. 10.II Narcosis: morphine, an aether-chloroform. 2 .40 day: the piece of a skin with a cut Is cut out. The preparation is prepared. The microscopy data: in the heart of a wound plentiful sites of hemorrhages. At the top of a cut a scab. For scab edge is available . A fabric in both parties from a cut leukocytes. The inflammatory vascular phenomena are expressed sharply. 12.II Narcosis: morphine, an aether-chloroform. 2 . Day: the piece of a skin with a cut Is cut out. The microscopy data: the Scab. Sharp around. Regeneration under a scab. The big sites of hemorrhages, around . The expanded numerous vessels overflowed with blood. In a layer very strong .

I Will Add That Nutritious Mixes Are Made

I will add that nutritious mixes are made for excess weight treatment in the West by rather solid pharmaceutical firms. For example, the mix of Optifast is done by known Swiss firm " ". Till now in the scientific world discussions concerning what should be optimum structure of such mixes are conducted. The majority of firms of manufacturers go by the way of maintenance of daily norm of fiber. In other words, the daily portion of a mix should contain an order of 70-80 grammes of fiber, so much, how many it is necessary for the adult person in day. However, not all authors divide this point of view. Some advise to equalise in mixes the maintenance of fiber and carbohydrates. And this idea has reasons. More low when I will tell in detail about the Doctor-slime, I will stop on it in detail. Average result of weight reduction at application - 2 kg a week. I underline that it is average result. In a maximum the effect can 12 and 15 kgs for a month. Any other diet does not possess such efficiency.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Accepting A Preparation In Cost Of 60 Dollars

Accepting a preparation in cost of 60 dollars for a monthly course, the person involuntarily starts to adhere to a diet, at least will is less. To dump thus 5-6 kg, especially, if surplus makes 20-30 kg and more, really which it is possible to a clod, but no more than 15 patients from hundred. But here to keep this result? The statistics is not consolatory. After the termination of a course the weight at grown thin is restored in a current of next 3-6 months. So, the diet remains the unique serious and absolutely necessary moment of treatment of excess weight. And anything such especial in it is not present. Without a diet not to manage practically at any disease, not only at excess weight. The diet is necessary both at a stomach ulcer and at a hypertension and at a diabetes, it is necessary and at excess weight. An another matter what this diet should be? What should be a diet? Actually, from all told above there are clear basic requirements to a diet. Let's them formulate more particularly: to contain a minimum of fat and carbohydrates for while the organism will not burn these factors of food, it will not be accepted to own fat the Diet should provide a condition of power deficiency (prevalence of spent calories over consumed) for while the energy arriving with food enough for a covering of all day power expenditure, the organism will not be accepted to oxidation of an internal stock of energy, that is fat.

Monday, September 3, 2007

From The End Of A XIX-th Century And

From the end of a XIX-th century and prior to the beginning of the XX-th century the increase in number of new printing houses proceeded. 1917 has shaken Russia. As a result of revolutionary events in Petrograd the monarchy has failed, Russia was released from out-of-date political system. In a short space of time, from February till the October, different political forces tried to solve those social problems, which has led to revolution. The governments varied, but problems became aggravated. Bolsheviks, to the power, have abolished the press of that time, and for change to it other press - Bolshevist which is characterised , monotony, a party management has come. The printing line in the history of pre-revolutionary Stavropol never was neutral. All social shocks which have incorporated poverty one and riches of others, nobleness and meanness, boldness and the cowardice, new and become obsolete, found the reflexion in the press. Biology. Zoology. Anatomy, V.V. Aleksandrov, N.A.Mironov, , .

Saturday, September 1, 2007

It Turns Out That The Person In Good

It turns out that the person in good mood spends energy more than it, but in bad mood. Such still an example. Many of you noticed, the person can be fussy, restless and, on the contrary, sluggish, exact in movements. These people can execute approximately for the same time the same quantity of work. Even the second, at times manage to perform this work more. They do not fuss, their movements are economical and exact. But energy the first will spend more. Because of quantities of superfluous movements. And if you noticed, the first to a thicket have normal weight, and the second to a thicket the superfluous. Whether excess weight is descended? Perhaps, all business in a heredity? As a rule, in two cases from three, at my patients or mum thick, or the daddy, and even both parents. There are demonstrative enough figures - if one of parents is sick of adiposity the probability to have excess weight at its children makes approximately 50 percent. The probability is slightly more, if adiposity at mum and if children of the girl.

Korenjak N.A. , . Ophthalmology With Clinic Of

Korenjak N.A. , . Ophthalmology with clinic of microsurgery of eye . The head: . . ., professor L.P.Cherednichenko WAYS AND WAYS OF MAINTENANCE OF TRANSPARENT PROPERTIES OF THE CORNEA. The knowledge of a normal structure and functions of all structural components of an organ of vision at fabric, cellular and subcellular levels of the organisation is necessary for deep understanding of pathological changes in an eyeball. One of the major structural and functional components of cages of an eye is the biological membrane. On modern representations biological membranes - structures. The lipidnyj bi-layer can is in a condition of a liquid or firm crystal. The second chemical component of biomembranes are the fibers characterised by high mobility. Fibers a part of membranes, carry out various functions: , , transport, structural. Special research of regulation of biosynthesis of the important fibers of plasmatic membranes of cages eyes ( corneas) Endotely of a cornea till now was not spent - the monocelled layer from 500000 cages forms, thickness till 20-30 a micron.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

In 5 Hours: Take 1 Quart Of Warm

In 5 hours: take 1 quart of warm water, in it toilet soap ( oil is insoluble in water, soap is necessary that the mix was not divided too quickly), add 3-4 table spoons oils and some drops of coffee, carefully shake up. Use for enema statement, continuing to shake up continuously that castor oil has not separated from water. Keep not for long. (This instruction assumes that you use the device described above for enemas; if you use a rubber pear "continuously to shake up", of course, it is impossible; in general it is necessary to achieve somehow that the enema consisted of a mix of castor oil with water i.e. that castor oil has not separated from water and there was no all outside). # Kastorovoe oil is the extremely vile on taste that causes desire # whenever possible to exclude its use ; _ _ # to apply simply an enema (without swallowing of castor oil # preliminary) and 1. The patient will clearly feel taste # castor oils in language and 2. The patient will be assured that # efficiency of an enema has not decreased that - probably to apply # enemas without preliminary swallowing of castor oil.

The Condition Worsens. The Patient Accepts Drugs In

The condition worsens. The patient accepts drugs in view of severe pains in right to a side. Injections are stopped. In the end of July of the patient has died. The cited data shows that intravenous injections StK are interfaced usually to the subsequent increase of concentration "K" in blood whey. The similar picture is observed in the ratio StCa. Concentration "Ca" raises. Besides, these supervision have found out the following: at the lowered level "K" in whey of blood a consequence of intravenous injection StK is not only normalisation of parities "K" and "Ca", but easing of symptoms of illness is frequent also. Similar dependence is found out and in the ratio "Ca". If "K" or "Ca" it is raised in blood whey a consequence of injection of the standard with the same name is not only divergence increase between their sizes, but also deterioration of a condition of the patient. This data repeats naturally enough and this medical law can be formulated so: at rather lowered concentration "K" in blood whey application of the structures containing "K" (StK) is shown; at rather lowered concentration "Ca" in blood whey application of the structures containing "Ca" (StCa) is shown.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Intravenous Injections Are Stopped. During The Postoperative Period

Intravenous injections are stopped. During the postoperative period a wound in the bottom third . Application of the damp bandages impregnated StK, quickly liquidated an inflammation. Outcome: in 2,5 months after operation - it was absolutely healthy. Often went from village to a city on foot, the distance between which is equal 20 km, worked etc. 15) - - , 50 years. Managing hospital branch writes: "The patient interesting you was in . . To hospital some times with 1943 . With the diagnosis . Received injections of arsenic and sol. Lugoli - the phenomena accrued. Last time was in b-tse with 11.VI on 17.VI - 1944 . The big packages of cracked lymphatic glands of the right half of body pressed on nearby vessels, causing an enormous hypostasis of a thorax, a stomach and feet, with big . The temperature lately fluctuates 36,6 - 37,5, 37,8 - 38,8 evening. In a grave condition it is written out home." On June, 24th the condition of the patient was the following: in the field of a neck, at the left, a tumour in size about a fist of the child, painless, its surface wavy, colouring of sine-crimson colour.

This Purely Cosmetic Influence. For Example, The Woman

This purely cosmetic influence. For example, the woman has fatty small pillows on external surfaces of hips. In medicine it is called as adjournment of fat as riding breeches. And so, with the help these small pillows can be eliminated. Sometimes at expressed adiposity at patients droops a stomach and the massive fatty apron develops. Such apron and in itself can prevent to live. After all under it at constant the ideal environment for reproduction of microbes is created. Pustulous and erysipelatous inflammations develop. So, occasions to surgical intervention are available and sometimes surgeons go on removal of this apron. But go very much not willingly. Hems after such operations very badly heal. And certainly surgeons too do not consider this operation as a method of struggle against adiposity. Though such apron can weigh and five kgs and even more. For a long time for adiposity treatment in medicine various operations on a stomach directed on reduction of its volume were developed and offered.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

In Other Words, The More The Woman Of

In other words, the more the woman of children, the has more risk to have adiposity and the more so excess weight will be expressed with other things being equal. Dependence of frequency of adiposity on age is well-known. It is minimum at children's age - an order of 10 percent. Further this indicator accrues approximately to 15-20 percent at young men and girls and to 35-50 percent at adults. If after successful decrease in weight of a body not to undertake any measures under the prevention of relapses the initial weight is restored at least in 95 cases from 100 the next 6 months. Adiposity meets at inhabitants of big cities, than in a countryside is more often. Believe that the given dependence is caused by conditions of labour activity. Really, work in a countryside usually demands the big physical expenses and is accompanied by the big power consumption, than in cities. There are also the direct researches showing that at doing manual work, an adiposity meets less often, than at workers of brainwork.

For Example, For Average Value Of Humidity, Pressure

For example, for average value of humidity, pressure and temperature at quantity more than 7 are accordingly equal 60 %, 1025 , - 11 (With that on 19 % and on 8 (With less, than at number of phone calls (5. As to pressure here, on the contrary, with phone calls fall of its average values to 5 is marked. For in the most informative parametres there was a temperature, and also speed and a wind direction. For hypertensive illness with reduction of atmospheric pressure the quantity of phone calls in "first aid" is reduced. At number of calls 7 pressure makes 1028 . The received results demand specification on a statistical material and can find application in preventive maintenance of the specified diseases, since children's age. Trufonova M. A. , . Chemistry. And zoology . The head: . EKOLOGO-CHEMICAL CONSEQUENCES OF INFLUENCE OF MOTOR TRANSPORT ON THE NATURAL . As a result of economic activities of the person there is an environmental contamination by various chemical means: a firm, liquid and gaseous waste of the industry, artificial radioactive elements, products of combustion of fuel and many other things.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

26.VI - The Blood Analysis: Na=330mg %; K=22,1mg

26.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=330mg %; K=22,1mg %; Mg=2,9mg %; Ca=11,9mg %; Eh=165 . Injections are stopped. 17.VII - Wounds have begun to live. The foot was straightened. Goes on street. Saw the patient on November, 23rd. Wounds are not present. A foot equal. Goes much. Works on an economy. Pulse in a foot and a hand equal and accurate. 7) - - , 42 years. A cancer glands. Cancer bodies of a belly cavity. . - lies. . At enemas - water from mugs is included into a cavity of a gut in the presence of the big pressure (not less than 1,5 - 2 metres of a water column). It is few chair. After enemas there is a painted water with an impurity of small slices . 24.XII - The blood analysis: Na=250mg %; K=16,5mg %; Mg=1,98mg %; Ca=10,8mg %; Eh=130 . 25.XII - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+NaCl+glut. 30.XII - Some subjective improvement. Feels more vigorous. Gases depart more freely. Water from a mug enters under smaller pressure. 3.I - the blood Analysis: Na=284mg %; K=20,2mg %; Mg=2,9mg %; Ca=11mg %; Eh=138 .

Supervision Have Shown That If To Mention A

Supervision have shown that if to mention a nervous part of any difficult process it attracts change not only in a nervous part, but also in all complex of the phenomena. "The nervous component is the factor defining a condition of pathological processes from beginning to end. It unites separate elements in whole, is the cement which change inevitably changes the face of process". (A.D.Speransky). Having specified that infringements of functions of nervous system are the core, a leading link in development of pathological processes, he establishes also a principle of association of separate pathological forms in uniform system. Such way, besides an existing method of division of illnesses on distinction, creates a method of their association on similarity. *** Let's consider now the data of our researches in interrelation with the offered representations and also to connect the certificate of medical intervention with the previous and subsequent processes developing in an organism. Let's consider at first a question on influence of one and bivalent elements of medical structures on any current of processes in an organism, including the pathological.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

These Are The Data On 01. 01. 1998.

These are the data on 01. 01. 1998. Children do not enter into total number of children-invalids invalids on mental diseases, in the majority of polyclinics the data on this is absent, except for No5 - 12 children, but also there are absent the data on concrete . Structure VPR differs on polyclinics, in particular in No2 the maximum investigation of the child is carried, the best in the same place is marked diagnostics . The general structure VPR on all polyclinics the following: - with kostno-muscular system consists on the account 84 (43,5 %), the child, from them with crevices firm and a soft palate - 17 (20,2 %), with coxofemoral joints 27 (32,2 %), with anomalies of development of finitenesses - 23 (27,4 %), with a scoliosis 17 (20,3 %), - with developmental anomalies of sense organs consist on the account 46 (24 %), of them with a cataract 14 (30,4 %), with a glaucoma 15 (32,6 %), with high degree 16 (34,7 %), absence of acoustical pass 1 (2,1 %), children; With developmental anomalies of cardiovascular system consists on the account 29 (14,9 %) children, of them with a writing-book of Fallo 5 (17,2 %), with defect partitions 7 (24,1 %), with defect partitions 14 (49,4 %) children, with a stenosis of a pulmonary artery 3 (10,3 %); with developmental anomalies of the central nervous system consists on the account 10 (6 %) children, including with a hydrocephaly 10 (83,3 %), with 2 (16,6 %) the child; Developmental anomalies of uric system are diagnosed at 14 (7 %), from them 11 (83,3 %), with kidneys 3 (16,6 %) the child; with developmental anomalies of a gastroenteric path consists on the account 4 (2 %) the child, including with an anus (66,6 %), with illness of Girshprunga 1 (33,3 %) children; Developmental anomalies of respiratory system is on the account 4 (2 %) children, from them with a lung 2 (50 %), anomalies of a bronchial tree 2 (50 %), children; With hereditary illnesses it is observed 5 (2,5 %), from them with illness of Down 4 (75 %), with 1 (25 %).

Monday, August 20, 2007

L.Sorokina To Define: Whether Revolt Was Anti-Soviet, Or It

L.Sorokina to define: whether revolt was anti-Soviet, or it the race for power was Antibolshevist; to find out: there was this event casual or natural, to consider treatments of the given event in a press of that time. A method of the decision of these problems was comparison of memoirs of eyewitnesses, documents and the press of that period. In the North Caucasus the working layer was insignificant, the establishment of the Soviet power has appeared very difficult problem. After its establishment the people have stood aside of a region administrative office. The main character of tragedy of I.L.Sorokin - was the bright and unusual person. In it love of power, dictatorial bents, boldness, high military abilities were combined. In the views it was close to the people. On political views Sorokin was left though has passed formally to the party of Bolsheviks. It is possible to assume that to concentrate the power in the hands the commander-in-chief has thought over attempt in advance, and this event has not been caused by casual coincidence of circumstances.

Friday, August 17, 2007

And Still. The Treatment Scheme Assumes That From

And still. The treatment scheme assumes that from time to time the patient will have a rest. That is, to come back to a mode of first three days. An occasion can have a rest to be and any family holiday, or a celebration on work, or sensation that you have got tired of an unloading mode, or if do not look at observance of an unloading mode decrease in weight of a body is slowed down. Some our patients have a rest according to plan. For example, every Saturday and Sunday, and in the working days observe an unloading mode. It is literally this afternoon * when I spent reception of the patients, one patient, having become suddenly guilty, admitted to me that for passed two weeks it some times broke an unloading mode. For these two weeks, by the way, it has dumped two kgs and seven hundred grammes, and all for a month - five and a half kgs. I have calmed her. This program is good that it is very difficult for breaking. Deviations from an unloading mode are programmed and necessary. However and I was surprised.

Recently There Was An Expansion Of Sphere Of

Recently there was an expansion of sphere of use of sulphide of cadmium and substantial growth of the anthropogenous contribution to pollution of environment by it that has led to excess of maximum concentration limit of cadmium in a number of regions of our country and abroad in water, air and a foodstuff. It puts before researchers a problem of more careful studying of its influence on an organism, especially during the critical periods of its development. One of such periods is pregnancy. In this connection, studying of influence of a threshold dose of sulphide of cadmium on and a functional condition bodies and reproductive possibilities of females of rats was the purpose of the present researches. Morphological and functional changes in bodies judged on and a uterus (colouring gematoksilin-eozin, . 80 and 400) the rats, become dusty a threshold dose of sulphide of cadmium within one month. Reproductive possibilities judged on pregnancy approach, to - and a post �destructions of fruits and to number of the born live cubs.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The First Feeding Up Is Entered 87 (87

The first feeding up is entered 87 (87 %) to children in 4,5 - 5 months, more often in the form of vegetable mashed potatoes. The second feeding up is entered into 6 months also 87 (87 %) to children, more often in the form of a cream of wheat. Early introduction of a feeding up with 2,5 - took place 3 months at 8 (8 %) children, and in 5 (5 %) cases the feeding up was not entered at all. The third feeding up (kefir with cottage cheese) is entered into 8 months into a diet 31 (31 %) the child, 50 (50 %) gave cottage cheese to children before the specified term, in some cases - for food correction; 19 children of cottage cheese did not receive. The egg yolk from 7 months received 31 (31 %) the child, to the specified term - 45 (45 %), after 10 (10 %) children; 14 (14 %) to children the yolk was not entered into a food allowance. Fiber of an animal origin in the form of meat mashed potatoes is entered into a diet 26 (26 %) to children at the age of 7 months, 15 (15 %) - in 6 - 6, % of month, 48 (48 %) - after 7 months; 11 (11 %) on 1 year of a life meat products did not receive children.

Friday, August 10, 2007

5.I - Intravenous Injection: (StNa+NaCl+glut)/10. 12.I - -

5.I - Intravenous injection: (StNa+NaCl+glut)/10. 12.I - - feels more vigorous. With 9.I on 12.I there was an independent chair issued. Water from mugs enters freely. 15.I - Intravenous injection: (StNa+NaCl+glut)/10. 17.I - the blood Analysis: Na=290mg %; K=20,2mg %; Mg=0,7mg %; Ca=11,1mg %; Eh=139 . In connection with my departure treatment has been stopped. - accepted further . Has been twice made a belly cavity. Has died in the end of February. 8) - - , 34 years. Nine or have begun ten months ago headaches. Their intensity gradually accrued, attacks became frequent. Later 2-3 months have begun dizzinesses. Further these phenomena have so amplified that - has left work. Within two months it was treated in clinic of nervous illnesses, but improvements has not come. The reason of pains, according to sick and her husband (by a trade - the doctor), has not been found out also the diagnosis has not been established. Last 2 months illness has stepped forward. Dizzinesses have so amplified that - fell, and headaches were accompanied by vomitings.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Sharp . 20.I The Same Condition. 22.I Has

Sharp . 20.I The same condition. 22.I has a little decreased. A redness less. It is removed from supervision. EXPERIENCE. Rabbit white. 22.I 1933 . 2 . Day. An intraskin injection of mustard spirit of 0,2 sm3 in area between shovels. The injection place has turned white at once, then has accepted a zelenovato-white shade. 5 . Day. An injection place to the touch a pastose consistence. Around - insignificant . Intravenous injection of 6 sm3 549. 23.I 12 . Day. the injection place is represented a bit sunk down concerning a skin surface, to the touch dry. is not present. Intravenous injection of 6 sm3 549. 24.I Covers around an injection extremely dry and thin. The fabric fold in this place is much more thin, than skin. is not present. 26.I The same condition. Dry skin in the field of an injection. Injections are stopped. THE CONTROL. 22.I 1933 . Rabbit white. A dark blue stain on a forehead. 2 . Day. An intraskin injection 0,2 sm3 of mustard spirit in area between shovels. Development of the phenomena to similarly phenomena at the skilled.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

". If Wish To Create To Itself Correct

". If wish to create to itself correct representation as arises and in what consists organism liquids should be started with the certain chemical and physical laws regulating exchange processes in the field of a membrane. At construction of fabrics the biological law according to which between cages and blood capillaries the space promoting interaction of forces between blood and fabrics everywhere is concluded comes to light." ". This requirement is carried out thanks to that contrary to blood plasma, the fabric liquid is under normal conditions extremely poor fiber. From among the factors regulating exchange processes between blood and a fabric, along with factors osmotic, it is necessary to pay attention as well to electric potentials of whey of blood and . For maintenance of these potentials presence free from fiber of an intermediate layer between a capillary and a cage that there was no alignment of pressure [potentials - M. and Century ] is necessary." ". Various forces immediately disappear, if the dividing membrane between a fabric and blood is loosened, because of what there is an alignment of potentials between both parties.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Americans Are Hardworking Mainly When It It Favourably.

Americans are hardworking mainly when it it favourably. In this case they are vigorous, , are full of inexhaustible business passion. These qualities, besides, amplify their enterprise, an ingenuity, boldness and persistence a little." The success "for them is the treasured purpose in a life. But the main thing that a basic problem of pedagogics of Americans - education of the true American. What Japanese? Submission weak strong, a worship for authority, conformism, isolation in reference groups, cruelty in relation to weak, indifference to another's sufferings, absence of adherence to principles - here those original features of national psychology of Japanese. Under the influence of ruling classes and the Buddhism and as formed the steadiest parties of national consciousness of the population of the country - adherence to "a cult of ancestors", feeling of ethnic exclusiveness, ardent nationalism, perfidy in relation to other people. It also is the base of the Japanese formation. In Russia national features are the boldness and endurance, philanthrophy and tolerance, mercy and compassion to the person.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

On The Average On 0,2-0,3 Degrees. Hardly Becomes

On the average on 0,2-0,3 degrees. Hardly becomes colder. Well also that, the person starts to put on more warmly and again all is good. Heart work is a little slowed down, pressure decreases, the person starts longer and to sleep more deeply, calms down. It would Seem, what in it bad? But it also is external displays of reduction of a power consumption. Or still. The person becomes lazier, gets tired faster, tries to move less and even habitual work carries out more economically. Really, reduction of a power consumption in the course of diet observance, a problem which brings to nothing all efforts on observance of this diet. How it to solve? First, to watch itself, not to allow to itself to calm down, think out employment, to do gymnastics. And I will underline, not training, namely gymnastics. Between the first and the second I then will tell about a difference. Good toning up action possess massage and a shower. The shower can be contrast. It when the water temperature in the course of procedure varies from cold to hot and back.