Thursday, November 27, 2008

D.Patsiora), At 1 - Shunting ( ); Residual Took

D.Patsiora), at 1 - shunting ( ); residual took place at 6, recurrent - at 10 patients. At 15 children with for the first time established diagnosis , sclerotherapy is used as an independent method of treatment (group. In group A:- at 11 children spent during planned postoperative prophylactic medical examination, 5 later 10-14 days after a stop of a recurrent pishchevodno-gastric bleeding. In group V:- planned at not complicated it is spent at 10 - , - delayed (in a week after a bleeding stop) - at 5 children. Both in the first, and in the second groups, the serious complications connected with technics of carrying out of manipulation, it is noted. Only at one girl in group And it is noted mucous a gullet after casual introductions of a preparation of the overestimated concentration. After corresponding treatment the ulcer has begun to live without consequences. In group In at two children of early age unstable displays after repeated injections are noted. In both groups already after 2-2-3 procedures it was possible to achieve an obliteration of the expanded veins From all patients.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Have Not Included Here Biochemical Substantiation (you

I have not included here biochemical substantiation (you can find it in Institute Gersona publications, and as in articles published in scientific magazines - the truth, all it in English), and as case records of patients (they can be found on - some, possibly, the information on can serve as support from what deals it was possible to patients to break at times); further, maybe, I will manage to continue this work. If you begin to apply and the additional information is required to you, try to write to Institute Gersona ( (an ideal variant, the truth it it is necessary to write in English), or me ( (a bad variant - I not the doctor, I am a physicist). In general if All of you still read the preface you would hammer and went directly to chapter 2. (And if all the same read the preface further - that do not expostulate me for its length; in general, long prefaces is, means, it). Seriously - when will reach that places about a poisonous tooth-paste and decide that the author full *&^$%!&^ - here then return and read up the preface.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Purpose Of The Given Work - The

The purpose of the given work - the analysis of the gaseous harmful substances accumulated by plants or their products of transformation in leaves, needles, a bark, fruits and roots; by means of plants to define degree of impurity of air and soil harmful substances, and also to define ability of plants to clear atmosphere from harmful substances. The given work is spent on the basis of chairs of botany and ecology of the Stavropol state university devoted studying above the named aspects on an example of the plants growing within Stavropol. M.I.Sarapy , . Zoology MATERIALS TO STAVROPOL TERRITORY. Till now Stavropol Territory remains poorly investigated in the relation. There are no even faunistic lists of ants of Stavropol Territory, except for the general works on Kavkazkoj (Dubovikov, 1982). Therefore, considering and participation in the Russian program on exact areas of ants of Russia and the CIS countries, we consider necessary to result here the catalogue of kinds (that should stimulate distribution of kinds).