Saturday, July 5, 2008

( 2 2 15). Intravenous Injection Of 4

( 2 2 15). Intravenous injection of 4 sm3 549. The microscopy data: a scab, around insignificant . Round a cut line is not present. Vascular reactions are not found out. In depth, around , congestions of leukocytes. 23.II 2 . Day. A narcosis: morphine, an aether-chloroform. The piece of a skin with a cut is cut out. The preparation is prepared. 4 sm3 549 are intravenously entered. At compression by fingers of a cut of a skin (the third on the left side) the pus drop was allocated. Microscopy data: insignificant under a scab. Along a cut line insignificant . Vessels are found out in insignificant quantity. Around - congestions of leukocytes. Clinically in the field of cuts the inflammation is not revealed. In view of �destruction of the control, supervision are stopped. THE CONTROL. Dog white. Weight 8,300 . 1 . 40 days. A narcosis: morphine, an aether-chloroform. 6 cuts of a skin and hypodermic along a backbone, on 3 from each party are made. Operation conditions unsterile. Seams. 19.

Dynamics Of Specific Markers At Does Not Give

Dynamics of specific markers at does not give the grounds to think of cyclic character of a current of process. Remaining allows at absence in whey of blood DNA HBV to ascertain integration of virus particles into a gene with absence of proper response of immune system on activator introduction. Vorontsova N.A., Zelenova . . , . Propaedeutics of children's illnesses The supervisor of studies: a member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, prof. Orehov K.V. - IMMUNOLOGICHESKY FEATURES OF THE INFECTION AT CHILDREN CHEST AGE. Under our supervision there were 109 children at the age from 1 month till 1 year, suffering confirmed an infection. Disease has been caused in all children Salm. typhimurium. At 75 (81,7 %) patients the salmonellosis form, at 6 (6,5 %) children - and at 28 (30,5 %) children - subclinical took place . The salmonelleznaja infection at children of the first half of the year proceeded most adversely. In this age group the greatest percent of patients with aggravations and relapses of disease which proceeded with the expressed intoxication and the heavy intestinal phenomena was marked.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Continuation Of Allocation Of A Salmonella With Excrements

Continuation of allocation of a salmonella with excrements has been revealed at 5 (10 %) children, from them 2 have been repeatedly hospitalised concerning long salmonellosis currents. At other patients it was not accompanied by clinical displays. Development postinfectious was observed at 11 (40,7 %) children and expressed by tearfulness, irritability, appetite decrease, a periodic swelling of a stomach, instability of a chair. It proved to be true characteristic changes at the research, specifying in infringement intestinal . The fastest normalisation of level Ig A in was marked at children without deviations in a state of health and relapses of dysfunction of intestines though these indicators not always corresponded to the period of clinical remission. Level decrease Ig A in the sharp period and the period was marked at a long current of disease. Ignatyev R. O, Doronin V. F. , chair of children's surgery. ENDOSKOPICHESKY - THE ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF TREATMENT PISHCHEVODNO-GASTRIC AT THE EXTRAHEPATIC PORTAL HYPERTENSIA AT CHILDREN.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

For February, 1998 2 556 Telephone Calls Have

For February, 1998 2 556 telephone calls have been analysed in "First aid", including: 706 calls concerning an ischemic heart trouble ( ) and 228 calls concerning a vegeto-vascular dystonia ( ); 443 calls concerning a sharp respiratorno-virus infection ( ); 1179 calls concerning a hypertension. The technique of researches provided: Comparison of actual values of the meteorological elements measured on meteorological stations, and also their gradients with number of phone calls in "first aid" for the same periods; construction of schedules of a daily course of meteorological elements and number of phone calls in "first aid"; Calculation of average values of meteorological parametres for various illnesses and at different values of quantity of calls: (3> 3, (5> 5, (7> 7; Estimation the meteorological parametres influencing a state of health of the person. As a result of the spent researches the following has been revealed: change of humidity, pressure and temperature essentially affects number of phone calls on the occasion of + , and hypertensions.

Thus, At Us Two Types Of Days And

Thus, at us two types of days and two types of a food. A food in usual days simply , that is, excluding possibility of formation of fat, and in other days (unloading) when actually also there is its expenditure, I recommend to the patients to eat a mix "Doctor-slim". Isn't that so, something similar to a diet with is expressed by low caloric content, but applied every other day? However, let's interrupt and we will talk about the Doctor-slime. What is "Doctor-slim"? The doctor-slim, is the nutritious mix developed by us consisting of dairy and soya fibers, carbohydrates and vitamins. So it has turned out, it is the first and while the unique mix of a domestic production having all necessary certificates and applied to weight reduction. Similar mixes in the West are applied about ten years in frameworks is expressed a low-calorie diet and well itself have recommended. And, make their solid medical firms. For example, a mix of "Diets-fast", manufactures firms Kraun (USA) or a product of "Optifast" which is made by firm Sandos (Switzerland).

Monday, June 30, 2008

These Supervision Have Shown That The Structure 549

These supervision have shown that the structure 549 in these conditions partially shows the properties. It follows from the fact of reduction of % at skilled in comparison with in the second part of supervision. It is possible to admit that the absence reason is consolidation capillary walls in the infected site, under the influence of intravenous injections. Comparing the results received at coincidence of the moment of infection with the moment of medical injection with results when injection became through a time interval after infection, we see that intravenous injections only then show positive action when the first injection is made in the presence of the developed process. *** More Accurate results have been received at treatment of rabbits by which mustard spirit and mustard oil was injected. Technique Experiences was following: 0,2 sm3 of radio mustard oil were dissolved in 1 sm3 liquid . From this liquid solution skilled solutions of following concentration prepared: 1 drop of an initial solution on 1 sm3 of the vaseline Oils; 2 drops and 5 drops on the same quantity of vaseline.