Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ability To Burn Fats Decreases And At Consumption

Ability to burn fats decreases and at consumption of considerable quantities flour and sweet. It speaks simply. The organism tries to burn first of all carbohydrates (starch and sugar) as more effective fuel, reserving fats on then. If occasion to spend fats does not happen, they will fill up stocks and weight will increase. Actually in it also consists effect of carbohydrates. In itself they in fat do not pass. To overeat carbohydrates for stout persons really harmfully. But if from two harms to choose smaller, it, all the same, smaller harm, than an overeating of fats. Here there is one more very important moment for us. On scientific it is called sequence of oxidation of substrata in an organism, or, telling easier in what sequence an organism uses nutrients? It has appeared that after meal first of all in an organism burn down just eaten carbohydrates, further carbohydrates from stocks . As I already above told, a stock this small, an order of 80-140 In recalculation on a white loaf - that that nearby 200 - 250 gramme.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Many Go In For Sports On Purpose To

Many go in for sports on purpose to grow thin. It is aerobics or shaping more often. 2-3 employment in a week for 50-60 minutes everyone. Actually, to grow thin from such efforts if the diet, difficultly enough is not observed, and more low we about it will talk, but here it is necessary to stop these employment as the weight starts to accrue with probability of 90 percent from 100. The reason all the same. The volume of muscular activity, and with it together and their ability to oxidise fat decreases. Process of oxidation of fat can be strengthened caffeine. Accordingly, if the person on what or to reasons refuses coffee consumption, he also risks to recover for a year on 5-8 kg. Similarly and at refusal of smoking. Nicotine strengthens a power consumption and stimulates fat combustion. Everyone who though gave up smoking once, knows that among its problems there will be also a weight set. Please, do not understand me so that I advise to smoke and smoke as much as possible. I simply mention the facts.

With Accompanying Fabrics It Will Make Kgs 10-12.

With accompanying fabrics it will make kgs 10-12. More to lose and it is impossible. On it draws the second law of thermodynamics opened in due time of Isaakom Newton. And in the conditions of a complete starvation, as a rule it is not possible to lose and 7 kgs of fat. As from third-fourth day there is a progressive decrease in power expenditure and in a week the organism spends not 2500 kcals, but only 1500, and by the end of the second week only 1000. Someone will object me - I for 2 weeks of starvation have lost 11 kg of weight, and you say that for a month it is possible to dump no more than ten. It agree, at starvation or at application of very rigid diets weight reduction can exceed 10 kg for a month, but weight, instead of fat. After all except fat the organism will lose also albuminous fabrics and water. It seems to me that average weight reduction for a month should be within 3-5 kg. More slowly - it is not interesting, and faster - it is painful enough, and at times and harmfully.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

By System Researches Of Space Biology And Medicine

By system researches of space biology and medicine it is established that influence of weightlessness, an ionising radiation and other factors of a space leads to change of processes of a metabolism in cages of live organisms that in many respects is at the bottom of the various undesirable phenomena leading to decrease of level of ability to live of cosmonauts. For the purpose of maintenance of normal ability to live of the cosmonauts arriving in long space flights, are used various , including . It is known that accumulation of bilious acids and cholesterol in an organism at various pathological conditions causes an intoxication. The method is necessary as an effective prophylactic at application in space medicine. The purpose of the presented experimental work is working out of technology of reception which are capable to absorb the toxic substances collecting in a human body in superfluous quantities; for example, cholesterol and bilious acids. The technology of reception composite is based on a method of formation of porous structure matrixes in the presence of polymers.

The Above The Weight, The Is More Probability

The above the weight, the is more probability of all these diseases, the more expensively insurance. In the appendix the table of ideal weight of a body depending on growth or constitution type is resulted. Types of a constitution three , hypersthenic and asthenic. Most easier to define this type on a so-called costal corner. At this corner is approximately equal 90 degrees, at a corner stupid (it is more than 90 degrees), at - sharp. It is necessary to speak about adiposity, if the actual weight of a body more than for 15 percent exceeds the ideal. Definition of ideal weight seems to me the most reliable criterion. The medical statistics is enough exact science. It is much more exact than many other medical sciences. And if the statistics asserts that the greatest probability to live longer and better at the people having ideal weight of a body, means so it and is. The small reservation. Till now we spoke about excess weight, believing that it is superfluous at the expense of fat. However, at people with the developed muscles the weight too can be more norms, but not at the expense of fat, and at the expense of a muscular fabric.

Last Years In KMGH Special Value Is Given

Last years in KMGH special value is given to working out of methods of treatment of burn illness, especially the prevention to a connecting fabric. By us it is analysed on the basis of an archival material for 5 years efficiency of treatment of burn illness of an organ of vision. If the patient arrives in clinic with a formed cataract of a cornea and an union changed as a result of a burn a century with an eyeball, a century treatment is spent to some stages - timely removal of burning substance and weights ( ) - a method , application of preparations normalising exchange processes in the damaged fabrics ( plasma), which stimulate protective properties of an organism and make active regeneration ( ). Except the listed methods in a complex of medicamentous treatment were applied: group vitamins In intramuscularly No15, a solution acids of 5 % intramuscularly No30, a preparation of Shinkorenko, , a solution of albucid of 30 % in 4 times a day. At an extract biostimulators in the form of hypodermic No30 were appointed.