Friday, January 9, 2009

Against The Special Means Limiting Appetite It Is

Against the special means limiting appetite it is possible to make starvation rather easily transferred. But starvation harmful enough piece, and first of all because at it naturally develops deficiency of vital components of food. At starvation the organism first of all spends not so much fat, how many fibers. It is accompanied by defects of a skin, its flabbiness, formation of wrinkles, the general and muscular weakness. The sensation such that for one day of starvation the person grows old for one year, and for two weeks, accordingly for 14 years. Starvation is very hard transferred by the person and if the patient sees a unique way of struggle against superfluous kgs having tried once in starvation and having broken by it oh as will not soon dare to repeat this experiment. Usual thing for starvation - development of an immunodeficiency or a condition of insufficiency of ours with you of immunity. Immunity too keeps on constant reproduction of special cages or on production these cages of special albuminous molecules - antibodies.

Then Directly Fireworks Of Ideas - Clearing Of

Then directly fireworks of ideas - clearing of an organism by means of enemas, medical starvation, treatment by urine. All these ideas have one feature - they never passed and would not pass the strict scientific analysis. It to the full concerns also any techniques of "medical" starvation. The scientific control assumes the following. The group of examinees undertakes. To them investigated influence is applied. The positive and negative moments are fixed and further the analysis from which conclusions follow is carried out, the given influence for treatment of the given illness is suitable or is not suitable and whether it surpasses already existing methods of treatment. And so, as to starvation as way of treatment of adiposity the Western scientists in this plan draw an unequivocal conclusion - starvation has many the negative moments and owing to it loses before competently constructed . I tell for a long time already something about a diet as about a necessary component of treatment.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

If To Consider That Average Rate Of Weight

If to consider that average rate of weight reduction makes 4-5 kgs a month, and surplus very often makes kgs 25 and more to keep to such diet it is necessary a minimum half a year. Thus I do not take into account that the organism during observance of such diet will get used to spend ever less energy and rate of a weight loss will be slowed down. As the same restrictions follow day by day, it is possible to name such diet monotonous. The diets constructed by such principles, great variety. They can be subdivided on medical and amateur. Sometimes amateur thanks to efforts of mass media become fashionable. And then them many start to use. For example, rice, or the Chinese diet. Every day 600 grammes of the welded rice and any quantity of vegetables and vegetable juice are supposed. Caloric content of such day usually does not exceed 1000 calories. It would Seem, grow thin to itself. But, such diet, obviously, is harmful. And first of all because of deficiency of fiber. The organism receives for day of such food no more than 10 grammes of fiber, and it is necessary for it a minimum 40-60.

25.XII - The Analysis Of Whey Of Blood:

25.XII - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =15,47mg %; "Ca" =11,8mg %. 26.XII - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 31.XII - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 2.I. - the state of health is better. Headaches less. Goes more freely. 3.I - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =20,44mg %; "Ca" =12mg %. 4.I - Intravenously 1 sm3 StCa. 5.I - Intravenously 1 sm3 StCa. 6.I - the State of health has sharply worsened. muscles has increased. The feeling of constraint has amplified. 9.I - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =17,97mg %; "Ca" =13mg %. 9) B Th - . Complaints to dull aches in the belly cavity, sometimes amplifying on so many that the patient hardly can go. Locks are replaced by diarrheas. Appetite is not present. For last three months has lost in weight of 5 kg. Frequent dizzinesses. 2.IX - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =19mg %; "Ca" =11,2mg %. 3.IX - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 5.IX - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 11.IX - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =20,2mg %; "Ca" =10,5mg %. The state of health became better.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Not Only Has Stopped, But The Wound Area

not only has stopped, but the wound area has increased. The analysis of whey of blood has shown: "K" =7,1mg %; "Ca" =15,8mg %. 5.VI, 8.VI, 11.VI - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StK. 22.VI and 23.VI - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StK. 26.VI - the wound Bottom has risen and cleared of touches. The wound generally the surface has become covered . The blood analysis has shown: "K" =15,5mg %; "Ca" =13mg %. - all time was in identical conditions, it went, worked etc. much 6) - - , 65 years. Complains of severe pains in the left half of breast, pains give to the left elbow. Sharp morbidity in the left ankle joint. Joint area . That - . - lies in bed. 29.IV - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =19,98mg %; "Ca" =10,81mg %. 30.IV 2.V, 5.V - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StK. 17.V, 22.V - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StK. During this time interval b th has considerably recovered. Pains have passed in a thorax. Puffiness of the left ankle joint has decreased. B Th goes, works on an economy.

The Matter Is That Surgical Treatment Helps Only

The matter is that surgical treatment helps only to patients with unreasonably high consumption of food. And such among stout persons it is not enough. Yes it is final, such people are and usually adiposity at them reaches extreme degrees, but I repeat them very little. If such operation do sick of excess weight which eats no more than on the average its weight either decreases slightly or does not decrease absolutely. What would be useful the nobility and to consider at weight reduction? The basic wish of the person which tries to lower excess weight, it at any weighing to weigh less, than the day before. On myself I know, how the mood if the weight decreases and as it falls if the weight remains to the same raises, or even grows. Thoughts - well here, all is vain, to me helps nothing. I know that very many stopped successful in general that treatment only because once again their weight did not decrease. Remember, you weigh not weight of fat, and own weight, and it is far not same. In an organism all weighs.