Saturday, April 28, 2007

24.V - The Analysis Of Whey Of Blood:

24.V - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =20,5mg %; "Ca" =10,4mg %. 26.V, 30.V - Intravenous injections StK. 5.VI - the State of health became worse. The left ankle joint began to be ill again. Its swelling has increased. 19.VI-12.VI - Intravenous injections StK. 16.VI - the Condition of B Th became worse. Weakness accrues. Time most part lies in bed. 19.VI - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =22,6mg %; "Ca" =7,63mg %. 22.VI, 24.VI - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StCa. 27.VI and 5.VII - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StCa. 12.VII - the State of health of b th has improved. The most part of day spends standing. 15.VII - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =21mg %; "Ca" =9,2mg %. Injections have been stopped. In first half of August of complaints was not. All time works on housekeeping. 7) - - , 50 years. In the past suffered attacks of nephritic gripes. Has been made in 1935 . Operation - removal of a bilious bubble. After operation attacks of pains have renewed. - began to lose flesh, felt constant weariness.

At An Inflammation When The Wall Is Changed

At an inflammation when the wall is changed even at reduction of pressure the filtration volume increases in 7 and more times. Researches about passage of various fibers through capillary walls supplement it. Through normal in a quantity can pass only . At inflammation development the fibers having particles of size start to be filtered: and then ( ). and [2] have confirmed this raised permeability of capillary membranes with experiences about a kongo-mouth. Congo-mouth, a paint phases and consequently at injection in blood is late in a blood channel. If there is an inflamed centre it leaves a capillary channel and begins in fabrics of the inflamed centre. Acknowledgement of that the causal moment defining this passage through capillary , inflammatory changes of processes of an exchange are, experiences of Gofa serve. It caused formation of a serous bubble, imposing a plaster and injecting a kongo-mouth into blood. At presence only expansions of vessels, paint transition in a bubble it was not observed.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Really, Nicotine Accelerates Exchange Processes, And Caffeine Strengthens

Really, nicotine accelerates exchange processes, and caffeine strengthens fat oxidation. But if the stout person begins to smoke or drink uncontrollably coffee, it hardly will result in the expressed weight reduction, and here problems will increase. So, against coffee abusing increase of arterial pressure is rather probable, and nicotine strengthens processes of a sclerosis and accelerates ageing. I any more do not speak about repeated increase of risk of development of tumours of lungs. This fact well-known everything, and not only to smokers. During some periods of a life of the woman (pregnancy and feeding), its organism sharply reduces ability to fat burning. This phenomenon has quite certain physiological role. Pregnancy and feeding demand energy stocks. But in a modern human society where the meal is accessible and unlimited, consequences of such "economy" are fatal. The majority of women is connected by development or progressing of adiposity with pregnancy and feeding. The weight set is almost guaranteed, if pregnancy attacks a background of already available surplus of weight.

Monday, April 23, 2007

As It Was Found Out At Special Scientific

As it was found out at special scientific researches, the increase in quantity of fat in food does not strengthen its oxidation. And why an organism, rigidly supervising consumption of carbohydrates, does not supervise thus fat consumption? The unique reasonable explanation to this phenomenon in my opinion consists that fat, is the unique possible form of accumulation of energy. And possibilities of fatty depots are proportional to weight of the organism. The person can save up and 50 and 100 and more kgs of a fatty fabric. In a natural life of each animal the food periods alternate with the long periods , worry which can only animal with a good stock of energy. This thing in the evolutionary plan absolutely necessary. The person - an animal unique. This unique animal who in a life practically does not have periods , of course, if to consider inhabitants of economically developed countries having average or higher material prosperity. Accordingly also there is no necessity to spend the saved up energy.

So, Carbohydrates - Nutrients With Power Value Of

So, carbohydrates - nutrients with power value of 4,1 kcals on gramme. That is this quantity of energy is released at splitting in an organism of one gramme of sugar. What for energy is necessary to us, I think, already it is not necessary to explain. There is at carbohydrates one more important enough property. They can be split and give energy even in absence of oxygen. In general it is considered proved that superfluous consumption flour and sweet is connected with excess weight occurrence. In other words, the more the person eats carbohydrates, the with probability it will have superfluous kgs. But why? Long time the mechanism of development of fatness at abusing carbohydrates saw in their basic possibility to be reconstructed in an organism in fat. Really, for a long time it is known that the organism does not create stocks of carbohydrates. Creates more truly, but very small. All stock of carbohydrates is settled by 60-80 grammes (animal starch) in a liver and approximately such quantity in muscles.

I Think That We Will Meet This Term

I think that we will meet this term still. * Direct transfer of this word from the Latin means . * ob - reduction from English obesity - adiposity. * it if to whom it is interesting, by means of a radioactive label which put on glucose has been proved, and after looked as this label is distributed in an organism and whether much it appears in fat molecules. As it was found out, very much it is not a lot of. * Now more and more supporters finds a sight that if also vegetative fats in food too it is not enough, the atherosclerosis develops even more slowly. * Besides, for the interested I result work where about it it is possible to read more in detail: Schlundt D. G., Hill J. O., Pope-Cordle J. et al. Randomized evaluation of a low fat ad libitum carbohydr ate diet for weight reduction. Int. J. Obes. 1993. V.17, P. 623-629. * the fat molecule represents , that is three molecules of fat acids fastened in the form of tails to a molecule of glycerine. Fat acids define properties of this or that fat (vegetative, animal, or fish) * and approbation the Doctor-slima took part In working out the collective of science officers headed by the professor of the Samara Gosmeduniversiteta G.