Monday, April 23, 2007

As It Was Found Out At Special Scientific

As it was found out at special scientific researches, the increase in quantity of fat in food does not strengthen its oxidation. And why an organism, rigidly supervising consumption of carbohydrates, does not supervise thus fat consumption? The unique reasonable explanation to this phenomenon in my opinion consists that fat, is the unique possible form of accumulation of energy. And possibilities of fatty depots are proportional to weight of the organism. The person can save up and 50 and 100 and more kgs of a fatty fabric. In a natural life of each animal the food periods alternate with the long periods , worry which can only animal with a good stock of energy. This thing in the evolutionary plan absolutely necessary. The person - an animal unique. This unique animal who in a life practically does not have periods , of course, if to consider inhabitants of economically developed countries having average or higher material prosperity. Accordingly also there is no necessity to spend the saved up energy.

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