Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Really, Nicotine Accelerates Exchange Processes, And Caffeine Strengthens

Really, nicotine accelerates exchange processes, and caffeine strengthens fat oxidation. But if the stout person begins to smoke or drink uncontrollably coffee, it hardly will result in the expressed weight reduction, and here problems will increase. So, against coffee abusing increase of arterial pressure is rather probable, and nicotine strengthens processes of a sclerosis and accelerates ageing. I any more do not speak about repeated increase of risk of development of tumours of lungs. This fact well-known everything, and not only to smokers. During some periods of a life of the woman (pregnancy and feeding), its organism sharply reduces ability to fat burning. This phenomenon has quite certain physiological role. Pregnancy and feeding demand energy stocks. But in a modern human society where the meal is accessible and unlimited, consequences of such "economy" are fatal. The majority of women is connected by development or progressing of adiposity with pregnancy and feeding. The weight set is almost guaranteed, if pregnancy attacks a background of already available surplus of weight.

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