Friday, November 16, 2007

Infringement Of This Rule Usually Gives Negative Medical

Infringement of this rule usually gives negative medical effect. This law is, however, relative as in certain cases, despite normalisation of sizes "K" and "Ca" in whey of blood, clinical improvement was not. These facts show that influence "K" and "Ca" medical structures and blood whey on a current of processes - is limited. Proceeding from representations about a direct communication of all phenomena considered here, it would be possible to see the reason of this limitation: In inferiority of methods of the analysis. In influence of others blood whey, besides "K" and "Ca". Inferiority of methods of the analysis is caused by that all "K" and "Ca" blood whey is in a kind of active ions: the part from them is connected with fibers, the part is a part of not dissociated molecules. Titration (actually analysis process) we define a total sum, instead of their active part. Therefore defined sizes can be equal by quantity and are various on action. Ways for elimination of this lack, on visible, still are not present.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

In This Connection We Have Defined The Purpose

In this connection we have defined the purpose of our research influence of game on formation of social and cultural qualities of the person of the child that has formed the basis to make the first attempts in workings out of the program of games on socialisation and a cult of a portable radio set of the person of the child - the preschool child in DOW. For this purpose we have developed diagnostic toolkit on revealing of levels of development of social and cultural qualities of the person of the child in game. Approbation of the given program and diagnostic toolkit assumes drawing up of recommendations for tutors, the teachers working in DOW, for the purpose of use of the given program. E.A.Novikova . . , . . And . . And . Formations . The head: So-called MENTALITY ROLE IN DEFINITION OF VALUES AND THE FORMATION PURPOSES. Recently in the historical, socially-psychological, pedagogical and philosophical literature gets the driver's licence of citizenship concept of mentality. What is such? In what an essence of the given concept? World vision should not be mixed with outlook or ideology.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It Starts To Be Allocated In Blood. Increase

It starts to be allocated in blood. Increase of level of fats in blood directly conducts to acceleration of development of an atherosclerosis and an ischemic heart trouble. Through a number of events increase of level of fats in blood conducts and to increase of arterial pressure. Fat fixing in fatty cages the hormone carries out insulin which is developed by pancreas cages. At increase of level of fat in blood the pancreas should apply more and more efforts what to keep fat in fatty cages. Insulin level in blood starts to raise. But can happen and so that insulin even at the big concentration in blood will not suffice and then in the conditions of shortage of this hormone will start to raise and sugar level in blood. And it already a diabetes. Believe, if excess weight would not become complicated so often diseases listed above, it would not be a medical problem. At the best - cosmetic. By the way, will develop or not these complications, depends not only on weight of superfluous fat, but also from, whether it is possible to an organism to keep this surplus in fatty cages, or not.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Any Other Illness People Are Not Ill So

Any other illness people are not ill so often as with adiposity. In have 54 million person. Depresses also that frequency of adiposity steadily grows in the majority of the countries. Scientists conclude that the developed countries deal with adiposity epidemic. Really, epidemic. It has been counted up that adiposity as a social problem manages to Englishmen in 13 billion pounds sterling, and to Americans in 70 billion dollars annually. As to Europe here as mark, figures of distribution of adiposity though also a little smaller, than to the USA, but too the impressive. Frequency of disease at adults varies in the different countries a little and fluctuates from 22 to 28 percent. Disease above in the south of continent and slightly more low in the countries of Scandinavia. Practically everywhere growth of frequency of disease is to a greater or lesser extent marked. And, programs of training extending in last decades the population focusing inhabitants on more balanced diet and more active way of life, yet have not stopped these tendencies.

Paradox. It Appears It Is Possible To Get

Paradox. It appears it is possible to get fat starving. For example, somebody is capable to burn for days a maximum 100 fat. It almost 1000 kcals of an order of 35 percent from average day caloric content It is admissible, he has eaten for a day only two glasses 30 percentage fat contents, that is 150 fat are swept away. it? Certainly is not present. It will be hungry. But this day it will get in a stock 50 more fat. You only think - all the day to starve, what in the end of day also to grow stout. It is not difficult to count up that if the person will hold on on such diet month though agree, will sustain it difficultly enough in the end of this month it will grow stout already on one and a half kg. I often enough had to meet, directly , paradoxical cases of a set of weight. For example, when patients, on purpose to grow thin kept to a diet consisting of one vegetable salads. But these salads have been plentifully enough seasoned by vegetable oil or mayonnaise. After a month of a food such the weight not only did not decrease, but on the contrary increased by 2-3 kgs.