Thursday, April 16, 2009

Anyway, At Adiposity And, Even, At Tendency To

Anyway, at adiposity and, even, at tendency to corpulence it is unequivocally harmful. But "doctor's" will disorient the name. Margarine. Write that they consist only of vegetative fats and owing to it are useful. We will leave reasonings on utility of vegetative fats. We have already found out that at excess weight they are harmful, well can be, hardly to a lesser degree, than and animals. Has put here a little in other. Long time was considered that if at a food there are only vegetative fats and very few fats of animals at the person the atherosclerosis more slowly progresses and less often pressure raises. These ideas have not lost the urgency and now, but they are fair only in the event that it is a question of the person with normal *. As to margarine yes, really, they consist of vegetative fats, but these fats are hydrogenated, or, speaking differently, are subjected special processing so, what and at a room temperature to remain firm. And, as have shown recent researches, these hydrogenated fats appear for an organism even more harmful, than fats animals.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Actually, There Is One Unbiased Fact Submitting To

Actually, there is one unbiased fact submitting to the second law of thermodynamics, opened in due time Isaakom Newton. In a key of our problem this law could sound so: the immediate cause of increase of weight of fat in an organism always one also consists in prevalence of energy eaten over energy spent. In other words, if the person eats more than food, than he is capable to spend for service of power expenditure, how believe, fat, a fatty fabric should pass surplus of energy in fat, after all, is that other, as an energy stock. This nutrient which the person constantly drags with itself. And substance rather rich with energy. At oxidation of one gramme of fat in an organism 9,3 kcals are allocated, and at oxidation of the same quantity of carbohydrates or fibers only 4,1 kcals. So, apparently, the reason is known, but all not so is simple as it seems. Whether is the reason of fatness the overeating? And now still in popular, and sometimes and in the scientific literature it is possible to meet the statement that all corpulent simply gluttons, or if want on scientific - *.