Saturday, November 15, 2008

Really Any Of Preparations Has Not Shown The

Really any of preparations has not shown the activity in respect of decrease in weight of a body at check of its efficiency in the environment of the double blind control. Meanwhile the method of the double blind control is obligatory at check of efficiency of any medicine. It is carried out as follows. Patients share on two groups and one of them receives a medicine, and another precisely same tablet or a capsule but without a medicinal substance, a so-called baby's dummy or on Latin, . And neither patients, nor doctors who with them work do not know, who has received a medicine, and who a baby's dummy. And so, I repeat any of the means offered for treatment of adiposity has not shown the efficiency at test in the environment of the double blind control. From here it is doubtless that medical products and bioadditives cannot be considered as an independent method of treatment, however at application against a diet they can improve its shipping and strengthen its effect. Now the means reducing appetite, a stimulating metabolism and a power consumption improving processes of combustion of fat are applied to excess weight treatment.

Fileshi And N.N.Sivakovoj (1994) For This Purpose At Examinees

Fileshi and N.N.Sivakovoj (1994) For this purpose at examinees was measured growth, were defined weight of a body, arterial pressure and pulse, also has been established actual age of each examinee. Physical development on anthopometrical indicators by T.V.Morozovoj and P.P.Boldurchidi's technique has been besides defined. Results have been subjected statistical processing. Results of research have shown that at pupils classes level of physical development was at 56,67 %- , 23,33 %- an average, 10 %- and 10 %- an average. It has been established that at 76,67 % of examinees arterial pressure is in limits of vozrastno-sexual norms; 13,33 % have raised, and 10 %- arterial pressure. Frequency of warm reductions at 46,67 % of lyceum students has appeared within norms, at the same number (46,67 %) it has been raised and 6,67 % is lowered. Degree of adaptation to conditions of daily activity at 43,33 % of examinees fluctuated from 1,6 to 2,09 standard units that makes satisfactory adaptation.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

16.V - The Blood Analysis: Na=320mg %; K=18,2mg

16.V - the blood Analysis: Na=320mg %; K=18,2mg %; Mg=1,8mg %; Ca=10,7mg %; Eh=148 . 17.V - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+glut. 24.V - Wounds have fresher appearance and became drier. Has appeared insignificant . 26.V - the blood Analysis: Na=326mg %; K=23,5mg %; Mg=1mg %; Ca=11mg %; Eh=155 . 27.V - Intravenous injection: (StNa+CaCl2+MgCl2+glut)/10. 1.VI - the wound Kind has worsened. has stopped. Complains of pains in a foot. Sleeps badly. 3.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=310mg %; K=17,9mg %; Mg=3,5mg %; Ca=12mg %; Eh=150 . 4.VI - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+glut. 11.VI - Intravenous injection: (StK+KCl+glut)/10. 13.VI - the Condition of the patient has considerably improved. Pains in a foot have stopped. Wounds became pure. Has begun sharply expressed . 15.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=320mg %; K=21,5mg %; Mg=2,8mg %; Ca=11,1mg %; Eh=162 . 17.VI - Intravenous injection: (StNa+glut)/10. 20.VI - Wounds heal well. Pains are not present. Sleeps well. Has got up and goes with a crutch. The foot was considerably straightened.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Injections Are Stopped. 5) - - , 45

Injections are stopped. 5) - - , 45 years. As a result of disease by the spontaneous gangrene, all fingers and heads bones "have departed". In area a wound, not healing within 2th years. Pains does not mark, goes, works. The pulsation of arteries of foot is probed well. It has started to be treated concerning not healing ulcer. 9.V - the Analysis of whey of blood has shown: "K" =11,5mg %; "Ca" =17,2mg %. 10.V, 12.V and 13.V - Intravenous injections StK. Especial changes in a wound are not marked; transition at wound edges to a skin only has slightly smoothed out. 19.V - the Analysis of whey of blood has shown: "K" =10mg %; "Ca" =14,4mg %. 20.V, 22.V and 24.V - injections on 1 sm3 StK Are made. 26.V - For a time interval with 19.V-26.V the wound kind has sharply changed. The bottom has risen; has along the edges begun . The analysis of whey of blood: "K" =15mg %; "Ca" =14mg %. 27.V, 31.V and 2.VI - intravenous injections on 1 sm3 St a are made. 3.VI - the Kind at a wound has changed. The bottom has gone deep, granulations languid, are covered by touches.

Monday, November 10, 2008

This Fall Was So Stable That Authors Thought

This fall was so stable that authors thought of its specificity for a schizophrenia and believed that the way of diagnostics is found. However the further facts have shown wide prevalence of this phenomenon in a pathology. From 9 persons, suffering heart diseases, one had a compensated defect, and only at this one was not potential falls. At research of gastroenteric diseases (an ulcer, a cancer), at one patient potential fall was not revealed. Operation has shown that there was a diagnosis error, there there was an ordinary soldering. Then cases of malignant tumours have been investigated. All of them, including tumours of a brain, a distance very low figures. All cases heavy . . . Have given potential below norm. The following group of diseases - sharp infections with raised T? And a pneumonia. All of them have given decrease - less sharp, - subnormal figures. Cases, where high T? It was accompanied by low potential, according to authors, in the relation are adverse. Endokrinnye diseases have given potential decrease.

The Physiological Analysis Of Features Of Animal Various

The physiological analysis of features of animal various populations is extremely important for the decision of some practical questions as the representative of separate population characterises and represents the given kind in its natural relations to other kinds, to these or those factors of environment. Therefore the analysis of those factors which define features of an animal of the given population is interesting. Ekologo-physiological research demands not only special receptions , but also workings out of special equipment. Last should meet the requirements of a modern physiological science and provide preservation of organisms of the reactions operating on an organism of factors specific to a given kind and behaviour forms is direct for this work the chamber represented on fig. 1 is modelled Drawing 1 Model chambers. Methodical receptions of ekologo-physiological researches get during the last years the increasing variety, and researches a deep water. Gubareva E.V. , . Zoology INFLUENCE OF SULFIDE OF CADMIUM AS ENVIRONMENT FACTOR ON CONDITION OF SYSTEM, THE CURRENT AND THE OUTCOME OF PREGNANCY OF FEMALES OF RATS.