Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Saw The Patient After Six Months. Feels Absolutely

Saw the patient after six months. Feels absolutely healthy. 10) - - , 34 years. It is sick within two years - a lung cancer. It is regularly treated by radiotheraphy. As a result of a treatment last year the cancer tumour has decreased in 2 times. Felt well. Two weeks ago has felt a headache which gradually amplified. Every other day - has been forced to lay down in bed. Movements of the left hand became inconvenient, the same has occurred and to the bottom left finiteness. The phenomena accrued and there has come a paralysis of the left hand and the left foot. A number of experts is inclined to consider as the paralysis reason a metastatic cancer of a brain. 3.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=240mg %; K=13mg %; Mg=1mg %; Ca=11mg %; Eh=140 . 4.VI - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+glut. [12?].VI - Intravenous injection: (StNa+NaCl+glut)/10. 17.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=290mg %; K=17,85mg %; Mg=0,75mg %; Ca=10,5mg %; Eh=147 . 18.VI - Intravenous injection: (StK+KCl+glut)/10. The condition - has considerably improved.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Freely Transfer Repeated Intravenous Injections Of The Structure

Freely transfer repeated intravenous injections of the structure 549 which doses were from 5-10 sm3 each time. After that it has been started experiences with a stick . For an exception of influence of individuality experiences were put by series. The number skilled and was identical (from 5 to 8). Rabbits caught , doses undertook deadly. To skilled rabbits intravenous injections were made in one part of experiences simultaneously with infection, and in other part in 1 hour after infection. All rabbits under supervision was 86. Results were the following: all rabbits - both skilled, and control - were lost. The analysis of reports has shown the following: at coincidence of the moments of infection and intravenous injection skilled rabbits lived on 6 % less, than control and the phenomena at them were observed on 33 % more often. At the intravenous injections made in hour after infection, life expectancy of skilled rabbits on 44 % more than control and the phenomena at skilled on 85 % are more rare, than at the control.

It Turns Out That Typing Weight The Person

It turns out that typing weight the person as though adapts for fatter food and it is protected from the further set of weight. There can be that you have just read, will not seem to you essential, but me the question why the person throughout several years eats not correctly always interested, and its weight is at a stop and does not increase. After all according to the logic of things its weight should grow steadily. Now the answer is found. The the person more thickly, the better it with other things being equal burns fat. And if in the beginning he recovered if fat content of its food exceeded for example 70 grammes a day now, having recovered on 30 kg, it does not type weight even if the fat maintenance in its diet reaches 130 in day. And the return situation, at weight reduction progressively decreases ability of an organism to oxidise fat. Law approximately same: at reduction of weight by each 10 kg of possibility of its oxidation decrease on 20 in day. The reason also consists in it, by the way, adiposity.