Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It Turns Out That Typing Weight The Person

It turns out that typing weight the person as though adapts for fatter food and it is protected from the further set of weight. There can be that you have just read, will not seem to you essential, but me the question why the person throughout several years eats not correctly always interested, and its weight is at a stop and does not increase. After all according to the logic of things its weight should grow steadily. Now the answer is found. The the person more thickly, the better it with other things being equal burns fat. And if in the beginning he recovered if fat content of its food exceeded for example 70 grammes a day now, having recovered on 30 kg, it does not type weight even if the fat maintenance in its diet reaches 130 in day. And the return situation, at weight reduction progressively decreases ability of an organism to oxidise fat. Law approximately same: at reduction of weight by each 10 kg of possibility of its oxidation decrease on 20 in day. The reason also consists in it, by the way, adiposity.

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