Saturday, March 8, 2008

Therefore Eat For God's Sake, Everything, But Taking

Therefore eat for God's sake, everything, but taking into account again found out circumstances. Remember that each gramme of fat eaten by you, demands certain efforts of an organism, on its oxidation. To begin with be very precisely defined with fat content of those or other products. My experience shows that the majority of patients understands as the fat only fat and a butter. And when learn that the only thing to them a wish, it is less fat, joyfully exclaim: "the Doctor, and I also do not eat it!". Not all patients carry cheese to fat products. In vain. Modern cheeses, especially import have fat content of an order of 45-50 percent. Often people do not consider fat a sausage, sausages and some sausages in which fat as though it is not visible - "dairy", "doctor's", "tonic" and others. Nevertheless, fat content of all these products fluctuates from 25 to 35 percent. Usually I advise to the patients to use in food of more fish, especially sea and to use fast meat (beef, veal) for preparation of soups and meat snack.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Often Enough In Conversation With Patients, It Is

Often enough in conversation with patients, it is found out that they occur from families to high frequency of adiposity. And further thought: "the Doctor, can be useless all it? It turns out that thick to me on a sort to be written!". Well also what? - I answer them. At me too a heredity - God forbid! But I watch the weight and it at me turns out. Moreover, I know many patients with the burdened heredity which after weight reduction perfectly keep the received result. What conclusion can be made of the aforesaid? Whole four: Adiposity, and tendency to corpulence is inherited not Tendency to corpulence, is ability of an organism to accumulate fat at a usual average food At the person inclined to completeness at least one of parents has excess weight. At tendency to corpulence is available two choice: or to do and get fat nothing, or to watch the weight and to undertake certain efforts to that that weight did not accrue So, and the power disbalance and and a heredity does not possible to explain all cases of surplus of weight.

Ability Of An Organism To Burn Fats Decreases

Ability of an organism to burn fats decreases with the years. Approximately on 10 for each 10 years. If thus the person does not reduce adequately fat consumption, and usually it does not occur, its weight will accrue inevitably. Increase of cases of fatness at people of an average and advanced age, the fact, well-known to physicians. The basic fabric where there is a fat burning are muscles. At restriction of mobility and physical activity ability of muscles to fat oxidation sharply falls. Probably, in it a principal cause of increase of weight at the sportsmen who have stopped trainings, and as at the persons who have passed to quieter way of life. I already spoke, if the person simply changes apartment from the fifth floor (without the lift) on the first, it because of it it can already add of five kgs for a year. If, certainly, will not change the food. Unfortunately, practice shows that the person is very conservative in a food. And throughout many years, despite varying properties of a metabolism and parametres of a way of life, a food of the person it is supported at former level without essential changes.

Monday, March 3, 2008

In Process Of Democratisation There Was A Set

In process of democratisation there was a set of newspapers and magazines, the radio and telecasting network has extended, there was a set of the points of view. The theme urgency consists and that it is badly investigated, not enough literature and primary sources. As to journalism definition the journalism is a publicity, publicity is a transparency of the power, that is its realisation according to the law. And the power transparency is a sign of the lawful state which formation occurs before our eyes. The newspaper "Tiflissky sheets", and begun printing to Stavropol Territory was the first newspaper in the North Caucasus, there was a newspaper "Stavropol Provincial sheets" which has appeared on January, 1st, 1850 and left weekly on Saturday days. The newspaper "Stavropol Provincial sheets" consisted of two parts: official and informal. The official part contained the information on orders, government orders, on affairs state, about the property etc. In an informal part articles of the scientific maintenance, public data, a practical advice, data on market prices for consumer goods, statistical data on a province condition, the entire accounts on epidemics, about outstanding incidents etc.