Saturday, March 8, 2008

Therefore Eat For God's Sake, Everything, But Taking

Therefore eat for God's sake, everything, but taking into account again found out circumstances. Remember that each gramme of fat eaten by you, demands certain efforts of an organism, on its oxidation. To begin with be very precisely defined with fat content of those or other products. My experience shows that the majority of patients understands as the fat only fat and a butter. And when learn that the only thing to them a wish, it is less fat, joyfully exclaim: "the Doctor, and I also do not eat it!". Not all patients carry cheese to fat products. In vain. Modern cheeses, especially import have fat content of an order of 45-50 percent. Often people do not consider fat a sausage, sausages and some sausages in which fat as though it is not visible - "dairy", "doctor's", "tonic" and others. Nevertheless, fat content of all these products fluctuates from 25 to 35 percent. Usually I advise to the patients to use in food of more fish, especially sea and to use fast meat (beef, veal) for preparation of soups and meat snack.

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