Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Cage Is Characterised By An Abundance ,

a cage is characterised by an abundance , which basic functions in fiber synthesis, a respiratory exchange, maintenance of active transport. is a basic element in maintenance of hydration of a cornea. should compensate both natural aspiration to absorb water, and the lowered osmotic pressure. Infringement of barrier function leads to swelling of all layers of a cornea to sharp falling of visual acuity and to unpleasant sensations. By the spent researches it is established that penetration of water, electrolits, microcells and other substances through , and cornea membranes is carried out, thanks to processes of oxidation of the basic properties of a cornea directed on restoration. Thus selective carrying out of ions in accumulates ions of sodium which keeps in intermediate substance together with than the cornea transparency is provided. Thus, in plasmatic membranes of a cornea, and the structures responsible for three basic functions - synthesis, a barrier role, participation in active transport are located that provides maintenance of a transparency of a cornea.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Besides, It Is Necessary To Take Into Consideration

Besides, it is necessary to take into consideration theories of game which have developed in separate areas (the theory of children's game in psychology, the mathematical theory of game, the theory of an origin of art of game in art criticism etc.). Worthy and the further working out the sight at game as a version of modelling activity (Lotman is represented to us. ), and as attempt of the methodological analysis of problems of game in pedagogics (Shchedrovitsky ). To game representatives of foreign philosophy (the Zh.-item Sartre, gave a great attention to Unauma, Z.Freud, J. ) it has found reflexion and certain interpretation in fiction (T.Mann, G.Gesee) - this material as can be entered into a scientific turn at game studying. As any phenomenon of culture game has arisen in the course of historical development from needs of public practice. In system of cultural acquisitions mankind it takes far not a minor place. There is no saying in what particularly the time interval is allocated actually game activity; obviously as that the person has realised not at once and has allocated its value that is connected with primitive culture.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hence, Close Interaction Of Culture And Formation In

Hence, close interaction of culture and formation in development of the person, is one of the major conditions of its value, abilities to adapt for inconsistent conditions of life and to resist to negative interactions of environment, leaning against spiritual culture of the person. As a result it is possible to come to a conclusion that the culture should be not only department to which formation in plans and state laws - "culture and formation" officially adjoins, the culture should enter into "flesh" before the formation, having defined it , logic of action of the teacher, i.e. a cultural urological principle and the organisations of all educational space, i.e. the humanistic approach. Construction of architecture of pedagogical space according to logic of culture will allow to direct its activity on formation "the person of culture". Fedorov A.N. , . Journalism JOURNALISM of the CITY of Stavropol of the PRE-REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD (with 1850 on 1917) The urgency of a problem studied by me that the journalism, as it is known, is "the fourth power" which can influence in the strongest image a society forms public opinion.