Tuesday, April 3, 2007

According To The Received Data, Chronic Influence By

According to the received data, chronic influence by sulphide of cadmium within 1 month led not to pregnancy at females of rats. Considering that cadmium sulphide possesses high cumulative effect, a part of rats coupled 1 month later after . At rats of this group pregnancy observed at 33,3 % that in 2 times it is less, than at control animals. High level to - and a post to �destruction of fruits led to considerable decrease in number of infant rats in a dung. Thus in a uterus observed the dystrophic changes especially expressed in the field of placentary platforms. In particular, in a mucous layer of a uterus marked decrease in quantity of functioning glands in comparison with females of control group. Matochnye glands , takes place strong in glands. In separate sites observed formation structures. In some cases in a uterus observed presence . Among cellular elements of the cytogene form meet , , , corpulent cages, plasmatic cages, . There was a tendency to vessels, to narrowing of a vascular layer, especially in area platforms, vessels are less sanguineous, than at animals of control group.

Monday, April 2, 2007

On Occasion, Especially Concerning Mg, Some Inconsistency Of

On occasion, especially concerning Mg, some inconsistency of changes of its size in whey of blood after injections of corresponding solutions was marked. Sometimes these changes have been sharply expressed, were sometimes insignificant. In the majority of cases the natural interrelation between Na and Mg medical structures, Na and Mg whey of blood and improvement of a condition of the patient has been expressed accurately. These supervision have shown that the medical laws established for K and Ca, extend also on Na and Mg. The General provisions on qualitative structure of medical actions can be formulated now so: I. Addition to our standards of salts of monovalent metals is shown when sizes of corresponding elements in blood whey rather less, than sizes of bivalent metals. When sizes of monovalent metals in blood whey rather more than sizes of bivalent metals addition of salts of corresponding monovalent metals is counter-indicative. II. Addition to our standards of salts of bivalent metals is shown when sizes of corresponding elements in blood whey rather less, than sizes of monovalent metals.