Friday, July 6, 2007

II Day. Narcosis: Morphine, An Aether-chloroform. The Piece Of

II day. Narcosis: morphine, an aether-chloroform. The piece of a skin with a cut is cut out. The preparation is prepared. The microscopy data: a scab. Big . Vascular reactions are sharply expressed. On a cut course plentiful emigration. In a hypodermic fabric congestions of leukocytes. 2 .15 day. Narcosis: morphine, an aether-chloroform. The piece of a skin with a cut is cut out. The preparation is prepared. At easy compression of all seams plentiful pus is allocated. The microscopy data: all fabric leukocytes. Vascular reactions are [badly expressed. The Nekrotichesky centres. 23.II 2 .15 day. A narcosis: morphine, an aether-chloroform. The piece of a skin with a cut is cut out. The preparation is prepared. A plentiful suppuration of seams. Microscopy data: the centres. Fabrics are impregnated by leukocytes. Vascular reaction sharp. 25.II During a narcosis the dog was lost. The similar Supervision have been put on 14 steams of dogs and microscopic researches have shown approximately same picture.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Juice From Veal . Take Half-pound (= 227

Juice from veal . Take half-pound (= 227 gramme) fresh crude (_ _ , not washed out, in any way not processed) veal , 3/4 pounds (= 340 gramme) carrots and 1 apple. Cut on strips, pass through a grinder, alternating , carrots and an apple. Prepare juice. The use: 2 times a day. Last years Institute Gersona has regretfully refused application of juice from veal in connection with the infections connected with consumption of such juice. Instead of it addition of special preparations of a liver in carrot juice and injections of preparations of a liver is applied. Institute Gersona says that with juice from results were slightly better. You can simply replace juice from with the additional carrot; can request Institute Gersona concerning that, juice from in your concrete case (degree of its importance is how much critical at different diagnoses very different); can request Institute Gersona of that for preparations of a liver they use for injections and additives in juice; at last you can simply spit all and use juice from - I has made so, any problems with infections did not observe.