Friday, December 26, 2008

At The Majority Of Patients The Long Current

At the majority of patients the long current of disease was marked. At children of the second half of the year of a life of an aggravation and relapses proceeded much easier, than in a disease initial stage. Basically they were shown by an easy intestinal syndrome, and duration of semiology during aggravations and relapses did not exceed 7-10 days. Depending on a feeding kind essential distinctions in a clinical picture of disease are found out. At children of the first half of the year who are on artificial feeding, the infection proceeded much more hard, than at naturally raised children. Maintenance change Ig A in a course of disease during the different age periods was various. So, at children of the first half of the year increase of level Ig A in the first 2 weeks of illness with the subsequent decrease on 3-4 weeks of illness was observed. At children who are on chest feeding, level Ig A was above, than at artificial, and in dynamics of treatment in both groups increase of maintenance Ig A, apparently, at the expense of own synthesis was observed.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Therefore There Was A Question On Formation Of

Therefore there was a question on formation of national consciousness in the conditions of polyethnos, since the childhood. The national consciousness, as well as consciousness in general, is possible only in the presence of certain level of a social both cultural life and presence of international dialogue. As national definiteness of consciousness is a consequence of perception of those distinctions which exist between the nations: the household, language, cultural and other features forming the nation, a nationality, as a socially-ethnic generality. The national consciousness in a science is characterised as steady system of the realised representations and estimations of real-life ethnodifferentiating and ethnointegrating signs of ability to live of ethnos. The subjective relation to conditions of ethnic life crystallises in the phenomenon of ethnic self-identification which, first of all, depends on degree of expressiveness and intensity of influence of ethnic components and elements on the person during socialisation and psychological development.

As Soon As The Person Starts To Increase

As soon as the person starts to increase a food after the termination of a course of a diet, fat consumption, and with it together and weight increases also. And the weight can start to grow how caloric content of food will reach the level preceding an initiation of treatment. For example, before diet observance our patient ate an order 100 fat in day and as much it burnt. During a diet has dumped 20 kg and can burn now only 60 fat. It began to pass on the sly to a usual food (to expand a diet). And so, as soon as daily consumption of fat will exceed 60 , he will start to recover. And what such 60 fat? It is a glass of usual store sour cream, or 3 table spoons of vegetable oil, or 80 fat or one and a half sausage. I already mentioned that the probability surplus of weight after its decrease is close to 90 percent. It not jokes. Many my acquaintances grew thin before both on two and on three times, but every time, after half a year - year their weight came back to former level, and sometimes and surpassed it.

They Are Very Rare At Children And Young

They are very rare at children and young men till 20 years, however further their frequency accrues. And still, food infringements at women meet approximately in 10 times more often, than at men. Men at stress on purpose to calm down drink alcohol is more often. And still. Very often people notice that all these reactions carry as though passing character. That is, at different people they appear at excitements of different degree of expressiveness. We will admit, at small excitements they are, and at big - are not present. And even on the contrary, at strong experiences appetite completely vanishes. Or so. During any period of a life the person marks at excitements and in what that another it disappears. In other words, reactions still it is necessary to understand laws of occurrence and display, but that they are not constant, gives up hope, that them burdened, in due course it will be possible to help people effectively. I will add as that already now some psychotherapists undertake the decision of this problem and which that at them turns out.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Injections Are Stopped. 24.VI - Pulse Of A

Injections are stopped. 24.VI - Pulse of a back artery of foot is probed on both stops. Saw the patient in September. Goes freely without a stick. Pains are not present. Sleeps well. Has put on weight. Colouring of a skin of a finger - norm. 4) - - , 23 years. Within several years suffers annual aggravations of an osteomyelitis of the left hip. When the aggravation fistulas and pus open begins is allocated usually within one and a half, two months and longer. In the beginning of June fistulas have opened. 11.VI - the Analysis Blood: Na=285mg %; K=27,4mg %; Mg=0,8mg %; Ca=8,2mg %; Eh=151 . 12.VI - Intravenous injection: StNa+CaCl2+glut. 17.VI - Pus separates in smaller quantity. Pains are weaker. 19.VI - Intravenous injection: (StNa+CaCl2+glut)/10. 23.VI - the Wound much more chilly. State of health without changes. 24.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=302mg %; K=22,15mg %; Mg=0,5mg %; Ca=10,8mg %; Eh=165 . 26.VI - Intravenous injection: (StNa+NaCl+MgCl2+glut)/10. 29.VI - the State of health is much better.

It Is Necessary To Change And Other Appointments.

It is necessary to change and other appointments. It completely excludes possibility to cure the patient for one session. After the treatment termination it is necessary to observe the certain principles of a food interfering a set of weight. If the patient does not know about these principles, its weight will return after a while to initial level or will exceed it. Probably the majority of patients which now come to me on treatment in the past is not casual or were coded, is frequent on some times, or applied other fashionable methods of self-treatment. But feeling of hunger, unfortunately, not the unique problem rising before interested persons to grow thin. Other problem, is undesirable, but diets of change usually arising against observance in a metabolism and in a way of life. As soon as the person starts to cut down a food, passes to diets with smaller caloric content, its organism tries to spend less energy, to save it, to put by. In other words, you try to eat less, and he tries to spend less.