Saturday, May 9, 2009

And This Decrease Is Reached Usually For Long

And this decrease is reached usually for long before achievement of normal weight of a body. It speaks as follows. Increase of arterial pressure at adiposity is connected not so much with weight of fat in an organism, how many with increase of its concentration in blood. At an unloading food the organism first of all starts to spend fat from blood. Its concentration decreases, and trace arterial pressure decreases also. Excess weight treatment results not only in decrease in arterial pressure. If the patient to an initiation of treatment had a diabetes ** in the course of treatment decrease in level of sugar in blood is very often observed that allows to reduce a dose means, or completely to refuse their reception. But give I will better result the figures received by us during scientific processing of results of treatment under the program resulted above. In total in research was 57 patients at the age of 15 - are taken 59 years. From them men - 16 and women - 41. 8 patients had a first degree of adiposity, at 24 - the second, at 23 - the third and at 2 - the fourth.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

In The Further Statement This Term To Us

In the further statement this term to us will meet. As all the same to grow thin? Before to undertake any efforts, think once again, and whether costs? From the point of view of medicine unequivocally costs, especially if the weight exceeds ideal more than for 25-30 percent or if the fat great bulk is located in a belly cavity. It when the relation of circles of a waist and hips at the woman is more 0,81, and men - have more than unit. Well-known that timely decrease in superfluous weight of a body conducts to normalisation of arterial pressure, sharply reduces probability of development of a heart attack of a myocardium and in very big percent of cases normalises sugar level in blood at diabetics. Than not an occasion to put weight in order? And here in other cases? For example, when more than it would be desirable your weight, say, kgs on 5-10. It seems to me, too costs. After all it, at least, tendency to corpulence and if not to undertake any measures, the weight will grow. However it is necessary to be cautious.

And, As Practice Shows, It Is Possible To

And, as practice shows, it is possible to it not bad. Judge. Usually the person in day spends an order of 2500-3500 kcals. It seemed, it would be possible to register to it a diet with caloric content of 2000 kcals. Small deficiency. He also will not notice. It will be real to look so - everything is possible, but approximately on one quarter it is less. Also live to itself. In day on a covering of power deficiency will leave from 50 to 150 fat. For a month of 1,5-4,5 kg, for a year of 15-35 kg. Than not the problem decision. However it is impossible. There will pass 2-3 weeks and the person will spend any more 2500-3500, and 2000 calories and will cease to grow thin. Probably, this phenomenon is familiar to much of you. You keep to a diet and at first all goes not bad, the weight decreases, but through any time weight reduction stops despite proceeding observance of a diet. And to notice power consumption reduction difficultly enough. It can be expressed in some reduction of a body temperature.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

If The Inflammation The Paint Passed In A

If the inflammation the paint passed in a bubble further began. Thus, the high light consists in increase in permeability of vascular walls in the inflamed centre and consequently the probability of penetration of substances entered by us in a fabric of the inflamed centre is theoretically admissible. During these researches our structure has been a little changed. The way for a long time practises tanning business, sharp action of chrome by addition of aluminium alum was softened. As a result of experimental check we have stopped on their following concentration: Structure 549. Sernokislyj chrome - 30 sm3 Kolloidnaja sulphur - 50 sm3 Aluminium alum of 5 % - 20 sm3 Tio-glikolev. K-k - 0,5 sm3 The dairy-sour buffer - 60 sm3 2 To 1 litre. Check Has shown that this structure like former, does not possess antiseptic properties and is unsterile. This circumstance did useless sterilisation and needles and further we never sterilised them. Preliminary researches have shown that rabbits in weight 950-1550 .