Saturday, July 12, 2008

Such Condition Lasted About Two Years. Then Pains

Such condition lasted about two years. Then pains have considerably amplified. On 1st finger have appeared skin. Drugs did not bring simplification. 18.XI - the blood Analysis: Na=330mg %; K=27mg %; Ca=4,87mg %; Definitions Mg and Eh were not spent. 20.XI - Intravenous injection: (StNa+CaCl2+glut)/10. 26.XI - Intravenous injection: (StNa+CaCl2+glut)/10. 10.XI - the blood Analysis: Na=350mg %; K=25,1mg %; Ca=7,5mg %. 12.XII - Intravenous injection: StNa+CaCl2+glut. 23.XII - Intravenous injection: StNa+CaCl2+glut. 11.I - Intravenous injection: StNa+glut. 31.I - the blood Analysis: Na=288mg %; K=22,9mg %; Ca=11mg %. 5.II - Intravenous injection: StNa+glut. 20.II - Intravenous injection: StNa+CaCl2+glut. 14.III - the blood Analysis: Na=276mg %; K=22mg %; Ca=13,1mg %. 18.III - Intravenous injection: StNa+glut. 29.III - Intravenous injection: StNa+glut. 5.IV - Intravenous injection: (StNa+glut)/10. 27.IV - Intravenous injection: (StNa+glut)/10. 8.VIII - - informs: "I Feel very well. A dream good Be ill absolutely is not present".

Friday, July 11, 2008

Such Terrible Infections As A Typhus, A Cholera,

Such terrible infections as a typhus, a cholera, a plague have receded. And after all in the Middle Ages of epidemic of these illnesses devastated the whole cities. But also adiposity has all signs of epidemic. People are not ill with any other illness so often. And of any other illness so often do not die. So where medicine? After all more often the doctor is simply limited to council to grow thin, and on a question as it to make advises is less and to move more. More shortly - burst less and stamp more. Piece of good advice, but, as a rule, the ineffective. And in general, the impression is made that adiposity, is simply ignored by doctors. Why so? Partly because comprehension of adiposity as metabolism diseases, was generated in medicine only last 10 years. And that to tell it has started to be formed more correctly. Last ten years representations, besides, have started to be formed that excess weight is an immediate cause of cardiovascular diseases and a diabetes, and that timely normalisation of weight can prevent development of these diseases.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dependence Of Frequency Of Adiposity On An Educational

Dependence of frequency of adiposity on an educational level comes to light. In a number of epidemiological researches it is established that adiposity the more possibly, than more low an educational level. Dependence of frequency of adiposity on an educational level at first sight is represented paradoxical, especially if to consider that people with low formation do manual work is more often, and people with a high educational level - intellectual. Most likely, the reason of communication of low formation with high frequency of adiposity consists that the formed people all the same understand that harm for health which bears with itself of adiposity is better, understand in those properties or other products is better and, accordingly, observe the feasible self-restrictions interfering increase of superfluous weight of a body. By the way, if this parcel is true, then are true and following positions - first, the balanced diet with the account those or other products is capable influence on adiposity the government programs explaining to people influence of adiposity on health and training to their general principles rational of a food, secondly, can to be effective.

Ever Less People Trust In Any " "

Ever less people trust in any " " and to it similar. Do not help. Or, anyway, help, but only 15 - to 20 percent of people. Even if hardly to strain logic, and that will seem strange - the majority of these means has come to us from America, and he/she is the recognised leader by quantity of fat men. And so, despite presence of all these means, corpulent there did not become less. It is proved that sports trainings of type of dancing aerobics, on an hour 2-3 times a week, in itself do not promote weight reduction at *. Are not effective in this plan and employment on training apparatus. But the firms rendering these services continue to entice clients the promise to clean superfluous kgs without any efforts and on always. And diets? How many they were! Both English, and French, both Chinese, and Larissa Dolinoj's diet, and a diet of Demisa Rusosa. But all of them if help only to grow thin, and not in the most safe and painless way. However, as soon as the person stops to keep to such diet, the weight it starts to grow.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Serous Surface Of Loops Of Thin And

The serous surface of loops of thin and thick guts is strongly infected and covered by layers of fibrous stratifications. In a belly cavity muddy the yellowish-green colour, mixed with the intestines maintenance. On distance of 80-100 sm from Bauginievoj cross-section rupture of a small intestine is found out, in the length 2,5-3 the Broken off gut see has been taken in. A deaf seam on a belly wall. In 2 hours after operation blood for the analysis is taken and intravenous injection of 1 sm3 is immediately made StK+glut. Natural indications to application StK, of course, was not. We have arrived in this case the same as arrived earlier, i.e. have begun treatment with application StK. 3.VI - the Data of the analysis of the blood taken 2.VI: Na=294mg %; K=15mg %; Mg=2,7mg %; Ca=14mg %; Eh=153 . 6.VI - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+glut. 7.VI - the Phenomena of a cut of the intestines, taking place 4.VI, 5.VI and 6.VI - have passed. Gases depart. A chair independent. 10.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=310mg %; K=19,5mg %; Mg=1,9mg %; Ca=12,1mg %; Eh=163 .

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Injections Are Stopped. For 10th Day After Operation

Injections are stopped. For 10th day after operation � has risen in the morning to 38,8 �, all cuts have reddened, is sharp . The picture of a rough inflammation was available. Within three days intravenous injections and an inflammation were made has passed absolutely. An outcome absolute prima. 3) - - , 50 . An ulcer of area of the right hip. Operation under the general narcosis. A skin plasticity. It has been made four additional cuts. Vessels are tied up by threads No 40. The skin is sewn up by threads No 40. Seams are removed for 9th day. Outcome - prima. 4) - - , 36 ., Zavorot of guts. . Operation under the general narcosis. Small intestines have been taken in a considerable part from a belly cavity. Cicatricial unions in the field of right holes have been removed. , available in a belly cavity, has been removed. It is made . Seams on a belly wall and a skin. NoNo threads the usual. Operation has become complicated a following moment: as the operational field has not been imposed by bed-sheets the loops taken from a belly cavity thin could not be kept on a surface of belly covers and have slipped downwards.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

14.II Narcosis: Morphine, An Aether-chloroform. 2 .35 Day:

14.II Narcosis: morphine, an aether-chloroform. 2 .35 day: the piece of a skin with a cut Is cut out. The preparation is prepared. The microscopy data: the Scab, under it almost completely . In depth strong vascular reaction and strong fabrics. It is a lot of hemorrhages. The Nekrotichesky centres. 17.II the Skin in the field of seams , at palpation subject fabrics . EXPERIENCE. 17.II Dog black. Weight of 11,5 kg. 1 .20 . Day: the Narcosis: Morphine, an aether-chloroform. 6 cuts of a skin with along a backbone, on 3 from each party are made. Operation conditions unsterile. 2 . 45 days: Intravenous injection of 4 sm3 549. 19.II day. Narcosis: morphine, an aether-chloroform. The piece of a skin with a cut is cut out. The preparation is prepared. Intravenous injection of 4 sm3 549. The microscopy data: a scab, around . In depth . Along a cut line insignificant leukocytes. 12.II 3 .30 day. Narcosis: morphine, an aether-chloroform. The piece of a skin with a cut is cut out. The preparation is prepared.

It Would Be Possible To Republish This Book

It would be possible to republish this book simply. But I have decided to sit once again over it, something to correct, something to add. Almost new book also has turned out. All section of the prevention and excess weight treatment in it is copied anew. I have tried to make its more intelligible and on the practical level more useful. On how many it was possible to me, to judge to you. Experience of treatment of patients with excess weight and adiposity at me enough big - not less than thousand cases. It is my trade which, should admit, it is pleasant to me. And, if happens so that superfluous fat prevents to live to you, let's understand this problem together. You can object, yes that to understand? Now it is possible to find the information in each newspaper about 2-3 "the effective remedies" which, if to trust advertising, will for ever relieve of superfluous kgs, and, without any diets and tortures. I think all the same that those who else believes that is the certain miracle, which itself will solve all your problems, remains any more much.