Thursday, May 8, 2008

At To The Form With , As Well

At to the form with , as well as at the chronic form of a congenital virus hepatitis In increase Ig M slower, but constant throughout all first year of a life that can serve as the proof of acyclicity of process at and to the form with . Increase Ig M at pre-natal a hepatitis virus In is the certificate, at least, two processes: The first - possibility fruit reactions on antigene the influence, the second - transfer Ig M to a fruit from infected mother at the expense of increase of permeability of a placentary barrier as a result of presence of current infectious process at the pregnant woman. In the presence of infectious process at mother the child receives quantity of antibodies (antibodies of class G) owing to their raised synthesis at mother that finds reflexion in authentically raised indicators Ig G at infected with a hepatitis virus In children ( , ), unlike not infected ("risk group"). Higher indicators Ig G at children of "risk group" in comparison with children of control group are connected with presence at mother of infectious process.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Their Advantage That Simultaneously Allows To Create The

Their advantage that simultaneously allows to create the set geometrical structure of a sorbent and also to carry out activation of its surface by organic substance. Reception carried out with use aeroforce -380 in the presence of organic components: polymer (-aminopropiltrietoksisilana ( -9), polyvinyl spirit. The technology includes 4 stages: formation of hydrogel from aeroforce -380 and organic components ( , etc.), hydrogel maturing, its heat treatment with formation , mechanical a sorbent. The received 4 samples consist of composite amorphous particles. It is possible to present the mechanism of formation of sorbents as the difficult process accompanied by formation of corpuscular structure of a skeleton from not porous particles aeroforce and inclusion in the given skeleton of polymer ( , etc.) at the expense of multidot adsorption on the centres . Physical and chemical researches developed are conducted. On a scanning electronic microscope 1M2-T3000 investigated a microstructure of a surface of sorbents.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Epidemiological Researches Allow To Reveal One More Law.

Epidemiological researches allow to reveal one more law. It is a question of so-called family adiposity. Really, at full parents children too have more often excess weight, or it will have, when become adults. And to explain it only family habits of a food it is not possible. On the person action of the hereditary reasons. So, in the majority of the countries frequency of excess weight and adiposity accrues. It is counted up that if this tendency will remain, to the middle of the next century surplus of weight will be had by almost each inhabitant of our planet. Well also what?, tell you. It is possible to change simply standards of perception and those whom now we would define as corpulent, will be considered there quite normal. Perhaps, really, all business in standards? After all there was time when women full, with the developed forms were considered as the most beautiful. The same Renaissance. It is enough to look at Rubens, Rembrandt's cloths. What there forms! Moreover and in the end of the past, the beginning of our century Titian, Matisse - again, is faster stout women.