Saturday, January 13, 2007

For The Five Years' Period Against Long Treatment

For the five years' period against long treatment at children with a burn of a cornea of 4 degrees almost full elimination 100 %, increase in mobility of an eyeball of 100 %, increase in visual acuity from at 10 % from 50 % of patients is reached. Thus, the given technique can be recommended as one of ways of stimulation of regeneration and preventive maintenance of growth of a connecting fabric. N.V.Zarytovsky L.I.Marochkina, V.I.Raozhina, N.P.Stupnikova, T.G.Stupnikova., . . , I.I.Filimonova, V.N.Shajtanova, , . Propaedeutics of children's illnesses FEEDING of HEALTHY CHILDREN of the FIRST YEAR of the LIFE ACCORDING TO CHILDREN'S POLYCLINICS of Stavropol. A food has direct influence on an organism of the growing child, providing intensive physical and mental development, formation of immune protection and metabolic adaptation. For the purpose of an estimation of rationality and equation of feeding of children of the first year of the life, living in Stavropol, we spend questioning of 100 mothers.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

A Bandage Dry. It Is Few Pains. 5.VII

A bandage dry. It is few pains. 5.VII - The blood analysis: Na=305mg %; K=22,2mg %; Mg=1,3mg %; Ca=10,7mg %; Eh=167 . Injections Are stopped. The patient from bed has risen 12.VII. Fistulas were closed. 5) - - , 33 years. For many years suffers which becomes aggravated in the autumn and in the winter, and passes in the summer. Illness gradually progresses. Within last two years there were periods of long aggravations. The first aggravation of process has come in the winter. The patient was treated at dermatological institute, has spent two months to sanatoria. In the summer of the phenomenon have passed. The second aggravation has begun the late fall. The patient treated intravenous injections of chloride calcium, but process amplified. The person represented the continuous inflamed, becoming wet surface. The skin of hands and feet in a considerable part has been inflamed and covered by becoming wet sites. An itch and pains continuous and very intensive. 12.XI - the blood Analysis: Na=224mg %; K=17,88mg %; Mg=1,9mg %; Ca=12,2mg %; Eh=115 .

Opinion 2nd Surgical Clinics Of The Island Of

Opinion 2nd surgical clinics of the Island of M. on this question I quote under the report: "The clinic challenges opinion of the lecturer on degree of risk during check of its works in surgical clinic. The clinic very cautiously also has critically approached to application of these methods in public, after check on animals and only gradual consolidation of trust to these methods, has allowed clinical collective to pass to new stages of supervision and on experiments which any more did not inspire fears, but only outwardly seemed risky. The case with b th - is insufficiently shined by the lecturer. Collective clinical, including this case absolutely hopeless and in sense of preservation of a life and in sense of preservation of a hand and its function. All actions spent in clinic, have not given result and only after that the patient has been transferred the lecturer. The fast and continuously progressing improvement which has ended with preservation of a life, a hand and its function, have created trust to an intravenous method, same, as well as to the local.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

And Still. Remember, I Told About Experiments When

And still. Remember, I told about experiments when patients ate with fat restriction in food to 35-40 grammes a day and consumed thus any quantity flour and sweet. It has appeared that the majority of them lost weight. Approximately on 1-2 kgs a month and only within first three months. When we checked this data we have asked one group of patients before each food intake 15-20 minutes prior to meal to use on one portion the Doctor-slima. The group consisted of ten persons. And so, practically all ten have noticed that at such mode of application the Doctor-slima at them essentially enough decreases appetite. We began to consider. Also it has appeared, really, after a portion the Doctor-slima, a component, by the way, only 40-50 calories, caloric content of food intake decreased on the average for 200 calories. The breakfast was less usual calories on 100-150, a dinner - on 250 and a supper - 250. It turns out that at three meals a day the person received 120-150 calories in a kind the Doctor-slima and did not eat up 600-650 calories in the form of usual food! Because did not want! A prize of an order of 500 calories.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

It Has Appeared That At Such Diet Almost

It has appeared that at such diet almost all patients lost weight. However, results in respect of a weight loss were modest enough - on the average 4 kg for 3 *. But, I repeat, this effect has been received at unlimited consumption flour and sweet. From the point of view of modern representations about the nature of excess weight anything surprising in such result is not present. What that quantity of fat in an organism is oxidised always. If in food it is not enough of it, the saved up fat starts to burn is not dependent on that, how many you eat flour and sweet. You know at least one diet for weight reduction where to you would not order to eat less flour and sweet? There is here it. It is no more fat 30-40 in day, and flour and sweet as much as necessary also grow thin to itself. However, the result will be modest enough. I will add that the researches resulted above repeatedly were rechecked by other scientists. Results were relatives. At fat content of food till 30-40 in day the weight set stops at almost any consumption flour and sweet.