Saturday, May 12, 2007

If Both Parents Frequency Of Excess Weight At

If both parents frequency of excess weight at children can reach 80 percent have surplus of weight. It would Seem, what are still necessary proofs of participation of a heredity in adiposity development. But it has appeared that about the same figures of occurrence of surplus of weight can be noted and at reception children, that is children who genetically have been not connected with the thick parents. Already it seems that genetics there is nothing, and the food and way of life habits put at education of children in families have leading value. And all the same, the heredity plays the role. In the United States of America of people with adiposity much more among black, than among the white. Here already habits of a food business not to explain, as both black and white there eat about identical food. The data received by the French researchers is even more demonstrative. In the South America there is such very small nationality - Indians of a tribe of Pimu. And so, frequency of adiposity at them very high, considerably surpassing that at representatives of the next tribes.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

And Recollect Our Comedies 30 40 Years. Again

And recollect our comedies 30 40 years. Again magnificent forms. Now standards of female beauty others. Sports lean type. Gramme of superfluous fat. To me addressed for the help of the girl which well in any way it is impossible to name full. Growth 170, weight of 63-64 kg, but would be desirable 58-60. Very much it would be desirable! The girl is ready on any restrictions if only to achieve the wished. But standards standards, and medicine medicine. Communication between surplus of weight and such terrible diseases as an ischemic heart trouble, hypertensive illness, a diabetes, malignant tumours, is bilious-stone illness is absolutely precisely proved. Figures? Please! At half sick adiposity observes increase of arterial pressure. And at thin this indicator hardly probable exceeds 10 percent. The atherosclerosis adjournment of fats and cholesterol on walls of arteries, at the corpulent meets in 65 percent of cases. In 50 percent of cases narrowing of warm vessels because of these adjournment is expressed on so much strongly that we see an ischemic heart trouble and a stenocardia - attacks of warm pains.

This Quantity Of Energy Contains In 60 Fat.

This quantity of energy contains in 60 fat. This quantity of fat can be spent at such intensive and wearisome training. For completion lost it is enough to eat 200 grammes of store sour cream. So, if you have a desire to train, it invigorates you, it is pleasant to you and from outside health is not present contra-indications, please. But if you have started something to do, do not throw. It is impossible to throw, as it is accompanied by sharp decrease in oxidation of fat in muscles that in turn considerably raises risk of a set of weight. Therefore, it is better to apply loadings which are pleasant to you in itself and which you never will throw. Let's underline that physical trainings can be considered only as a method supplementing a diet. At their application separately weight reduction usually do not occur or it insignificant and very unstable. Even if the patient also grows thin under action only trainings to get fat it begins practically next day after their termination. Examples to that set.

Monday, May 7, 2007

All Listed Above The Reason Can Be Defined

All listed above the reason can be defined just as risk factors. They can act separately or be combined with each other. For example, the woman in connection with pregnancy has stopped playing sports, or owing to any reasons the person began to eat more fat and has accepted quieter and, hence, less mobile way of life. And if the person does not want that its weight would accrue, and it is rather probable in the resulted situations, it should take certain measures of preventive maintenance. What? Or to reduce fat consumption, or to increase its oxidation. And still. wrote that from the point of view of medicine, excess weight is very unhealthy and that such dangerous diseases as a hypertension, the ischemic heart trouble and a diabetes are connected with adiposity causally. But you have the right to ask about mechanisms of this communication. Mechanisms difficult enough. In them it is a lot of science. I will try easier. At progressing (increase) of excess weight fatty cages all keep fat worse and worse.

For Its Definition The Weight Of The Person

For its definition the weight of the person expressed in kgs should be divided into the growth expressed in metres and squared. Take the calculator and count up. If at you 25 is a norm if it is more 25, but less than 27 is a superfluous weight of a body, but yet adiposity, and here if more than 27 is already adiposity. Recently and in the West began to allocate adiposity degrees. It becomes on an index of Ketle. If it less than 28,5, speak about easy adiposity if it is less 35 this adiposity of moderate severity level if the index of Ketle is less 40, this heavy adiposity, at last, if it more than 40 is an adiposity very heavy. The western insurance companies depending on body weight take the differentiated payment of an insurance policy. With other things being equal, the cheapest the insurance will be for the person with so-called ideal weight of a body. It is such weight at which the probability of the diseases connected with adiposity - hypertensions, an ischemic heart trouble or a diabetes is minimum.