Saturday, November 8, 2008

In A Standing Position Inclinations Having Caved In

In a standing position inclinations having caved in or rotations by a trunk back. At considerable surplus of fat on hips exercises for muscles of feet of knee-bend, jumps and so on are necessary. Perhaps, here it is possible to talk about a so-called weight loss in problem places. First of all what is it? At accumulation of superfluous weight of a body often happens so that fat collects is disproportionate. In its one places it is postponed more, in others it is less. As struggle for the beautiful, well combined figure, it basically a female problem about what I will write all further, concerns basically women. For example, at one women it appears it is disproportionate a lot of fat on buttocks and hips, at others - on a stomach and a waist. Fat distribution in an organism copes hormones and thin mechanisms of this process yet up to the end are understood by us. Consider, for example, that fat on buttocks and hips at women, it is a so-called strategic stock of energy. It is spent only at feeding by a breast and that only in the event that at this time a usual food insufficiently.

IV 3710000 8300 1,2 - - 0,4 8,0 38,2

IV 3710000 8300 1,2 - - 0,4 8,0 38,2 29,0 23,2 1:500 5:500 12.IV 3920000 5700 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,4 8,6 36,4 30,6 23,4 3:500 1:500 14.IV 3600000 4150 1,3 - - - 8,6 31,1 31,5 23,5 0:600 1:500 15.IV 3410000 5500 0,4 0,2 - - 5,2 24,5 46,0 24,2 5:500 1:500 19.IV 4400000 6700 - 0,2 - - 6,4 24,2 39,4 29,8 4:500 3:500 are found out 9.IV 2:500, 10.IV 1:500, 11.IV 1:500, 12.IV 1:500 and 14.IV 1:600 THE CONTROL. 3.IV the Rabbit white. Weight 1800 . 12 .55 day. Blood for the analysis is taken. 1 .20 day. The infection similar to the skilled is made. 4.IV 11 .40. Blood for the analysis is taken. The side is inflamed. 5.IV 11 .30. Blood for the analysis is taken. The side is inflamed, the big area is planned. 6.IV the Rabbit languid. 11 .45 day. Blood for the analysis is taken. At a blood capture, blood has been squeezed out from an ear, (itself did not go). In the field of a side skin. Its fold more thickly, than a fold of a normal skin. Around a little , than at a skilled rabbit. 7.IV the Rabbit has fallen (is delivered in laboratory by dead).

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Analysis Has Shown That For Last 4

The analysis has shown that for last 4 years indicators of immunization against a whooping cough have improved. So, in 1993 performance of the plan of inoculations has made 54,7 %, in 1994 - 78,9 %; 1995 - 106 %; in 1996-93,6 % from the planned quantity. Indicators have accordingly improved also. In parallel improvement of indicators of vaccination and children decrease in growth of disease by a whooping cough is marked. In 1993 it has made in general 5,3, in 1994 . - 4,2, 1995 . - 0,4 and in 1996g. - 0,1 on 1000 children. Disease decrease is marked in all age groups. Thus, the conducted researches have shown that during the last years against improvement of indicators of coverage by inoculations, disease of children of a whooping cough has essentially decreased. I managed to come across existence of the therapy allowing successfully to treat many disease, not giving in to treatment by usual means. As the information on therapy of Gersona (further - ) in Russian, as far as I know, does not exist, it was presented to me necessary to write article in which to describe it sufficiently that you could realise it independently.