Thursday, May 17, 2007

White Within Three Minutes Did Not Touch Food,

White within three minutes did not touch food, then some times, having bitten off carrots, long it chewed and has stopped meal. Red freely swallowed and with greed ate carrots and parsley. When the bowl with food has been removed, it has approached to it and continued meal. White in a similar case remained on a place. 5.VI Condition both the same. 6.VI White recovers, is more mobile, eats. 7.VI Both in a satisfactory condition. EXPERIENCE. 9.VI 5 .30 . Day: Two , speckled in weight 558 . And red in weight 665 ., are placed in the chamber where within one hour separate portions in 25 sm3, had been entered 275 sm3 of chlorine. During experience speckled almost motionlessly lay, and red became on hinder legs and almost all time stood, leaning forepaws against the speckled. When both have been taken out from chambers the speckled could not sit, fell sideways and lay the motionless. Red was stronger, sat leaning against forepaws and deeply breathed through an open mouth. The speckled has been chosen skilled, red by the control.

In The Light Of These Representations Our Medical

In the light of these representations our medical interventions and the subsequent changes in an organism, are represented to me in a following kind. Presence of factors and an order causes their that or other site of nervous system. Further process extends on a nervous network, involving in sphere of the influence both fabric elements and organism environments. Let's admit that the analysis of whey of blood has found out fall "K" and increase "Ca". It means that nervous quality of nervous system, influencing exchange processes, has created the mutual relations which have caused a prevalence of quantity "Ca" over "K". In parallel with it, the changed quantitative parities "Ca" over "K" influence nervous system. Influence "Ca" prevails over influence "K" and according to these irritations function of nervous system changes. According to the laws established above, in this case the medical structure replenishes with potash salt. The medical certificate gives short-term communication of the given medical structure with that or other site of a nervous network.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Will Not Find. And Among Full Practically Every

Will not find. And among full practically every second starved till some days! I think, it is not necessary to explain that shipping of treatment and its efficiency are closely connected among themselves. And this communication not only that if the patient does not transfer treatment about any effect cannot be and speeches. Happens so that the patient transfers treatment, but with the last bit of strength. In other words, loses forces. Hungrily. And here its organism starts to save a power consumption, reduces power inputs. The person with huge work continues to keep to a diet, and the power consumption has already decreased time in two. And the weight loss has stopped, for the difference between arriving and spent energy has disappeared. And here we have approached to thought which seems to me very important. For objective and subjective reasons the person cannot grow thin all time. And it should not do it. He should have a rest from time to time from treatment, restore forces and a sincere spirit on the further weight reduction.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Opening: All Hypodermic The Left Side And The

Opening: All hypodermic the left side and the left half of belly wall strongly and blood. The surface and is smooth and brilliant. Unions are not present. in a belly cavity is not present. A liver and a spleen norm. In pleural cavities is not present. Lungs - norm. Heart: unions are not present, plentiful adjournment of fat. Crops on an agar and a broth are made: from hypodermic , from in a belly cavity (there were 2-3 drops) from a liver and from heart ( , an auricle). All crops have given pure culture . THE TABLE OF ANALYSES OF BLOOD ON DAYS. . . . . M. . THE ITEM WITH. . M. The Turki. Norms. 3.IV 6540000 9850 2,2 1,4 - - 0,2 20,6 61,6 4,6 2:500 0:500 4.IV 6430000 2900 1,5 - - - 3,5 43,2 40,8 10,0 7:600 0:500 5.IV 6310000 6700 2,0 0,4 - 3,0 8,8 55,8 21.0 9,0 1:500 0:500 6.IV - 20100 0,6 0,2 0,4 3,6 8,0 66,0 10,0 10,0 2:500 1:500 These experiences have been put on 55 rabbits. At the specified size of a dose all , and skilled survived in number of 20-33 %. At dose decrease skilled everything survived, and in quantity 60-65 %.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

. To Sorokin. The Conclusion Thus, We Come

. To Sorokin. The conclusion Thus, we come to a conclusion that revolt was not casual that it was Antibolshevist. It has been caused by Central Electoral Committee attempt to prevent commander-in-chief to carry out the purposes into which entered an establishment of dictatorship and triumvirate formation. The public and the press long time named Sorokin's act change. Course of M. , , . Pedagogics . The head: So-called FORMATION OF NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS AT CHILDREN OF THE GREEK NATIONALITY TO STAVROPOL TERRITORY It was many long years considered to be that the ethnic question in our state dared successfully and the country went by the way of deleting of distinctions between the nations and the nationalities living in it. Changes occurring in the state force to comprehend in a new fashion international communications in all regions. In Stavropol Territory is about 150 nationalities occupying its territory. During the given period of time national relations became aggravated because of international conflicts.