Thursday, May 17, 2007

In The Light Of These Representations Our Medical

In the light of these representations our medical interventions and the subsequent changes in an organism, are represented to me in a following kind. Presence of factors and an order causes their that or other site of nervous system. Further process extends on a nervous network, involving in sphere of the influence both fabric elements and organism environments. Let's admit that the analysis of whey of blood has found out fall "K" and increase "Ca". It means that nervous quality of nervous system, influencing exchange processes, has created the mutual relations which have caused a prevalence of quantity "Ca" over "K". In parallel with it, the changed quantitative parities "Ca" over "K" influence nervous system. Influence "Ca" prevails over influence "K" and according to these irritations function of nervous system changes. According to the laws established above, in this case the medical structure replenishes with potash salt. The medical certificate gives short-term communication of the given medical structure with that or other site of a nervous network.

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