Saturday, October 6, 2007

By The Way, Very Interesting Supervision. In Some

By the way, very interesting supervision. In some cases our patients started to keep simultaneously to an unloading diet and intensively to go in for sports. And so, for first two weeks they lost less weight, than at application of one diet - a maximum of one kg. To tell that they have been upset, it to tell very softly. It is so much tortures!. And all speaks very simply. The hypostasis of muscles develops in the first days of intensive playing sports, or speaking differently, accumulation in liquid muscles. This hypostasis also masks weight loss. And it is valid. If to continue the taken mode of treatment for two weeks, or to make playing sports more sparing the hypostasis gradually takes place also weight reduction became considerable. In what can and with what massage cannot help? As that one of my patients in the initiation of treatment has warned me: "the Doctor, massage does not help me, recently passed a course, has accepted ten sessions, has not grown thin thus for kg." All is correct, massage has no independent value, however, help all the same can.

By The Time Of The Operation Termination When

By the time of the operation termination when the intestines were set in a belly cavity it was revealed that the part of a loop of a small intestine has got to narrow space between an edge of a surface of a table and a strip which is passing in parallel to it. Under the influence of a touch to metal in this place of an intestinal loop there was sharply expressed spasm and the part of a gut located more low has extended. The infringement was created as though, to liquidate which it was possible only minutes through 1-2. Seams have been removed for 5th day after operation. An outcome prima. B th has been detained for supervision and written out for 12th day after operation. 5) - - , 29 . An appendicitis. Operation under the general narcosis . Seams usual also have been removed for the third day after operation. An outcome - prima. Let's pass now to the description of the operations made in similar conditions, but under local anaesthesia. These operations a priori inspired some fears and that is why: experimental supervision on animals have shown that coincidence of the moments of intravenous injection and infection harmfully responds on the further current of process.

Friday, October 5, 2007

That The Child Of Preschool Age Perceived Riches

That the child of preschool age perceived riches of the museum information it is necessary to learn to look it an exposition. But at the present stage in museum pedagogics the technique of training of children to dialogue with relics is not developed enough and has formal character. Therefore also there was a necessity for system engineering of formation of preschool children for museums which will allow to attach children to the past, to the present and the future of the native land, to bring up feeling of patriotism and civilisation. Ivanov I.JU. , chair of preschool psychology and pedagogics . The head: . . PSYCHOLOGICAL BASES OF PERCEPTION OF SPACE AT CHILDREN OF THE PRESCHOOL AGE. The person from the moment of the birth stays in the certain vital environment which includes wide enough spectrum of the parametres influencing mental development and functioning of the person, affecting on it individually - mental shape on formation of stereotypes of perception specific to it and systems of relations to the validity.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

If They At Times Also Try To Assure

If they at times also try to assure us of the return and tell that eat very little to concern it, according to authors, it is necessary as to hide to clumsy attempts from us the truth. Whether so stout persons more thin eat or not? I specially tried to find the answer to this question and have looked through mountain of research journals. Has found some works saying that stout persons eat no more the thin. And some more where it has been established, what even is less. And here that more, has not found any. To admit first me it has surprised, especially the statement that if all people to divide on two groups and to the first to carry gluttons, and to the second the people eating moderately thin it will appear more in the first group, and fat men in the second. But the strict system of proofs presented by authors, has forced to believe and go to search for the reason in what that the friend. Therefore, when I hear from the patient that he eats a little, I usually trust it * (. And still.

The Same Both In Birthdays And On Other

The same both in birthdays and on other holidays. And, perhaps, here our researches had an interesting continuation. Really, if the spirit on treatment is so essential, and shipping of treatment is not less important indicator, than efficiency, it is necessary to give to the patient the right most to appoint to itself a mode. Well what, the right, sense to oblige the patient to observe let obviously effective but heavy enough mode of treatment if it all the same does not sustain it! So, by the way till now also was! The diet was set. Its patient could not sustain, threw. And the doctor spoke to it: "Well, my dear if you do not wish to carry out my recommendations as I will treat you? I will not treat you! "Also added then:" What you, the right, weak-willed! ". I hope, I already managed to convince you that will powers at people having excess weight, frequently much more, than at people with normal weight of a body. Do not trust? Find among the thin acquaintances at least one who would starve days or more.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Spices: Are Recommended: An Onions, Garlic, Parsley And

Spices: Are recommended: an onions, garlic, parsley and an onions-rezanets - without restrictions. Are resolved (in a small amount): allspice, an anise, a bay leaf, a coriander, fennel, (sweet fennel), a muscat, ( ), rosemary, a sage, a saffron, , a thyme, , summer savory (garden ??). Are forbidden: all the others. Linen oil. Linen oil strongly differs on the structure from other vegetable oils - I lower biochemistry is a unique oil which can be used at . The problem that linen oil quickly is oxidised in the presence of oxygen - after a large bottle is opened (linen oil oil is on sale sealed in a large bottle with nitrogen instead of air [i.e. in a large bottle, and from above there is some air - and so in a large bottle of linen oil from above - nitrogen]) oil spoils literally for some days even in a freezer. Therefore, possibly, best variant - having extracted flax seeds, to squeeze out oil most, directly ahead of the use, using the same press, as for juice. Thus at on linen oil it is impossible to fry anything, in general it to heat up (i.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Extended, But Not The Universal. At Some, At

Extended, but not the universal. At some, at all desire it is not possible to connect surplus of fat with . And you such know. For example crooner Krylov or nearly so all structure of group " ". Loadings at them enormous, and adiposity are. Why promotes weight increase? More low we will consider this question in more details, here we will specify the following. Muscles are rather effective trap of fat. Not to remind that 90 percent of all fat in an organism are oxidised or burns down in muscles. And still. In working muscles fat oxidation repeatedly amplifies. And, it is natural, on the contrary, if the person works as muscles also fat in them is oxidised a little a little. Here again some more words. Work of muscles is not always obvious or even is appreciable. For example a muscular tone. This partial reduction of muscles defining their availability for service. Energy too is spent for maintenance of this reduction. Probably, many of you noticed that the tone depends on mood. The above mood, the above a tone.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

These Influences Are Doubtless. As Their Proof The

These influences are doubtless. As their proof the example of fluctuation of the maintenance can serve in blood under the influence of painful irritations. How these influences are carried out? The histology has not found out the nervous terminations in . And inaccessibility of their existence in wandering cages in rest, and furthermore in the cages which have left a condition of rest. It is necessary to think of nervously-gumoralnyh influences, about development in an organism of the substances regulating activity of cellular elements in physiological system of a connecting fabric, and about the nervous influences regulating development of these substances ". "It is necessary to think that each cage of an internal not only receives regulating influences from sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Regulating activity of vegetative nervous system, in turn, should go those changes bio- and physical and chemical character which arise in a cage in the course of its ability to live and are subject to elimination ".

Cocoa-slim 1 Table Spoon The Doctor-slim, 1/2 Teaspoons

Cocoa-slim 1 table spoon the Doctor-slim, 1/2 teaspoons of soluble cocoa, 200 of Boiled water. All components to mix by means of a mixer before skin occurrence, to use the cooled. The given cocktail can be used for replacement of standard practices of food in days of limited intake of food. 2. Fruto-slim Half of one banana either 4 strawberries, or 1 peach, or 1 table spoon of a raspberry, 1 table spoon of a mix the Doctor-slim, 1 tablet or , 200 . Boiled water. To use the cooled. The given cocktail can be used Table 3 Caloric content and structure of most often used products The appendix 4 Recipes of preparation of cocktails on the basis of a product "Doctor-slim". 1. Cocoa-slim 1 table spoon the Doctor-slim, 1/2 teaspoons of soluble cocoa, 200 of Boiled water. All components to mix by means of a mixer before skin occurrence, to use the cooled. The given cocktail can be used for replacement of standard practices of food in days of limited intake of food. 2. Fruto-slim Half of one banana either 4 strawberries, or 1 peach, or 1 table spoon of a raspberry, 1 table spoon of a mix the Doctor-slim, 1 tablet or , 200 .

1 . Day: Intravenously 1 Sm3 549. 15.I

1 . Day: Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 15.I 12 . Day: Intravenously 1 sm3 549. A skin without changes. is not present. 16.I the Skin hardly . Small . 11 .45 day: Intravenously 1 sm3 549. A skin . 19.I Reddenings of a skin are not present. In the heart of hypodermic plane , it is a little away from a prick. 11 .30 day: Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 20.I has decreased. 12 . Day: in area 1 sm3 of staphylococcal culture, the same that in last experience. 1 . Day: Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 21.I without change. Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 22.I decreases. Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 25.I is not present. A skin normal. THE CONTROL. 14.I the Rabbit a hare, whitish. Weight 1500 . Conditions the same infections, as at the skilled. 15.I the Skin slightly . in an injection place. 17.I the Skin reddened. it is a bit more. 19.I the Skin red, . 20.I without change. under a skin of staphylococcal culture of 1 sm3. 21.I became more. A skin more reddened. 25.I the same. Decrease in the phenomena it is not observed. EXPERIENCE.