Friday, October 5, 2007

That The Child Of Preschool Age Perceived Riches

That the child of preschool age perceived riches of the museum information it is necessary to learn to look it an exposition. But at the present stage in museum pedagogics the technique of training of children to dialogue with relics is not developed enough and has formal character. Therefore also there was a necessity for system engineering of formation of preschool children for museums which will allow to attach children to the past, to the present and the future of the native land, to bring up feeling of patriotism and civilisation. Ivanov I.JU. , chair of preschool psychology and pedagogics . The head: . . PSYCHOLOGICAL BASES OF PERCEPTION OF SPACE AT CHILDREN OF THE PRESCHOOL AGE. The person from the moment of the birth stays in the certain vital environment which includes wide enough spectrum of the parametres influencing mental development and functioning of the person, affecting on it individually - mental shape on formation of stereotypes of perception specific to it and systems of relations to the validity.

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