Thursday, October 18, 2007

Uolter, Etc. G.Tart Believed That Socialisation Represents Only Accumulation

Uolter, etc. G.Tart believed that socialisation represents only accumulation by the individual of social roles, norms and values of that society to which it belongs, by imitation. Structurally functional direction of the American sociology ( . Parsons, R.Merton), socialisation process open through concept "adaptation". The essence of socialisation in humanistic sociology reveals through self-realisation process "I - concepts", self-realisation by the person of the potentialities and creative abilities, as process of overcoming of negative influences of the environment, disturbing to its self-development and self-affirmation. Here the subject is considered as itself becoming and itself developing system, a self-education product (G.Ollport, A.Maslou, K.Rogers, etc.). A number of other foreign theories in the head is put by various making persons, including their most significant. Psychoanalytic theories consider development spheres of the person. To them carry theories of psycho-social and psycho-sexual development (Z.

However Theoretical Concepts And Researches Of "life" Of

However theoretical concepts and researches of "life" of this phenomenon were considered separately: game theories in philosophy and a cultural history were universally - generalising, and studying of concrete game displays had especially empirical character. Till now game was studied by separate sciences as a private phenomenon of this or that sphere of activity of the person or as display of the higher animals. In a kind the big distance between empirical researches or speculative concepts some authors, as for example P.P.Blonsky, considered that, the general theory of game cannot be. If to offer impossibility of the general theory of game it is probable, all the same it is possible to speak about game as a cultural phenomenon which should be investigated specially. As theoretical sources Marxist works having the big methodological value about a defining role of work in occurrence of cultural values before should be used, including G.V.Plehanov who considered necessary revealing of work and game in culture for finding-out of genesis of art, and as it is known, has done essential work in this direction.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

From 100 Children On Artificial Feeding Since A

From 100 children on artificial feeding since a birth was 5 (5 %) the person. The others throughout various time received parent milk: till 3 months - 60 (60 %) children, by the time of introduction of the first feeding up (4,5 - 5 months) - 50 (50 %). After 1 year continued to receive chest milk 16 (16 %) children. Early transfer (till 3 months of a life) on the artificial or mixed feeding took place at 35 (35 %) children: at 21 (21 %) the child were used conditionally adapted mixes ("Baby", "Kid", "Check"), at 10 (10 %) - the adapted mixes ("by Similak," Nan "," Nestozhen "," Nutrilon ", etc.), at 4 (4 %) - not adapted mixes (integral dairy products). For correction of requirement for vitamins 25 (25 %) children received fruit juice from 3 monthly age, 55 (55 %) children - before this term, 20 (20 %) - after 3 months. Fruit mashed potatoes are entered into a diet 51 (51 %) the child at the age of 3 - 4 months, 12 (12 %) children have started to receive it to the specified term, and 37 (37 %) - after 4 months.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Here Again We Recommend It Usual Three Meals

Here again we recommend it usual three meals a day, naturally, consisting of products and before each food intake a portion the Doctor-slima. By the way, I already wrote that the Doctor-slim it is possible to apply and as addition in food instead of usual milk and even to preparation of cottage cheese and yoghurts. In general, I consider it it is very successful that the Doctor-slim to taste and on the majority of properties is similar to usual milk. After all every time the patient to the taste can use its that in the form of a coffee drink, with tea, from cocoa *, in the form of fruit and berry cocktails or yoghurts. There would be an imagination. We have supervision when patients, applying the Doctor-slim before meal and adding it in food did not type weight both on 6 and for 12 months whereas the world statistics shows that at the termination of treatment the weight of a body of the majority of patients comes back to initial level within the first year. I recollect one young man. It at the age of 18 years at growth of an order of 165 centimetres weighed kgs 170.

In This Connection The Offer Has Been Brought

In this connection the offer has been brought the following that originally human, the organised environment, inherently "the second nature" person, should be a basis of display and strengthening in consciousness of the child of trust to world around, confidence. The vital environment can and should develop and bring up the child, serve as a background and the intermediary in - developing interaction with adult and other children, should provide safety of their life, promote health strengthening. Converting activity of children that environment should promote formation at them representations about beauty and advantage, to bring up aesthetic taste and requirement to creativity. Proceeding from all above told it is possible to see that development of the child depends on that as it bring up, as education where it grows in what environment - monotonous, monotonous, standard or various, not ordinary, changing. The last is the most comprehensible in the today's developing world, trying any ways to find, organise that environment in which the child could develop, satisfy the requirements for dialogue with the nature, a society, contemporaries, with the various world of subjects and the phenomena, creating thereby a complete picture of the world.