Thursday, October 18, 2007

Uolter, Etc. G.Tart Believed That Socialisation Represents Only Accumulation

Uolter, etc. G.Tart believed that socialisation represents only accumulation by the individual of social roles, norms and values of that society to which it belongs, by imitation. Structurally functional direction of the American sociology ( . Parsons, R.Merton), socialisation process open through concept "adaptation". The essence of socialisation in humanistic sociology reveals through self-realisation process "I - concepts", self-realisation by the person of the potentialities and creative abilities, as process of overcoming of negative influences of the environment, disturbing to its self-development and self-affirmation. Here the subject is considered as itself becoming and itself developing system, a self-education product (G.Ollport, A.Maslou, K.Rogers, etc.). A number of other foreign theories in the head is put by various making persons, including their most significant. Psychoanalytic theories consider development spheres of the person. To them carry theories of psycho-social and psycho-sexual development (Z.

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