Friday, March 27, 2009

2.IX - � - The Norm, Has Put

2.IX - � - the norm, has put on weight 3 . Works on an economy. Feels vigorously. 5.IX - the blood Analysis: Na=322mg %; K=22,5mg %; Mg=1,5mg %; Ca=9,9mg %; Eh=168 . 3) - - , 66 years. The pensioner. It is sick of a spontaneous gangrene of the left foot. 4th finger of cyanotic colour. On surfaces of its nail phalanx there is a dark stain - skin. Foot . Goes with great difficulty, leaning against a stick. Nights does not sleep because of pains. On the person a mask of the suffering typical for such patients. Pulse on both stops is not probed. 23.V - the Analysis Blood: Na=350mg %; K=17,8mg %; Mg=2,8mg %; Ca=12,7mg %; Eh=148 . 25.V - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+glut. 2.VI - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+glut. 5.VI - the small bone sequester Has departed. 8.VI - the hypostasis of a finger and foot is not present. The pain has less. 9.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=316mg %; K=21,1mg %; Mg=2,8mg %; Ca=12,7mg %; Eh=150 . 11.VI - Intravenous injection: (StNa+glut)/10. 17.VI - the Condition of the patient satisfactory.