Thursday, February 22, 2007

This Program Is Simple In Application, Is Well

This program is simple in application, is well transferred and at the same time is effective enough. However, be not limited only to a diet. It is desirable to make active a way of life or to include in a daily routine physical exercises. Application of vitamins and biostimulators too probably, however, in most cases it is not necessary to exceed usual preventive doses. But here the purpose is reached. What to do, what to keep the received result? In most cases it is enough not to reduce physical activity, not to increase consumption flour and sweet and to try to eat as less as possible fat. If these actions insufficiently - it is possible to recommend days of limited intake of food ( a supper with replacement of other food intakes with a mix the Doctor-slim, or similar). Usually, if in other days you keep a food 1-2 days of limited intake of food in a week will help you to stabilise a situation. The requirement for days of limited intake of food can arise and after episodes , connected with holidays, family celebrations and so on.