Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Facts Have Shown That Lowered Sizes Na,

The facts have shown that lowered sizes Na, K, Mg and Ca in blood whey are normalised, if to medical structures corresponding elements are added. To assume that normalisation of sizes blood whey is only a direct consequence of addition from the outside of corresponding elements while there is no data. For example, as a result of intravenous injection of 1 sm [3] medical structures to all weight of circulating blood increase: Na=5,54 mg; K=2,62 mg; Mg=0,06 mg; Ca=0,2 mg. Certainly, such small doses of entered substances cannot be reflected in balance of corresponding elements, limits of which physiological fluctuations in hundreds times exceed these sizes. Thus, really there are bases to consider normalisation of whey of blood by a consequence of the processes arising in an organism under the influence of the certificate of intervention. It is necessary to find out now the qualitative nature of these reactions and their starting point. The certificate of medical intervention consists in intravenous introduction of 1 sm [3] our medical structures.

Monday, November 5, 2007

And. To , . . And . .

And. To , . . And . . And . Formations The supervisor of studies: senior lecturer Taranova . SOCIALIZATION OF THE CHILD - THE PRESCHOOL CHILD. The childhood represents the special condition which essence is process of a growing of the child, its occurrence in the social world of adults that provides acquisition of properties and qualities of the mature person. Occurrence in the social world occur directly through interaction of the child to adults. This interaction of the person and a society is designated by concept "socialisation". However socialisation function is not settled only by possibility of interaction of the person and a society. It also provides society preservation as socialisation promotes mastering by new citizens of ideals and values. The socialisation problem draws many years steadfast attention of scientists. Almost all schools have the explanation of process of socialisation. Sources of development of the theory of socialisation had researchers: G.Tard, Parsons, V.

Do Not Forget, At Faster Modes Of A

Do not forget, at faster modes of a weight loss the organism can lose along with fat and a considerable quantity of a muscular fabric. And reduction of weight of muscles, that is that fabric in which basically fat also is spent is a sharp reduction of possibilities of an organism on its oxidation. Others, words, the more muscles it is lost, increase of weight is especially probable then and the it is necessary to apply efforts on its maintenance more. Even kg figures 3-5 a month and that should be brought cautiously. My patients having grown thin for a month of kg for two often ask me: "That the doctor, is not enough?". By no means, all depends on that on how many easily these kgs were gave. It first. Secondly, weight reduction, it always stress. The organism strains, it should suffer of deprivations, constantly to constrain itself. Even healthy it is heavy. And if the person is sick? For example, at it a hypertension? To grow thin to it it is necessary. Pressure increase often happens is caused by excess weight.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Blood Analysis: Na=320mg %; K=17mg %; Mg=2,7mg

The blood analysis: Na=320mg %; K=17mg %; Mg=2,7mg %; Ca=9mg %; Eh=160 . 19.II - Intravenous injection: StK+glut. 2.III - Intravenous injection: (StK+glut)/10. The patient feels much better. Eats the crackers soaked in tea, a cream of wheat and mashed potatoes. Has recovered and has added a little in weight. Injections are stopped. 10.III - Owing to infringements in a diet there were diarrheas. The certificate of swallowing became worse. Has strongly weakened. 13.III - the blood Analysis: Na=294mg %; K=23,2mg %; Mg=2mg %; Ca=8,5mg %; Eh=158 . 14.III - Intravenous injection: (StNa+glut)/10. 20.III - Intravenous injection: (StNa+CaCl2+glut)/10. 24.III - Diarrheas have stopped. The food passes freely. The blood analysis: Na=320mg %; K=20,1mg %; Mg=2mg %; Ca=8,7mg %; Eh=163 . 29.III - - has caught a cold. Complains of a stitch. 3.IV - the blood Analysis: Na=320mg %; K=17,2mg %; Mg=2,3mg %; Ca=8,8mg %; Eh=155 . 4.IV - Intravenous injection: StK+glut. Further injections did not become. 20.IV - - feels well.