Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Blood Analysis: Na=320mg %; K=17mg %; Mg=2,7mg

The blood analysis: Na=320mg %; K=17mg %; Mg=2,7mg %; Ca=9mg %; Eh=160 . 19.II - Intravenous injection: StK+glut. 2.III - Intravenous injection: (StK+glut)/10. The patient feels much better. Eats the crackers soaked in tea, a cream of wheat and mashed potatoes. Has recovered and has added a little in weight. Injections are stopped. 10.III - Owing to infringements in a diet there were diarrheas. The certificate of swallowing became worse. Has strongly weakened. 13.III - the blood Analysis: Na=294mg %; K=23,2mg %; Mg=2mg %; Ca=8,5mg %; Eh=158 . 14.III - Intravenous injection: (StNa+glut)/10. 20.III - Intravenous injection: (StNa+CaCl2+glut)/10. 24.III - Diarrheas have stopped. The food passes freely. The blood analysis: Na=320mg %; K=20,1mg %; Mg=2mg %; Ca=8,7mg %; Eh=163 . 29.III - - has caught a cold. Complains of a stitch. 3.IV - the blood Analysis: Na=320mg %; K=17,2mg %; Mg=2,3mg %; Ca=8,8mg %; Eh=155 . 4.IV - Intravenous injection: StK+glut. Further injections did not become. 20.IV - - feels well.

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