Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Saw The Patient After Six Months. Feels Absolutely

Saw the patient after six months. Feels absolutely healthy. 10) - - , 34 years. It is sick within two years - a lung cancer. It is regularly treated by radiotheraphy. As a result of a treatment last year the cancer tumour has decreased in 2 times. Felt well. Two weeks ago has felt a headache which gradually amplified. Every other day - has been forced to lay down in bed. Movements of the left hand became inconvenient, the same has occurred and to the bottom left finiteness. The phenomena accrued and there has come a paralysis of the left hand and the left foot. A number of experts is inclined to consider as the paralysis reason a metastatic cancer of a brain. 3.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=240mg %; K=13mg %; Mg=1mg %; Ca=11mg %; Eh=140 . 4.VI - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+glut. [12?].VI - Intravenous injection: (StNa+NaCl+glut)/10. 17.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=290mg %; K=17,85mg %; Mg=0,75mg %; Ca=10,5mg %; Eh=147 . 18.VI - Intravenous injection: (StK+KCl+glut)/10. The condition - has considerably improved.

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