Saturday, March 29, 2008

Feels Much More Vigorous. 20.X - The Analysis

Feels much more vigorous. 20.X - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =24,2mg %; "Ca" =10,1mg %. It is made having rummaged in treatment. In second half of November the condition began to worsen. 3.XI - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =29mg %; "Ca" =10mg %. 6.XII, 12.XII and 21.XII - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StCa. Improvements in a condition of the patient are not present. 30.XII - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =25mg %; "Ca" =11,5mg %. Injections are stopped. The condition of the patient worsens and 12.XI the patient has died. 12) - - , 65 years. A sarcoma of the right axillary area. A sarcoma of the right lung. 1.VI - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =25,9mg %; "Ca" =13,3mg %. 1.VI, 9.VI and 16.VI - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StCa. Changes in a condition of the patient are not present. Hardly clears the throat is easier. 13.VI - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =17mg %; "Ca" =9,9mg %. 21.VI - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. The condition of the patient worsens. 30.VI - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =22mg %; "Ca" =9,1mg %.

After All Extraction Of Spiders I Can Be

After all extraction of spiders I can be butterflies, bugs, ask, grasshoppers, snails, mosquitoes, a locust and even mice and snakes, i.e. wreckers. For number regulation their numerous enemies (birds, lizards, wasps, flies, bugs, and also the relatives) are studied. At cultivation of spiders it is necessary to consider habitats of each kind, their age variability and sexual . During the further researches we plan studying of poisons of spiders in the medical and ecological purposes. The object in view was us - having studied habitats, behaviour, systematisation , to reveal their practical use for the person. Work is already carried out on chair of zoology . Pediatrics. Ophthalmology. Bajda K.J., Bezrodnova S.M., Saveleva L.I. , . Propaedeutics of children's illnesses The supervisor of studies: a member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, prof. Orehov K.V. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF VIRUS HEPATITISES AT CHILDREN IN THE STAVROPOL EDGE. Last years in various regions of our country including in Stavropol Territory, the steady tendency to disease growth by virus hepatitises with ways of a transmission of infection is noticed that in turn is reflexion of growth of number of carriers HBsAg.

Friday, March 28, 2008

23.I An Injection Place . . 24.I The

23.I an injection Place . . 24.I the injection Place , towers over skin level. it is more. 26.I an injection Place , grey-green colour. Round a place of an injection the inflammation has amplified. The fabrics taken in this place pleated, much more thickly, than within a healthy skin. 28.I Damp . Around an inflammation. 30.I Partial damp sites. The inflammation phenomena in surrounding fabrics have decreased a little. It is removed from supervision. In all experiences (supervision were conducted over 16 steams of rabbits) development of an inflammatory picture sharply broke under the influence of intravenous introduction of structure 549. In a series of experiences with porpoises there was a chlorine. Experiences have been put on 8 steams . We illustrate some of them. EXPERIENCE. 3 VI 1932 . It is taken two : the red it is powerful 344 . And white it is powerful 336 . Also are placed in the glass chamber in capacity in 22,5 litres. 4 .50 . Day. It is entered into the chamber 50 sm3 of chlorine.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Certainly, Definition Of Weight Of Fat Most Precisely

Certainly, definition of weight of fat most precisely reflects a situation and allows to answer unequivocally a question - there is here an adiposity or not. But, unfortunately, all methods of definition of weight of fat either are difficult, or are inexact. Before wide clinical application by it it is far. Recently in the West the method of a bioelectric impedance is widely applied. It is based that the fatty fabric has the electric resistance which is distinct from those at of fabrics. On total resistance it is possible to calculate weight of fat and muscles. Unfortunately this method too is not always exact. Resistance of fabrics depends and on the maintenance in them waters so at hypostases or, on the contrary, at dehydration it will give an error in this or that party. But it is simple, safe and does not demand any preliminary preparation. And the measuring device will easily go in in a palm. A number of foreign firms has already started mass production of these devices. Can be through what that time in each polyclinic at doctors along with a tonometer or the cardiograph there will be also a device for definition of structure of a body.