Saturday, March 29, 2008

Feels Much More Vigorous. 20.X - The Analysis

Feels much more vigorous. 20.X - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =24,2mg %; "Ca" =10,1mg %. It is made having rummaged in treatment. In second half of November the condition began to worsen. 3.XI - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =29mg %; "Ca" =10mg %. 6.XII, 12.XII and 21.XII - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StCa. Improvements in a condition of the patient are not present. 30.XII - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =25mg %; "Ca" =11,5mg %. Injections are stopped. The condition of the patient worsens and 12.XI the patient has died. 12) - - , 65 years. A sarcoma of the right axillary area. A sarcoma of the right lung. 1.VI - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =25,9mg %; "Ca" =13,3mg %. 1.VI, 9.VI and 16.VI - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StCa. Changes in a condition of the patient are not present. Hardly clears the throat is easier. 13.VI - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =17mg %; "Ca" =9,9mg %. 21.VI - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. The condition of the patient worsens. 30.VI - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =22mg %; "Ca" =9,1mg %.

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