Wednesday, June 24, 2009

STD Testing

Why only students from the third world? And then those who have AIDS and STD will be discovered, we will refer to the country? When I think that this measure was decided by the ministry of cooperation ... "Ekanga Shungu, a Zairoise twenty-nine years old, editor of Tam tam, the monthly Africans Brussels, knows to find the words to express his anger against the decision in early March by the Belgian authorities: the obligation to all students receiving a scholarship awarded by the Belgian Ministry of Cooperation to submit to a test of ...

Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, sometimes can be daunting task, since various applications and methods are being used to test for different STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
<a href="">HERPES | STD GENITAL HERPES: STD TESTING</a>: "Medically registered cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are common in every city and district of United States."

Monday, June 22, 2009

Congenital Fistulas Represent A Version - Branchiate Or

"In United States, the most infected are the youth and people of younger age, STD affecting especially the black minority more intensely women rather then men, according to federal statistics released in June 2009. Medically registered cases of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) are recorded only at public medical centers when the individuals comes for STD TESTING, those other people who orders STD Testing privately, from private medical establishments are not. The CDC reports also shows that cases of syphilis surprisingly continue to grow, since these disease are considered to be "manageable" and preventable. Syphilis is in the process of being eradicated, from the late 90-s, in the United States, however it began to represent a new health threat in 2001, registering an increase of 15. " by USA: The Call for Public Attention to Sharp Increase in STD Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Congenital fistulas represent a version - branchiate or neck fistulas. Can be - full (to open on a skin and in a trachea) or incomplete (- to open only on Herpes STD Genital a skin - external fistulas, or in a trachea - internal - fistulas). Incomplete external fistulas are more often observed. The diagnosis: is based on the data At - introduction of contrast substance in a course specify its communication with a trachea gleam. Internal incomplete fistulas, as a rule, do not demand special treatment In other cases are shown a course or its coagulation. TRAUMATIC DAMAGES OF THE TRACHEA The most frequent reason of traumatic damages - of chest department of a trachea is the transport trauma. At small anguishes of a trachea the condition of patients remains satisfactory Cough, "an emphysema on a neck" appear not at once Then the - phenomena develop-. Sometimes the first symptoms of disease are caused by a stenosis of a trachea owing to hem formation At full or big cross-section ruptures a condition of patients the - heavy: a short wind, , cough, , an emphysema.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

At Physical Activity It Is Marked As Profound

"According to the latest research across many data centers worldwide, medical institutions have reported their findings where people infected with herpes virus turn to for the first help with obscure symptoms. This medical data from around the world have allowed to see the real picture and draw the boundaries of herpes virus spread. It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

At physical activity it is marked as profound breath, and more atop . After - loading quickly comes - to norm (not later than through 7 mines) Superficial breath Slowly comes to on - breath Loading is not possible Herpes . Appears after the majority is available in rest, amplifies - after it is expressed Participation - muscles in small it is speeded up, it (is sometimes slowed down) , % to 50 - 9040 - 80 40 , % to 60 - 9040 - 80 50 FASHIONS, % to dolzhnomu110 - 150 150 170 (-- oxygen operating ratio-) Less than 34 with to norm at breath of OdMenee 30 30 Reserve air, 800-300 300 300 ; arterial - blood, %94-9694-96 94 Factors as , and cellular immunity. That is why, beginning treatment of the patient with the lung or pleura disease, often accompanied by the big loss of fiber and a heavy intoxication, it is expedient to conduct research of these factors of immunity for timely correction and to supervise - their dynamics in the course of treatment. For studying immunity define and concentration antibodies (IgM, IgG, IgA) For an estimation of cellular immunity it is obligatory calculation of absolute and relative quantity , compasses in blood T-kletochnyi immunity estimate on reaction with a ram.

Use The Biggest Reflector Which Will Be To

"Day to day life requires a lot of adjustments at first, then it shell become a part of routine of the day. What is the treatment of genital herpes?To maximize efficiency of treatment for genital herpes it should be started as soon as possible, at first signs of the anticipated outbreak, whether it is valaciclovir of other natural or herbal solutions, which are in most case are no less effective then pharmaceutical products, only many time cheaper, it requires consistency and due regularity of the daily dosing, as prescribed or as suggested. In case of recurrent outbreaks of lower level, herpes treatment may be taken at more relaxed mode, but not at liberty of "whenever I feel like it" it still must be treated, it is still the herpes disease no less. Treatment of herpes may also be preventive, especially when it comes to the recurrences of outbreaks. " by Herpes: Protecting Others

Use the biggest reflector which will be To correspond acoustical pass of the patient. Survey of the external Acoustical STD Herpes pass allows to reveal changes of a skin of the acoustical Pass and membranes. Research of the external acoustical channel In the beginning the condition of the right ear - is usually estimated Softly having pulled downwards and back for a lobe of an ear the left hand to straighten External acoustical pass and to examine it. Further at direct visualisation It is necessary to put . Originally pay attention to a condition of a skin of the external acoustical channel and check the following: * Whether there is no redness of a skin of the channel with white, Similar that assumes presence of an external otitis. * Red painful follicular formation that assumes a furuncle. * Brown adjournment assume an exit and drying of plasma of blood. * Blood presence in external acoustical pass (Channel) assumes a local trauma more often. It is necessary to remember that Falling or a serious head injury blood presence in the external acoustical Pass, can be a sign of crisis of the basis of a skull or parietal Bones.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

They Do Not Fuss, Their Movements Are Economical

"The disease is particularly widespread in sub-Saharan Africa where over 70% of women are infected. The virus Herpes simplex type 2 is usually transmitted through sexual contact and remains in the body for life. The disease can be manifested by painful genital ulcers, but symptoms may also be more moderate, which is why most people are unaware they are infected with the virus and can transmit it further to other people. The said the study published by the WHO, we shall ask for the permission to have it published here. " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

They do not fuss, their movements are economical and exact. But energy the first will spend more. Because of quantities of superfluous movements. And if you noticed, the first to a thicket have normal weight, Herpes Genital and the second to a thicket the superfluous. Whether excess weight is descended? Perhaps, all business in a heredity? As a rule, in two cases from three, at my patients or mum thick, or the daddy, and even both parents. There are demonstrative enough figures - if one of parents is sick of adiposity the probability to have excess weight at its children makes approximately 50 percent. The probability is slightly more, if adiposity at mum and if children of the girl. If both parents frequency of excess weight at children can reach 80 percent have surplus of weight. It would Seem, what are still necessary proofs of participation of a heredity in adiposity development. But it has appeared that about the same figures of occurrence of surplus of weight can be noted and at reception children, that is children who genetically have been not connected with the thick parents.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Moreover, Normal Cages, Being In Artificial Conditions Out

"It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). It is this study first have put into perspective the research and analysis under the conducted study parameters on the Herpes disease, it estimated that approximately 16% of the global population aged 15 to 49 carry the virus (!!!). The disease is particularly widespread in sub-Saharan Africa where over 70% of women are infected. The virus Herpes simplex type 2 is usually transmitted through sexual contact and remains in the body for life. " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

Moreover, normal cages, being in artificial conditions out of an organism, in so-called culture of fabrics, the only strictly certain number, time share and then perish. When the STD Herpes cage becomes cancer, its descendants can live and in culture of a fabric, and in an organism is boundless, if them consistently to replace, or to transplant. The well-known German scientist Paul Ehrlich in 1906 has allocated a tumour which is now used in all countries in scientific researches though the maximum longevity of the mouse does not exceed three years at the mouse. Differently, as it is paradoxical, the cancer provides potential immortality of cages. And still both unicells, and cancer cages perish. Really, for a long time it is counted up that if there was no �destruction monocelled descendants of one infusorian soon enough would occupy the volume exceeding volume of globe. What limits longevity of monocelled beings? Such terminator is first of all the condition of environment of their dwelling. The live organism is in very close mutual relations with an external world.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It Is A Question, First Of All, Of

"Have a serious talk with your life partner about herpes virus, open dialogs with partner always helps to reduce the risk of transmission of herpes virus during sexual intercourse or oro-genital contact). Living with herpes is not easy for many people infected with the virus spreading the virus is making living of other people as difficult, you must do utmost to prevent it. Remember herpes is a highly contagious viral disease that affect the body in many ways and usually seen on the face, including the cold sore, or other body parts, like genital herpes. Day to day life requires a lot of adjustments at first, then it shell become a part of routine of the day. " by Herpes: Protecting Others

It is a question, first of all, of the following: About use of the verifying table of Sivtsev (instead of the STD Herpes table of Snellena used abroad) which is applied in our country to sight check; about the changes caused by use of Russian, instead of English (in exercises where the knowledge of the words written on tables is required); About use of the European system of measures, instead of Anglo-American (instead of foots and yards metres are resulted, instead of inches - centimetres etc.). Technics of execution of exercises, and also all principles put in their execution, are completely observed according to recommendations of foreign authors. In the end of the book the small dictionary of terms which has for an object is resulted to help the general reader to understand some professional terms used in ophthalmology. If you do not find in it not clear terms for you who have met on a course of reading of the book address for the help to encyclopaedias or to experts in ophthalmology. For simplification of reading the text concerning to the technics of execution of given exercise or expressing a finished thought, separates from the basic text a dashed line.

INTRODUCTION Recently In Domestic And Foreign Medicine Interest To

It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). It is this study first have put into perspective the research and analysis under the conducted study parameters on the Herpes disease, it estimated that approximately 16% of the global population aged 15 to 49 carry the virus (!!!). The disease is particularly widespread in sub-Saharan Africa where over 70% of women are infected.
by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak
INTRODUCTION Recently in domestic and foreign medicine Interest to not medicamentous methods of treatment has noticeably increased, &lt;a href=""&gt;STD Genital Herpes&lt;/a&gt; More often connected with nonconventional medicine. In sphere The ophthalmology of such methods has not enough, and that - , unfortunately, not always give desirable effect. Therefore Any new information in considered(examined) area always - with the big hope. Abroad wide popularity The technique of treatment of infringements of the sight, developed has received American doctor U.G.Bejtsom. Followers - Whether worldwide. The whole movement in ophthalmology was born- "". In the USSR this method is practically unknown. Information about it(him) it is extremely avaricious. Slightly, if To compare to the huge sea of books on ophthalmology as a whole, Editions has left abroad. In sew to the country represented to yours attention the book is the first edition in which it is enough The method of doctor Bejtsa is full described. Authors do not deny debatableness of some positions of theory - .

Monday, June 1, 2009

Or Still, The Weight During Treatment Decreases, But

Or still, the weight during treatment decreases, but it is very important to define, which component of your body fatty or albuminous fabrics, are lost in a greater degree. To lose fiber badly: there will be flabby muscles, wrinkled a skin, immunity will go down. Good treatment is when the patient is released only from surplus of fat. And here the control of structure of a body too could help. * By the way, in norm the fat share in weight of a body at men should not exceed 15 percent, at women-20 percent. It is a little statistics Any scientific book, concerning excess weight usually begins with a so-called epidemiological sketch. , it is the medical science considering structure and prevalence of this or that disease. Us the person will interest how many have excess weight, their quantity increases or decreases, how adiposity is connected with a floor and the age to what development of diseases it promotes, increases adiposity life expectancy of patients or reduces, in a modern society the problem of obesity how many manages? It is possible to specify that in economically developed countries, including Russia on the average every third inhabitant has the weight of a body surpassing as much as possible admissible.

Saturday, May 30, 2009



Person HOMO SAPIENS - Its Leading Characteristics Is

Person HOMO SAPIENS - its leading characteristics is ability to znakovo-symbolical and in detail-converting, creative ability to live, hence, the culture and formation is in essence the main way of acquisition and development of these abilities, and the person can be designated as "the person formed". The culture is difficult and many-sided, the field of its problems is immense, and for its development and furthermore it is not enough influence not only formation time, but also all human life. But the culture out of the person is a cemetery of spirit. Recover it the cultural subject can only. The organizujushchaja role of the person in a choice of a corresponding set of knowledge, values, symbols, ideals, belongs to an education system. Culture of the person - uniform process of corporal and spiritual development. The culture of "a human corporality" is not only the precondition of a healthy way of life, in it is etilo-aesthetic, and consequently spiritual sense. The person it "open system" it is doomed to a freedom in choosing and cultural creativity of the life and the image it forms.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Zoology . The Head: Dementyev M. S. CHANNELS,

Zoology . The head: Dementyev M. S. CHANNELS, AS THE BASIS OF WORKING OUT OF SMALL TREATMENT FACILITIES FOR CATTLE-BREEDING ECONOMY In modern economic conditions working out of the elementary treatment facilities accessible to small farms is actual. From set of variants of the decision of a problem we had been chose process of self-cleaning of water by means of an intensification of bioprocesses directly on a place of formation of liquid cattle-breeding drains flowing down in reservoirs on an earth surface. It can look, as the cascade of small capacities located on a drain way to the river or lake. In the first there is a subsidence of firm particles on a bottom, and therefore it is subject to constant cleaning. In the second phytoplankton development begins, there is a complex of microorganisms which utilise organic chemistry and surplus of nitrogen. For clarification of water for the third us have been chosen rachki-dafnii. Thereupon the purpose of the given work was working out of technology of cultivation in clearing channels.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

There Are At It Two More Lacks. The

There are at it two more lacks. The first - all patients on a miscellaneous understand that such fat meat and that seems fast to some of them, actually appears fat enough. And after all everyone superfluous 10 fat are hundred more calories to daily caloric content. In general, in my opinion, those are excessive even 45 - 50 grammes of fat a day which this diet supposes. After all, while the organism will burn down the fat arriving with food, it will not burn down own. As quantity of products in this diet are precisely enough designated, patients should get scales and all to weigh. Or so. In the fullness of time there is no product which to you is. Or you are ready to eat anything you like, only not it. As very approximate data on dietology and on rules of replacement of one dishes and products others have the majority of patients, there are inevitable difficulties which very easily can lead to deviations from a diet and even to failure. In other words, the diet in "- 8 is difficult enough for reproducing.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Described Above Food Infringement Carry More Likely A

Described above food infringement carry more likely a role of risk factors. That is, at their presence to grow stout easier, but their presence yet does not do excess weight occurrence fatal. Simply person at whom these reactions meet, should undertake certain efforts on weight maintenance in norm as the excess weight reason *, fashionable enough recently the term. It means that the person starts to move less and in general to work as muscles less. Feature of a modern life consists that accrues and turns to the social phenomenon. Ever less socially well-founded occasions to make physical efforts. Lifts, public transport, manufacture mechanisation. In increase see one of the reasons of increase in frequency of adiposity (really, increase in disease at 10 percent for each ten years - from such fact you will not wave away). With connect also that surplus of weight happens at city dwellers, than at rural, and at workers of brainwork is more often, more often, than at the persons who are engaged in work physical.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

II Series: When Groups SH Have Been Excluded

II series: When groups SH have been excluded from standard structure figures Eh only occasionally slightly raised and only in one case the wound has begun to live without a suppuration. III series: Intravenous injection three-glikolevoj acids was not reflected in size Eh and all wounds . Comparing the facts of II th both III th series and the previous experiences of intravenous injections KCl and CaCl2 with facts I- of a series and clinical supervision when the high-grade standard was intravenously entered, we see the following: the preparations which are a part of standards, give positive medical effect only under condition of simultaneous, joint application. In these conditions very small quantities of one and bivalent metals normalise sizes of corresponding elements in blood whey; similarly, very small quantities systems - normalise sizes Eh; in these situations there comes medical effect. Thus, action of separate parts of standards interdependently. *** To define the general symptoms inherent in various illnesses, to find the indicators defining qualitative structure of medical actions, necessary in a separate case, was a main objective of this stage of researches.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Were Printed. Correspondents Of "the Stavropol Provincial Sheets"

were printed. Correspondents of "the Stavropol Provincial sheets" were: . , V.Miller, E.Filitsin, I.Figurovsky, but not seldom there were anonymous and anonymous articles. Censorship to Stavropol Territory has appeared from the moment of printing formation. Imperial censorship supervised periodicals that had the positive and negative consequences. Especially censorship has amplified during revolution of 1905 and during the period which has come after it. Journalism development was promoted by private printing houses. The first printing house belonged to Konstantin Tkachenko and originally specialised on release advertising. In 1871 has opened V.G.Naumenko's private printing house. This printing house has been awarded by the Gold medal "For diligence", besides it Grigory Tkachev, and in 1886 M.T.Timofeev has opened private printing house. Printing house Timofeeva specialised on release of books and textbooks of teachers of the Stavropol seminary - Vasileva and Afanaseva - on stories of orthodox church.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


1 CLINICAL DISPLAYS AT THE PRE-NATAL INFECTION CAUSED BY THE VIRUS OF THE SIMPLE HERPES AT CHILDREN TILL 6 MONTHS OF THE LIFE. 1 The reference to participants of conference "Intelligence. Russia. The future" Dear friends! It is especially pleasant to us to address to you today, in day when to the public there is a first interuniversity collection of scientific works of students Stavropol "Intelligence. Russia. The future". We, members of the City Student's Society ( ), are very glad that in such hard time we managed to let out this collection. has evolved from association of students of different high schools of Stavropol. Together it is easier to us to solve shared problems. is engaged in leisure, sports, a science, social policy and much to those still that helps students to unite and be engaged in the favourite business. Our conference is not simply named "Intelligence. Russia. The future". We believe that the future of our country will be is in hands of people young, clever, formed, professionals of the business, ready to help and Russia.

Friday, May 15, 2009

At 2 Children (40 %) From 5 With

At 2 children (40 %) from 5 with diagnosed the form with since a birth till 12-15 weeks it was defined HBsAg. By 6 months in whey of blood of children antibodies to HBeAg were tested, and "the s-window" period was marked till 9 months (at 40 % of children on all extent of supervision it is noted occurrences of antibodies to HBsAg). At all children since a birth antibodies to HBcAg total were defined at absence anti-Hbc Ig M. antigene on markers of a virus of a hepatitis In, occurred only in 60 % of cases, does not allow to confirm about end of the pathological process caused , in a liver. Long existence of the "window" previous , reflects the general tendency of the slowed down maturing of system of immunity at infected children and allows to think of synchronisation threat at this form . From 18 children with , at 11 (61 %) since a birth it is found out HBsAg without the subsequent . Throughout the first year of a life antibodies are found out in all children with this form to HBcAg the total.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Despite It, Results Were Positive Both And And

Despite it, results were positive both and and at was not observed strengthenings of inflammatory process at local application of these damp, unsterile bandages, in the same way never there were inflammations in a prick zone at intravenous injections though both the entered structure, and a syringe, and a needle were not sterile. This detail of our technique did not coincide with the standard methods. The standard means for treatment of inflammatory processes differ the big variety. Each clinic or hospital treats them on the and has the favorite methods. But against this variety there is one point, the general all operational and all dressing, - fear of an infection. It dominates in operational and dressing since Listera until now. Accent strengthening on an element in these conditions, i.e. infringement of the methods which have become extremely habitual, to us was represented by the demonstrative moment strengthening positions of pathogenetic therapy. Manufacture of operations in unsterile conditions answered this problem.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Though Food And Way Of Life Habits There

Though food and way of life habits there about the identical. The unique comprehensible explanation of this phenomenon consists in the following - Indians of a tribe of Pimu are on the whole genetically inclined to completeness. The proof of a role of a heredity gives and an analysis method. So if at one of twins excess weight surplus of weight most likely will appear and at another develops. At last, there are lines (breed) of laboratory animals with very high frequency of adiposity. Here, probably, follows which what to explain. In medicine and biology lines of rats and mice at which the sign, interesting scientists, meets much more often, than on the average for a long time already are used. Sometimes frequency of occurrence of a sign reaches hundred percent. How to receive a pure line of laboratory animals? For this purpose it is necessary to cross in a current of 20-30 generations among themselves mice or the rats received from one pair of animals. Linear animals are genetically identical.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

And This Decrease Is Reached Usually For Long

And this decrease is reached usually for long before achievement of normal weight of a body. It speaks as follows. Increase of arterial pressure at adiposity is connected not so much with weight of fat in an organism, how many with increase of its concentration in blood. At an unloading food the organism first of all starts to spend fat from blood. Its concentration decreases, and trace arterial pressure decreases also. Excess weight treatment results not only in decrease in arterial pressure. If the patient to an initiation of treatment had a diabetes ** in the course of treatment decrease in level of sugar in blood is very often observed that allows to reduce a dose means, or completely to refuse their reception. But give I will better result the figures received by us during scientific processing of results of treatment under the program resulted above. In total in research was 57 patients at the age of 15 - are taken 59 years. From them men - 16 and women - 41. 8 patients had a first degree of adiposity, at 24 - the second, at 23 - the third and at 2 - the fourth.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

In The Further Statement This Term To Us

In the further statement this term to us will meet. As all the same to grow thin? Before to undertake any efforts, think once again, and whether costs? From the point of view of medicine unequivocally costs, especially if the weight exceeds ideal more than for 25-30 percent or if the fat great bulk is located in a belly cavity. It when the relation of circles of a waist and hips at the woman is more 0,81, and men - have more than unit. Well-known that timely decrease in superfluous weight of a body conducts to normalisation of arterial pressure, sharply reduces probability of development of a heart attack of a myocardium and in very big percent of cases normalises sugar level in blood at diabetics. Than not an occasion to put weight in order? And here in other cases? For example, when more than it would be desirable your weight, say, kgs on 5-10. It seems to me, too costs. After all it, at least, tendency to corpulence and if not to undertake any measures, the weight will grow. However it is necessary to be cautious.

And, As Practice Shows, It Is Possible To

And, as practice shows, it is possible to it not bad. Judge. Usually the person in day spends an order of 2500-3500 kcals. It seemed, it would be possible to register to it a diet with caloric content of 2000 kcals. Small deficiency. He also will not notice. It will be real to look so - everything is possible, but approximately on one quarter it is less. Also live to itself. In day on a covering of power deficiency will leave from 50 to 150 fat. For a month of 1,5-4,5 kg, for a year of 15-35 kg. Than not the problem decision. However it is impossible. There will pass 2-3 weeks and the person will spend any more 2500-3500, and 2000 calories and will cease to grow thin. Probably, this phenomenon is familiar to much of you. You keep to a diet and at first all goes not bad, the weight decreases, but through any time weight reduction stops despite proceeding observance of a diet. And to notice power consumption reduction difficultly enough. It can be expressed in some reduction of a body temperature.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

If The Inflammation The Paint Passed In A

If the inflammation the paint passed in a bubble further began. Thus, the high light consists in increase in permeability of vascular walls in the inflamed centre and consequently the probability of penetration of substances entered by us in a fabric of the inflamed centre is theoretically admissible. During these researches our structure has been a little changed. The way for a long time practises tanning business, sharp action of chrome by addition of aluminium alum was softened. As a result of experimental check we have stopped on their following concentration: Structure 549. Sernokislyj chrome - 30 sm3 Kolloidnaja sulphur - 50 sm3 Aluminium alum of 5 % - 20 sm3 Tio-glikolev. K-k - 0,5 sm3 The dairy-sour buffer - 60 sm3 2 To 1 litre. Check Has shown that this structure like former, does not possess antiseptic properties and is unsterile. This circumstance did useless sterilisation and needles and further we never sterilised them. Preliminary researches have shown that rabbits in weight 950-1550 .

Friday, May 1, 2009

And It Receives Fiber Vegetative Which Fine Differs

And it receives fiber vegetative which fine differs from ours with you. The diet is poor some vitamins, especially group vitamins In, and as and . The daily requirement for them at the Chinese diet is not satisfied and for 30-40 percent. I any more do not say about that the diet is extremely monotonous and monotonous. Actually at it it is forbidden all but rice and vegetables. Even fruit it is impossible. It is clear that to take out such food long it is not possible practically to anybody. The majority suffices a maximum for 7-10 days. In this time it is possible to dump 3-5 kg of weight from which on fat 1,5-2 kg will have only, but also these kgs will quickly return after the treatment termination. Great popularity at one time used so-called or an English diet. Its principle in the following. Each product depending on quantities has certain number of points. One point is one calorie. 1500 points are per day supposed, it is no more. And so, eat that you want, the table with corresponding points is applied.

Chronic Carriers Of The Nv-virus Are The Basic

Chronic carriers of the Nv-virus are the basic source of an infection and consequently a paramount problem is their sanitation. It is considered that raises risk of development of a primary cancer of a liver in 14 times, a chronic active hepatitis in 40 times, a cirrhosis in 20 times. The present work is undertaken for the purpose of an establishment of prevalence of virus hepatitises among children's contingents over the last 5 years. It is noticed that disease in 1993: a virus hepatitis And has made 268,6 on 100 thousand children's population of Stavropol, in Stavropol Territory this indicator was equal 210,7, a virus hepatitis In-12,2 in Stavropol, 9,7 in edge. The diagnosis of a virus hepatitis With was not documented. In 1994 indicators were the following: a virus hepatitis And - 233,6 in Stavropol, 484,5 in edge, a virus hepatitis In 12,0 in Stavropol, 15,9 in edge. The virus hepatitis With was not documented. In 1995: a virus hepatitis And - 487,9 in Stavropol, 724,1 in edge, a virus hepatitis In - 14,9 in Stavropol, 16,4 in edge, a virus hepatitis With-3,0 in Stavropol, 3,2 in edge.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Protective Function - Physiological System Of A Connecting

Protective function - physiological system of a connecting fabric takes active part in reaction of an organism on an infection, being a place of development of antibodies, showing vigorous and activity. Apparently, it is possible to speak and about to autoregulation of functions of physiological system of a connecting fabric. However thus it is a question not about ( from cages of particles of protoplasm as has described Ranve), and of the phenomena in which result stimulating substances, especially in a spleen are formed. Mechanical function - physiological system of a connecting fabric forms a skeleton (bone and ) an organism. "Extended on all organism, united by common features physical and chemical structure and physiological functions, the connecting fabric with its extreme functional polyvalency plays an organism rather important trophic role and highly defines the qualitative and quantitative parties of its reactance, and, hence, defines also the constitution of an organism". "Rather the great interest represents a question on influence of nervous system and in particular vegetative nervous system on cellular elements of physiological system of a connecting fabric.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

This Representation Is Contradicted By Small Size Of

This representation is contradicted by small size of our medical dose, its huge cultivations in environments of an organism and, at last, buffer action of its chemical systems. We are inclined to think that these extremely small quantities and tio-groups, getting into a zone a barrier, are quickly blocked by a barrier, and their direct influence stops. However, contact of these elements to elements of physiological system of a connecting fabric creates an impulse which character is defined by physical and chemical properties applied and preparations with SH-groups. It is possible to think that the created normalising impulse spends to action the mechanism autoregulation of functions of physiological system of a connecting fabric which is that arena on which (A.A.Bogomolets's) pathological processes first of all are played, and elements a barrier, is a depot of power and plastic resources of an organism. Thus, the centre of gravity moves from ours influences on reactance of physiological system of a connecting fabric.

In Arterial Blood It Has A Bit Different

In arterial blood it has a bit different value, than in the venous. At development of the pathological phenomena it changes. So, for example, at a diabetes size Eh sharply falls. Insulin introduction raises Eh. By this time works in this area is available much. Gradually they have fallen outside the limits laboratory experiment and have been transferred to clinical practice. The most interesting in this area are works of the prof. Serejsky/1/with employees. Red-oksipotentsial, on the conclusion of authors, it is characterised by the exclusive constancy similar pH, but differs from the last that varies at a pathology, and the characteristic moment is a reduction of its digital values. The norm of potential of whey of blood was defined at healthy people (nearby 50 persons, repeated researches were often made) and makes 170 - 190 (millivolt). 200 cases of a schizophrenia have been investigated. Average figure Eh=130 - 150 . Very few cases have given 155 - 170 - "subnorm". In certain cases there was a decrease to 115 .

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Anyway, At Adiposity And, Even, At Tendency To

Anyway, at adiposity and, even, at tendency to corpulence it is unequivocally harmful. But "doctor's" will disorient the name. Margarine. Write that they consist only of vegetative fats and owing to it are useful. We will leave reasonings on utility of vegetative fats. We have already found out that at excess weight they are harmful, well can be, hardly to a lesser degree, than and animals. Has put here a little in other. Long time was considered that if at a food there are only vegetative fats and very few fats of animals at the person the atherosclerosis more slowly progresses and less often pressure raises. These ideas have not lost the urgency and now, but they are fair only in the event that it is a question of the person with normal *. As to margarine yes, really, they consist of vegetative fats, but these fats are hydrogenated, or, speaking differently, are subjected special processing so, what and at a room temperature to remain firm. And, as have shown recent researches, these hydrogenated fats appear for an organism even more harmful, than fats animals.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Actually, There Is One Unbiased Fact Submitting To

Actually, there is one unbiased fact submitting to the second law of thermodynamics, opened in due time Isaakom Newton. In a key of our problem this law could sound so: the immediate cause of increase of weight of fat in an organism always one also consists in prevalence of energy eaten over energy spent. In other words, if the person eats more than food, than he is capable to spend for service of power expenditure, how believe, fat, a fatty fabric should pass surplus of energy in fat, after all, is that other, as an energy stock. This nutrient which the person constantly drags with itself. And substance rather rich with energy. At oxidation of one gramme of fat in an organism 9,3 kcals are allocated, and at oxidation of the same quantity of carbohydrates or fibers only 4,1 kcals. So, apparently, the reason is known, but all not so is simple as it seems. Whether is the reason of fatness the overeating? And now still in popular, and sometimes and in the scientific literature it is possible to meet the statement that all corpulent simply gluttons, or if want on scientific - *.

Friday, April 10, 2009

And If At Observance Of All These Conditions

And if at observance of all these conditions your weight has not changed or even has a little grown, do not hasten to despair and think that treatment does not help you. If you strictly meet all conditions of treatment superfluous fat simply has no place to undertake. Remember, most of all the weight depends on a liquid containing in an organism, the liquid can collect after salty food or alcohol, and as, with menstrualno-ovarialnym a cycle. What can and what for the doctor is necessary? Perhaps, at any other illness self-treatment, as does not prosper so magnificently and colourfully at excess weight. Here and I write, I try to explain all in detail and in details, and itself I am afraid, suddenly who be from you having decided that now that he knows everything, will be accepted to itself and than be to itself will do much harm. So what for the doctor all the same is necessary? As well as at any other illness the doctor can and should estimate correctly an initial condition of the patient, solve which methods of treatment and in what volume to it will be shown.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Sacrament Of Russian Character As Many Writers

The sacrament of Russian character as many writers and scientists noticed, consists not in an accessory to Russian nation, and in "state of mind". And in the constitution the formation main task is noted as education of the person and does not become accent on a nationality. In it the main difference of an education system of the resulted countries also consists. From all aforesaid it is possible to draw a conclusion that mentality as "culture" derivative of wide concept, and, at the same time, being culture generation, is one of the important components of the purposes of formation. To influence mentality of formation should influence culture (to scoop sources). The culture through formation can affect mentality development. Formation provides progressive development of mentality, so also a social generality of people. Formation should carry out function of social genetics, i.e. creations, formation of the new mental person and by that to recreate the deformed layers of the Russian mentality.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thus It Is Necessary To Solve A Number

Thus it is necessary to solve a number of problems, namely: to study features of reproduction, development, a food, the relation to external factors of environment, and also to estimate a specific variety and their numerical structure. The practical importance of work consists in the following: The lowest Crustacea long since are a valuable forage for animals, and Daphnia magna - an original biofiltration organism with which help it is possible to carry out clearing of cattle-breeding drains; dried are used for feeding of aquarian fishes, serve as the excellent additive in mixed fodders of any appointment. The first experiences spent on the lowest Crustacea concern the end of 19 centuries. "Russian method" N.A.Depp (1889) was the most developed at that time. The big development works on Cladocera have received Derzhavin, 1938, 1947; Zarinsky, 1939; , 1949, 1950, etc. From all lowest Crustacea the most perspective group for is group Cladocera. Such kinds concern it, as Polyphemus pediculus Zinne, Sida crystallina, Daphniz magna and many other things.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Quantity "K" =23,6mg %; "Ca" =8,6mg %. In

Quantity "K" =23,6mg %; "Ca" =8,6mg %. In this case divergences of sizes "K" and "Ca" are not sharp, and objective and subjective symptoms of illness are expressed distinctly. Intravenous injections of our solutions were not made. 4) - - , 49 years. It is sick of a tropical malaria since 1935 of Attacks is not present. In the spring and in the autumn, during crude weather, a pain in a waist and feet. During these periods sharp sensation of weariness. In the summer, in a heat, the phenomena are absent, but sometimes appear at the big working loading. Spring and summer 1939 . Worked much. In May there were pains in a waist and feet and gradually accrued. The strong weariness since morning was marked, by the evening it amplified even more. Definitions "K" and "Ca" have shown the following: "K" =15mg %; "Ca" =17mg %. 9.VI and 10. VI - it has been entered intravenously on 1,5 sm3 StK. 11.VI - the State of health is better. Pains have passed in feet, the weariness has disappeared. Unpleasant sensations in a waist have remained.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Problem Of Formation Of Museum Culture Of

The problem of formation of museum culture of visitors concerns also. Concept "the museum culture" in the narrow sense of the word defines readiness level to perception of the museum information. In the broad sense of the word we understand ability of the person as "museum culture" to estimate subjects of museum value not necessarily being in a museum, first of all from socio-historical positions, as a history particle. Education of museum culture means education at the person of the historical consciousness, that its side which is expressed in ability of the person to estimate subjects of museum value as a cultural heritage part. The museum should learn to see the visitors in a museum piece an inner world print, psychology of people of other epoch. Process of knowledge of a museum is based on acquaintance with history, culture, art of the people and in development of social qualities. The role of this institute of culture is really unique, and in it it is difficult to replace it with other educational or cultural and educational establishment.

Friday, March 27, 2009

2.IX - � - The Norm, Has Put

2.IX - � - the norm, has put on weight 3 . Works on an economy. Feels vigorously. 5.IX - the blood Analysis: Na=322mg %; K=22,5mg %; Mg=1,5mg %; Ca=9,9mg %; Eh=168 . 3) - - , 66 years. The pensioner. It is sick of a spontaneous gangrene of the left foot. 4th finger of cyanotic colour. On surfaces of its nail phalanx there is a dark stain - skin. Foot . Goes with great difficulty, leaning against a stick. Nights does not sleep because of pains. On the person a mask of the suffering typical for such patients. Pulse on both stops is not probed. 23.V - the Analysis Blood: Na=350mg %; K=17,8mg %; Mg=2,8mg %; Ca=12,7mg %; Eh=148 . 25.V - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+glut. 2.VI - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+glut. 5.VI - the small bone sequester Has departed. 8.VI - the hypostasis of a finger and foot is not present. The pain has less. 9.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=316mg %; K=21,1mg %; Mg=2,8mg %; Ca=12,7mg %; Eh=150 . 11.VI - Intravenous injection: (StNa+glut)/10. 17.VI - the Condition of the patient satisfactory.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

We Add 20 Grammes Of Sour Cream (40

We add 20 grammes of sour cream (40 calories). We receive 70 calories. Now we add 20 grammes of sunflower-seed oil (180 calories. We receive 210 calories. Caloric content three times is more, and almost identical. Further. There are special methods which allow to establish what exactly from nutrients (fats, fibers, or carbohydrates) and in what proportion are exposed at present to oxidation in an organism. And so, with application of these methods it has been established that fat oxidation does not increase at increase in its quantity in food. Examinees in a current of two weeks ate mainly fat food, and fat oxidation remains approximately equal to initial level. Surplus of fat was simply utilised by a fatty fabric and all. The same methods have allowed to establish that people essentially differ by possibilities of oxidation of fat and that at some people fat is oxidised very badly. In particular badly it is oxidised at children of corpulent parents, that is at what owing to the hereditary reasons are rather inclined to adiposity development.

E. For Example To Water A Boiled Potato It

e. for example to water a boiled potato it is possible only when it has a little cooled down). Yes, from light linen oil too spoils. The official quantitative recommendation - two table spoons in day within the first month, further - one table spoon in day; the semiofficial qualitative recommendation - to operate on sensation, thus all should it will turn out so that you gradually will start to use ever less linen oil. 2.I.2. Accessories to cooking. Any contact of food to aluminium is completely forbidden. The ware from a stainless steel, pig-iron, clay, tin, glass is supposed. The enameled ware and ware with a teflon covering is supposed. 2.I.3. Recipes. (I will add subsequently). 2.II. Medicines. To those who can prompt Russian names of the listed medicines - and just as them in Russia to get - the big request to me to write, that I have included here this information. Medicines which in Russia it will not be possible to get, it is possible to buy, for example, in the USA, - but it, of course, not the most convenient variant.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I Will Not Argue. After Coding Grow Thin.

I will not argue. After coding grow thin. However, only in the event that keep to a diet. And which I condemn those factors, can just have effect. You come to a hall. There a lot of same as you. They have come, means trust. Involuntarily start to trust and you. It is so-called indirect psychotherapy. Is better give I will say some alphabetical trues for any doctor and you will understand that it is not pleasant to me in coding. Work with the patient in any area of medicine can be under construction only on an individual approach. This work can include and influences in group of patients but only as a stage or an element of the general work and only in the event that the doctor can supervise each participant of group. Unreasoned diet can harm health of the patient. Which we will more low disassemble in detail. As a way to avoid they be to appoint the diet thought over from the point of view of medicine first, and to select it strictly individually, secondly. During excess weight treatment as a rule it is necessary to reconsider a diet, to do its that by softer, more rigid.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In The Event That Not Toxic Methods Of

In the event that not toxic methods of struggle against a pain insufficiently, it is possible to use stronger means - but only if without them not to manage. At visits to tooth a unique comprehensible anaesthetic (patient owing to the changed metabolism has enough a dose in comparison with usual). 2.V.2. and medicines. As a whole on the one hand aspires to minimise reception by the patient of medicines; and on the other hand improves a condition of the patient in the sufficient image sharply to lower requirement for medicines. Reception of preparations of chemotherapy should be stopped. Toxic should be stopped as pains umenshajutsja/stop. Reception of other preparations should be reduced/is stopped as far as possible. The patients accepting medicines prior to the beginning , should not stop their reception without the recommendation of the doctor familiar with . Insulin is developed in an organism and is not toxic. In the beginning of therapy to the patients accepting insulin, it is necessary to continue to accept it; however it is necessary to do constantly blood and urine analyses so that when the pancreas will enough restore the work, to reduce insulin reception.

Monday, March 16, 2009

As Much Contains In 80 A White Loaf.

As much contains in 80 a white loaf. And now tell, what is easier? To spend a day of limited intake of food on two kgs of cucumbers or on 80 a white loaf? Here too the important deviation. There is products and their caloric content, it far not conterminous things. Example? Please. Caloric content of a glass of sweet tea usually is no more 50 calories. 50 calories are 5 grammes of vegetable oil - one teaspoon. Tell, what you will be sated more strongly, with a glass of sweet tea or a vegetable oil teaspoon? On decrease of sating effect all products could be divided on 3 *: Products with high sating effect - (sugar) carbohydrates, starched (bread, groats macaroni), some fruit (bananas and citrus) ** Products with average sating effect - albuminous products - meat fish, cottage cheese, eggs, milk and sour-milk products, the majority of vegetables and fruit Products with low sating effect - sour cream, various oils, fats. And so, the feeling of hunger can be reduced, correctly having picked up a foodstuff.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Cage Is Characterised By An Abundance ,

a cage is characterised by an abundance , which basic functions in fiber synthesis, a respiratory exchange, maintenance of active transport. is a basic element in maintenance of hydration of a cornea. should compensate both natural aspiration to absorb water, and the lowered osmotic pressure. Infringement of barrier function leads to swelling of all layers of a cornea to sharp falling of visual acuity and to unpleasant sensations. By the spent researches it is established that penetration of water, electrolits, microcells and other substances through , and cornea membranes is carried out, thanks to processes of oxidation of the basic properties of a cornea directed on restoration. Thus selective carrying out of ions in accumulates ions of sodium which keeps in intermediate substance together with than the cornea transparency is provided. Thus, in plasmatic membranes of a cornea, and the structures responsible for three basic functions - synthesis, a barrier role, participation in active transport are located that provides maintenance of a transparency of a cornea.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Besides, It Is Necessary To Take Into Consideration

Besides, it is necessary to take into consideration theories of game which have developed in separate areas (the theory of children's game in psychology, the mathematical theory of game, the theory of an origin of art of game in art criticism etc.). Worthy and the further working out the sight at game as a version of modelling activity (Lotman is represented to us. ), and as attempt of the methodological analysis of problems of game in pedagogics (Shchedrovitsky ). To game representatives of foreign philosophy (the Zh.-item Sartre, gave a great attention to Unauma, Z.Freud, J. ) it has found reflexion and certain interpretation in fiction (T.Mann, G.Gesee) - this material as can be entered into a scientific turn at game studying. As any phenomenon of culture game has arisen in the course of historical development from needs of public practice. In system of cultural acquisitions mankind it takes far not a minor place. There is no saying in what particularly the time interval is allocated actually game activity; obviously as that the person has realised not at once and has allocated its value that is connected with primitive culture.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hence, Close Interaction Of Culture And Formation In

Hence, close interaction of culture and formation in development of the person, is one of the major conditions of its value, abilities to adapt for inconsistent conditions of life and to resist to negative interactions of environment, leaning against spiritual culture of the person. As a result it is possible to come to a conclusion that the culture should be not only department to which formation in plans and state laws - "culture and formation" officially adjoins, the culture should enter into "flesh" before the formation, having defined it , logic of action of the teacher, i.e. a cultural urological principle and the organisations of all educational space, i.e. the humanistic approach. Construction of architecture of pedagogical space according to logic of culture will allow to direct its activity on formation "the person of culture". Fedorov A.N. , . Journalism JOURNALISM of the CITY of Stavropol of the PRE-REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD (with 1850 on 1917) The urgency of a problem studied by me that the journalism, as it is known, is "the fourth power" which can influence in the strongest image a society forms public opinion.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

National Pride As The Spiritual Phenomenon, Requires Certain

National pride as the spiritual phenomenon, requires certain level of a maturity of civil and social consciousness of the population. There are 2 levels of national consciousness which is complete multicomponent formation: "representation about the ethnos" and "ethnic self-identification". Increase of level of consciousness conducts to change of its structure which differs more a close connection between all components. Thus formation and development of ethnic consciousness is the defining factor of optimisation of joint activity of people, their interpersonal relations, a condition of harmonisation of ethnic individuality. "Formation of culture of consciousness today not luxury, and the general, social, even is wider - a universal problem. The culture of consciousness transforms the individual in such social" a material "of which the people, as conscious object of historical practice" are formed. Thus, the named arguments and an insufficient readiness of the given problem have defined a choice of my work: "Formation of national consciousness at children of the Greek nationality to Stavropol Territory".

But Having Rummaged Often Enough That Be Such

But having rummaged often enough that be such you find. Or sports have thrown, or married, or the car have bought. Whether and you know, what in norm of power expenditure decrease approximately for 10 percent for each ten years of a life? That is, thirty-year spend energy on the average for 10 percent less, than twenty years', forty-year for 20 percent, fifty years' for 30 percent and so on. It is connected with reduction of a so-called basic exchange, that is a power consumption going on service of the basic vital signs at rest of breath, warm activity, work of a liver, kidneys, an intestines, a food of the weakened muscles etc. the Organism with the years as though accustomed to live more economically. Economy economy, and increases in frequency of adiposity with the years the fact well-known. Judge - at twenty years' girls surplus of weight meets frequency of 15 percent, at thirty-year women this indicator raises to 27 percent, and at forty-year it comes nearer to 50 percent. So, or reduction of power expenditure is rather widespread reason of increase of weight.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

In Other Words, The Patient Can Use In

In other words, the patient can use in food almost any product Against a diet the power consumption should not decrease, weakness and working capacity decrease should not be observed. Against a diet at the patient the stereotype of a food sharply reducing probability of a repeated set of weight, that is disease relapses should be generated The diet should not lead to weight reduction not fatty fabrics, in particular muscles, that is the weight loss at its application should be reached basically at the expense of reduction of fatty weight. And at all thus the diet should be effective, that is lead to significant weight reduction, and differently, what sense in it? And eventually, as it seems to us, such diet has been developed. Certainly not at once. At first it was necessary to try set of improvisations from already existing. But all left not that. Shipping improves, the effect decreases. You try to think up something on stronger - effect good, but to keep it then difficultly enough. Then somehow by itself steels to gather advantages from different diets, and lacks to disappear.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Necessity For It Is. At Least The Such.

Necessity for it is. At least the such. Very often in the course of treatment there is a situation when our patient like would continue to keep to a diet, and its weight thus does not decrease. The reasons for that weight. For example the patient badly keeps to a diet, or observes well, but its organism on what that to the reasons does not wish to spend fat, or all is fine, but after , eaten the day before for a supper in an organism has collected litre ones and a half - two waters. Really, and it is useful to know about it, each superfluous gramme of table salt detains hundred milliliters of superfluous water in an organism. See, it is a lot of reasons and each time new tactics, but what is necessary? And the patient already was upset. It is necessary, so much days suffered, and all is vain! And here the doctor, having defined structure of a body also can tell: "Look, the weight of fat continues to decrease, and that that you weigh not less, than last time, simply result of a delay of water, frequent enough situation at stout persons".

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Let's Notice That I State All A Simple

Let's notice that I state all a simple language - and words about gljutation-S-transferazu - and also I do not try to express at all on such here language what for some reason it is accepted with scientific character; please, do not confuse a science to bureaucracy; however, despite human language, everything that I speak, I actually speak with full clearness - and I am responsible for each word. One of key components of therapy is the complete elimination from an environment of the patient of any chemicals; besides in general much that is impossible for the patient - including alcohol and tobacco. Please, it is not necessary to conclude about it that I any antitechnological or there the antialcoholic maniac (that is Max Gerson has, of course, thought up this all, and I only translate - but after all with an ulterior motive I probably translate it). It is a question that's it of the extremely specific mode with which help it is possible to rescue seriously ill people. Communicate with a life under the full program, receive from it on a muzzle and beat off a key - if to you so it would be desirable, smell glue and cook a borsch from pesticides in an aluminium pan.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Moreover, This Therapy That's It Considerably Improves An

Moreover, this therapy that's it considerably improves an organism as a whole. Lines, I, apparently, start to express with adjectives but if you saw that does with the person. This article is written, meaning the patient who is absolutely bad - on that basically to the reason that its situation is most difficult; however, practice in itself does not depend on weight of a situation; simply if you meet type turns "time you in so difficult situation", and you just in position not so heavy mentally correct this turn under the situation. I use materials of books Max Gerson "A Cancer Therapy. Results of fifty cases ", The Gerson Institute" The Gerson Primer. Practical guidance, resources and recipes for Gerson Therapy patients ", Charlotte Gerson's lectures (the director of Institute Gersona), and also a private experience of application . To me, you see it was required to cure the person of a cancer - I have found the information about - and have applied. I tried to transfer Institute Gersona line as much as possible precisely; when the information obtained from other sources, or my interpretation was necessary (basically in situations when Institute Gersona does not give accurate recommendations), such text is allocated by a badge "#" - except those cases, when and so it is obvious, where Institute Gersona line and where - is not present.

Researches Of This Universal Property Of A Human

Researches of this universal property of a human body were spent till now with use of the material received in the conditions of a hospital hospital. Much less out-patient scientific data on influence of weather changes, and also the data constructed on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of calls urgent ("fast") medical aid. However this sort of information represents, in our opinion, considerable interest, thus, is the most objective (in view of absence of therapeutic and other medicamentous intervention at the moment of a call. Research objective is the estimation of influence of change of meteorological characteristics of atmosphere on quantity and character of references behind urgent medical aid of townsmen of Stavropol. This research has the special importance also because a geographical zone interesting us - Stavropol - represents one of the most adverse and the least studied in the relation factors region. As initial materials quantities of hourly references in first aid and the data of meteorological supervision for the same terms were used: temperatures, humidity, overcast (the form and ), actual pressure at height of 450 m above sea level (height of an arrangement of meteorological station) and the pressure led to a sea level.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Basically - Cutting Off Of A Part Of

Basically - cutting off of a part of a stomach (resection). Their general principle was reduced to the following. The it is less at the patient a stomach that faster it it is sated, hence, the less he eats, hence, that grows thin is better. And it is valid, patients grew thin, but high operations and high risk of complications in the postoperative period, essentially limited their application. Last ten years in a number of the medical centres of the West operation when on a stomach in its average part simply dressed a ringlet in diameter about 45-50 millimetres began to practise widely enough. As a result the top half of a stomach was quickly enough filled with food and patients tested a sense of fulness. It led to reduction of a food and to weight reduction. If to trust authors, after such operation patients quickly grew thin and lost to 30 kgs and more. And results differed enviable firmness. It seemed even that surgical treatment can become a choice method at excess weight. But it has appeared that it not so.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Effect Depends And From A Floor Of

The effect depends and from a floor of the patient - men grow thin slightly better, than women. The effect depends and on degree of expressiveness of adiposity. Patients with more expressed adiposity grow thin slightly better, than patients with small surplus of weight of a body. At all patients with an arterial hypertension during treatment decrease in arterial pressure to norm (12 patients) or to the figures was marked, allowing to refuse reception of medical products (6 patients). And still. It can be a little unexpected, but at women certain dependence of effect on a phase menstrualno-ovarialnogo a cycle has come to light. In the first phase of a cycle of the woman grew thin slightly better, than in the second. On it, perhaps, the sketch excess weight could and be finished. As to the Doctor-slima now it already arrives in a chemist's network. We managed to insist what stoimostDoktor-slima was not more expensive than cost of usual food. And on how many I know 600 - 900 grammes the Doctor-slima, namely it is necessary for a month of treatment so much, will manage to you where that in 100 - 150 roubles.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Also It Is One More Occasion It To

Also it is one more occasion it to throw. And one more lack - the diet does not form skills safe ( ) a food and having stopped its observance, the patient starts to get fat more often. It is valid, clear that if for weight reduction the mode of interdictions and regulations and for weight maintenance it is necessary to use same, let hardly softer is used. And to refuse to itself in what that products all life, or all life to weigh products and to consider calories, such not under force to anybody. Recently in the medical centres of the West the increasing distribution get so-called it is expressed low-calorie diets ( ). About it it is necessary to talk in more details as, first, they deserve that, and secondly, all that is connected with these diets, passes serious scientific processing. In see the future, prospect. By this time treatment under program in the West there have passed some tens thousand patients. So the material is enough for the analysis the big. Actually, such name whence undertook - is expressed a low-calorie diet? The matter is that average caloric content of a day diet at an order of 400-600 calories.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

And All The Same, In That Kind In

And all the same, in that kind in which I have now stated it, it suited not all our patients. Rigid enough regulation remained. Often patients got tired of days of limited intake of food. Started to break a diet gradually. Happened both failures and the preschedule terminations of treatment. Why? Probably because as though positively the patient before an initiation of treatment not was is adjusted on decrease in weight of a body, this spirit passes sooner or later, and as a rule, long before achievement of desirable weight of a body. We began to test other modes of alternation the Doctor-slima and a usual food, for example - two or four days of a food by a mix the Doctor-slim in a week. The table where these modes are collected is more low resulted and their efficiency is specified: Mode Effect 1st month (kg) Effect of 3 months (kg) Two days of limited intake of food in a week 2-3 5-7 Three days of limited intake of food in a week 4-5 11-12 Four days of limited intake of food in a week 6-7 14-17 Doctor-slim daily instead of a breakfast and a supper 4-5 9-10 You see - all of them are effective, however different modes possess different efficiency.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

20.I. Rabbit A Hare, A Forehead. Weight 1500

20.I. Rabbit a hare, a forehead. Weight 1500 . 12 . Day: hypodermically 1 sm3 of daily culture . 1 . Day: Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 21.I Changes in a skin are not present. Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 22.I the Skin . In fabrics spherical . Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 23.I Skin reddening has passed. it is less. Intravenously 1 sm3 549. 24.I Reddenings of a skin and are not present. THE CONTROL. 20.I the Rabbit a hare. Weight 1500 . Conditions the same infections, as at the skilled. 21.I Changes in a skin are not present. 22.I the Skin . Big plane . 23.I The same condition. 25.I Reddening is a bit less. without changes. 26.I Reddenings of a skin are not present. has a little decreased. Number Experiences in this series covered nine pairs rabbits. In all experiences analyses of blood at skilled rabbits and were made. Blood undertook prior to the beginning of experience and then daily. A considerable difference at skilled and it was revealed not; the norm at the skilled was restored a bit earlier, than at .

Dizzinesses Have Stopped. A Chair Normal. Appetite Good.

Dizzinesses have stopped. A chair normal. Appetite good. 10) B Th - , 37 years. It is sick within 3th years of a spontaneous gangrene of the left foot. It was treated in estuary (dirt), in 1937 . Operation ` has been made and. The periods of reduction of pains alternated with the periods of their strengthening. In February 1938 . Pains have sharply amplified, 4th and 5th finger of the left foot of a steel of bagrovo-dark blue colour. Spasms and a constant pain in left to a muscle. The boot cannot dress because of severe pains. 10.III - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =23,2mg %; "Ca" =8,2mg %. 11.III - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 13.III - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 16.III - the Condition of the patient worsens. Nights does not sleep. Foot became so sensitive that cannot dress stockings. 18.III - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =26,1mg %; "Ca" =7,42mg %. 20.III - Intravenously 1 sm3 StCa. 22.III - Intravenously 1 sm3 StCa. 27.III - the Condition has improved. There are intervals, free from pains.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

After A While Are Shown At Pain Walking

After a while are shown at pain walking in areas, and further spasms. Such condition lasted long enough, and then there were pains in 4 and 5 fingers of foot. Gradually accruing, these pains became so intensive that last month the patient slept only by fits. Most of all the patient is disturbed by 5th finger which at survey is represented sine-crimson colour, is swelled. The hypostasis extends on foot back. The pulsation of arteries of foot is not probed. 13.I - the blood Analysis: Na=290mg %; K=25,4mg %; Mg=1,8mg %; Ca=10mg %; Eh=154 . 14.I - Intravenous injection: StNa+NaCl+CaCl2+ . 20.I - the blood Analysis: Na=310mg %; K=24,8mg %; Mg=1,6mg %; Ca=10,6mg %; Eh=163 . 21.I - Intravenous injection: StNa+CaCl2+glut. 5.II - the blood Analysis: Na=314mg %; K=22mg %; Mg=1,5mg %; Ca=12mg %; Eh=168 . 10.II - the Condition is much better. Sleeps at night, only occasionally there are pains and that short. The hypostasis of a finger and foot back has passed. Colouring of a skin of 5th finger became less intensive.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Really I Did Not Tell It It At

Really I did not tell it it at the first our conversation? For certain spoke. Probably to some my patients, got used to grow thin constantly itself, passing through tortures and interdictions, it is difficult enough to understand that it is possible to grow thin without suffering. Also it is necessary to grow thin without suffering. And only so it is really possible to grow thin! And one more supervision which has happened too today. On reception to me the family has come. Mum, the daddy and a daughter. They are treated two months. The same mode described by me above. And so, for two months the daddy has dumped 13 kgs, mum - 8 and a daughter - 7. Interestingly also that in an initiation of treatment at all at them arterial pressure has been raised. And in two months pressure was normalised. In general, here two moments are indicative. The first men usually at observance of the same mode grow thin on the average slightly faster, than women. And the second - if at the patient to an initiation of treatment arterial pressure is raised, in the course of treatment it often enough decreases.

Monday, February 2, 2009

By The Way, Heart Attacks Of A Myocardium

By the way, heart attacks of a myocardium a direct consequence of an atherosclerosis of warm vessels, at corpulent people are observed in 4-5 times more often, than at normal weight. So, the medical insurance campaigns taking a payment for the insurance by that above, than it is more at the person of fat, on the are right. Who from them will want to lose money paying then expensive enough treatment of the patient with a heart attack of a myocardium or with a stroke. Sugar *. Very dangerous disease. Surplus of sugar in blood leads to defeat of kidneys and to development of their insufficiency, to blindness, to defeat of vessels of finitenesses and to gangrenes. And so, if the diabetes develops at the person is more senior 35 years in 8 cases from ten it develops at sick of adiposity, and the diabetes would not develop, if this person weighed normally. It is not out of place to remind that an atherosclerosis and an ischemic heart trouble the most frequent causes of death. Hypertensive illness takes in this mournful list the third place, and a diabetes - the fourth.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Besides, In A Diet 80 (80 %) Children

Besides, in a diet 80 (80 %) children were available meat broths that in aspect of modern representatives about feeding is inexpedient. More often the reasons of late introduction of food additives (juice, fruit mashed potatoes, a yolk, meat) were displays ekssudativno-kataralnogo a diathesis, refusal of the child of the offered food, and sometimes - lack of information of mothers on feeding rules. Thus, from 100 interrogated mothers, 50 nursed children before introduction of the first feeding up, i.e. the program, offered a CART/JUNISEF, accepted in Stavropol, has made the positive impact on practice of chest feeding. At the same time, at the majority of children deviations in terms of introduction of feedings up and food additives and their qualities are noted in this connection to estimate feeding as correct it is possible only at 27 (27 %) children; insignificant infringements are revealed at 21 (21 %) the child, considerable deviations at feeding are revealed at 52 (52 %) children of the first year of a life.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Weight Accrued, But Besides As That Non-uniformly

The weight accrued, but besides as that non-uniformly - at one faster, at others more slowly, and at the third did not accrue absolutely. Even after doctors limited mobility of volunteers, simply forced their most part of day to spend to beds, and that were such at which the weight did not accrue. Here, proceeding from this data, it would be possible to draw interesting enough conclusion: People differ on propensity to adiposity development. One in the conditions of an overeating quickly enough type weight, others do not type it even when the overeating is combined with mobility restriction. Approximately percent at 30 people at excitements and experiences appetite sharply amplifies also they run into a condition is reaction to stress. It meets both at thin, and at the thick. However, as believe, at thick approximately in one and a half time more often. Certainly, running into a condition every time when you worry, that this reaction meets and at normal weight is easier to get superfluous kgs, but also and, on the contrary, does not meet more than at half of corpulent patients, speaks, as reaction to stress cannot be considered as the universal reason of a set of weight.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Firm " " Has Arrived In General That

Firm " " has arrived in general that correctly. It has withdrawn all which has already been put in drugstores, has stopped sales of this preparation and now studies, whether really amazes heart or these are simply annoying coincidence? I can express the opinion. In overwhelming majority of cases in excess weight treatment it is possible to do without . So, even if will return to medicine, I will not recommend to its patients. As under my data of percent thirty patients are absolutely not sensitive to this preparation, that is do not mark appetite decrease at its application. not a unique preparation in own way. For the purpose of appetite decrease such medicines as , , and others were offered also. All of them operate on a brain, causing appetite decrease at level of the food centres. Thus they far are not harmless. And the most important thing their by-effects are defined by the mechanism of their basic action. After all as they operate? They cause psycho-emotional excitation and on this background at the patient appetite is oppressed, he as though for a while forgets about meal.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

It Has Appeared That Depends On Fat Distribution

It has appeared that depends on fat distribution in an organism and most of all probability to have a bouquet of the illnesses connected with excess weight when fat basically is collected on a trunk and in a belly cavity (so-called or man's adiposity) and rather less when the fat great bulk settles down under a skin of buttocks and hips much. This type of adjournment of fat, by the way, is called as female or (from Latin hynoid female). By the way, there is enough simple indicator characterising this or that distribution of fat. Take a centimetric tape and measure two circles. The first should pass on the distance middle between a navel the bottom end of a breast, and the second - the greatest circle on hips and buttocks. Now divide the first size into another. At adiposity at women this indicator is more 0,81. And the more, the worse. The more possibly it to have all bouquet of the illnesses connected with excess weight. At men about mainly fat distribution speak, when the relation a waist-hip is more than unit.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

And Here Than Fat Consumption Is Regulated? As

And here than fat consumption is regulated? As it was found out - practically by anything! The scheme of experiments in which it has been found out, on is graceful so much that is difficult to be kept from temptation to talk about it in detail. So, imagine, two groups of examinees. The first receives a usual breakfast, and the second the same breakfast plus 100 more fat (300 sour creams). That is for a breakfast by this group it is received approximately on 1000 kcals more. 1000 kcals, by the way it almost half of usual daily caloric content. Further for examinees supervision and each calorie eaten by them in a current of day carefully is conducted fixed. Also it appears that the first and second group consume about identical quantity of energy though it would be logical to assume that people received in addition for a breakfast sour cream, will eat on corresponding quantity of energy less. Other experiment. To the first group of examinees give for a breakfast basically the carbohydrates, to the second - mainly fats.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

By The Most Modest Estimations In Russia Excess

By the most modest estimations in Russia excess weight is available u25-30 percent, and adiposity - for 15-20 percent of people. In some age groups these indicators essentially above. So at women at the age of 35-55 years surplus of weight is registered at 75 percent, and the adiposity indicator comes nearer to 50 percent. Growth of frequency of adiposity at children and teenagers is everywhere observed. And it is known that if the person in a childhood has an adiposity, it most likely at it will be and in more advanced age. From here and numerous attempts to change a situation in children's and teenage age group as children are more organised than adults and in difference from adults still gives in to training. The programs directed on reduction of frequency of adiposity at children and teenagers are offered. In a number of the countries special lessons are developed for schoolboys where bases of a healthy food and an active way of life are taught. Attempts to enter such lessons and at our schools are undertaken.

The Reason In Something The Friend. In What?

The reason in something the friend. In what? Thanks to researches of last years, apparently, we at last that have come nearer to understanding of the true reasons and mechanisms of development of excess weight. Actually, the following section I named central in the narration. Without understanding of these things, I am afraid to you it will be very difficult to understand why I recommend to do so instead of differently. Also it is not excluded that having understood these things, you will guess that it is necessary to do, even earlier, than about it at me will read. Surplus of weight and infringement of balance of nutrients in food. In what of wine of carbohydrates? Probably here wash the reader already waits that I will lead conversation on harm and malignancy flour and sweet. It would be so traditionally. Really, any book about excess weight would not do without that what not to scold carbohydrates. Well, give also we will talk about flour and sweet. But we will not abuse them. In general how it has appeared, they do not deserve that.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Against The Special Means Limiting Appetite It Is

Against the special means limiting appetite it is possible to make starvation rather easily transferred. But starvation harmful enough piece, and first of all because at it naturally develops deficiency of vital components of food. At starvation the organism first of all spends not so much fat, how many fibers. It is accompanied by defects of a skin, its flabbiness, formation of wrinkles, the general and muscular weakness. The sensation such that for one day of starvation the person grows old for one year, and for two weeks, accordingly for 14 years. Starvation is very hard transferred by the person and if the patient sees a unique way of struggle against superfluous kgs having tried once in starvation and having broken by it oh as will not soon dare to repeat this experiment. Usual thing for starvation - development of an immunodeficiency or a condition of insufficiency of ours with you of immunity. Immunity too keeps on constant reproduction of special cages or on production these cages of special albuminous molecules - antibodies.

Then Directly Fireworks Of Ideas - Clearing Of

Then directly fireworks of ideas - clearing of an organism by means of enemas, medical starvation, treatment by urine. All these ideas have one feature - they never passed and would not pass the strict scientific analysis. It to the full concerns also any techniques of "medical" starvation. The scientific control assumes the following. The group of examinees undertakes. To them investigated influence is applied. The positive and negative moments are fixed and further the analysis from which conclusions follow is carried out, the given influence for treatment of the given illness is suitable or is not suitable and whether it surpasses already existing methods of treatment. And so, as to starvation as way of treatment of adiposity the Western scientists in this plan draw an unequivocal conclusion - starvation has many the negative moments and owing to it loses before competently constructed . I tell for a long time already something about a diet as about a necessary component of treatment.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

If To Consider That Average Rate Of Weight

If to consider that average rate of weight reduction makes 4-5 kgs a month, and surplus very often makes kgs 25 and more to keep to such diet it is necessary a minimum half a year. Thus I do not take into account that the organism during observance of such diet will get used to spend ever less energy and rate of a weight loss will be slowed down. As the same restrictions follow day by day, it is possible to name such diet monotonous. The diets constructed by such principles, great variety. They can be subdivided on medical and amateur. Sometimes amateur thanks to efforts of mass media become fashionable. And then them many start to use. For example, rice, or the Chinese diet. Every day 600 grammes of the welded rice and any quantity of vegetables and vegetable juice are supposed. Caloric content of such day usually does not exceed 1000 calories. It would Seem, grow thin to itself. But, such diet, obviously, is harmful. And first of all because of deficiency of fiber. The organism receives for day of such food no more than 10 grammes of fiber, and it is necessary for it a minimum 40-60.

25.XII - The Analysis Of Whey Of Blood:

25.XII - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =15,47mg %; "Ca" =11,8mg %. 26.XII - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 31.XII - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 2.I. - the state of health is better. Headaches less. Goes more freely. 3.I - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =20,44mg %; "Ca" =12mg %. 4.I - Intravenously 1 sm3 StCa. 5.I - Intravenously 1 sm3 StCa. 6.I - the State of health has sharply worsened. muscles has increased. The feeling of constraint has amplified. 9.I - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =17,97mg %; "Ca" =13mg %. 9) B Th - . Complaints to dull aches in the belly cavity, sometimes amplifying on so many that the patient hardly can go. Locks are replaced by diarrheas. Appetite is not present. For last three months has lost in weight of 5 kg. Frequent dizzinesses. 2.IX - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =19mg %; "Ca" =11,2mg %. 3.IX - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 5.IX - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 11.IX - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =20,2mg %; "Ca" =10,5mg %. The state of health became better.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Not Only Has Stopped, But The Wound Area

not only has stopped, but the wound area has increased. The analysis of whey of blood has shown: "K" =7,1mg %; "Ca" =15,8mg %. 5.VI, 8.VI, 11.VI - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StK. 22.VI and 23.VI - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StK. 26.VI - the wound Bottom has risen and cleared of touches. The wound generally the surface has become covered . The blood analysis has shown: "K" =15,5mg %; "Ca" =13mg %. - all time was in identical conditions, it went, worked etc. much 6) - - , 65 years. Complains of severe pains in the left half of breast, pains give to the left elbow. Sharp morbidity in the left ankle joint. Joint area . That - . - lies in bed. 29.IV - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =19,98mg %; "Ca" =10,81mg %. 30.IV 2.V, 5.V - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StK. 17.V, 22.V - Intravenous injections on 1 sm3 StK. During this time interval b th has considerably recovered. Pains have passed in a thorax. Puffiness of the left ankle joint has decreased. B Th goes, works on an economy.

The Matter Is That Surgical Treatment Helps Only

The matter is that surgical treatment helps only to patients with unreasonably high consumption of food. And such among stout persons it is not enough. Yes it is final, such people are and usually adiposity at them reaches extreme degrees, but I repeat them very little. If such operation do sick of excess weight which eats no more than on the average its weight either decreases slightly or does not decrease absolutely. What would be useful the nobility and to consider at weight reduction? The basic wish of the person which tries to lower excess weight, it at any weighing to weigh less, than the day before. On myself I know, how the mood if the weight decreases and as it falls if the weight remains to the same raises, or even grows. Thoughts - well here, all is vain, to me helps nothing. I know that very many stopped successful in general that treatment only because once again their weight did not decrease. Remember, you weigh not weight of fat, and own weight, and it is far not same. In an organism all weighs.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Actually At Starvation The Organism Eats Itself. A

Actually at starvation the organism eats itself. A little less starvation with the use of mineral water and the tablets containing vitamins and microcells operates. However and in this case very undesirable deficiency of fiber and an organism in the conditions of this deficiency develops is accepted to own fibers. Muscular fabrics, a skin, cages of a liver, kidneys, the cages which are responsible for immunity are spent. It is unequivocally proved that in the conditions of starvation the organism is more subject and to infectious diseases. Certainly, in the conditions of starvation the weight decreases much faster, than at observance what be diets, but practically on half this decrease is caused by reduction of weight of muscles and other albuminous fabrics. It is counted up that for day of starvation the organism is spent from 100 to 200 by the squirrel. Accordingly for a month - from 3 to 6 kgs. For the reasons listed above in the West starvation as a method of treatment of excess weight it is almost left.