Monday, February 2, 2009

By The Way, Heart Attacks Of A Myocardium

By the way, heart attacks of a myocardium a direct consequence of an atherosclerosis of warm vessels, at corpulent people are observed in 4-5 times more often, than at normal weight. So, the medical insurance campaigns taking a payment for the insurance by that above, than it is more at the person of fat, on the are right. Who from them will want to lose money paying then expensive enough treatment of the patient with a heart attack of a myocardium or with a stroke. Sugar *. Very dangerous disease. Surplus of sugar in blood leads to defeat of kidneys and to development of their insufficiency, to blindness, to defeat of vessels of finitenesses and to gangrenes. And so, if the diabetes develops at the person is more senior 35 years in 8 cases from ten it develops at sick of adiposity, and the diabetes would not develop, if this person weighed normally. It is not out of place to remind that an atherosclerosis and an ischemic heart trouble the most frequent causes of death. Hypertensive illness takes in this mournful list the third place, and a diabetes - the fourth.

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