Sunday, May 10, 2009

Though Food And Way Of Life Habits There

Though food and way of life habits there about the identical. The unique comprehensible explanation of this phenomenon consists in the following - Indians of a tribe of Pimu are on the whole genetically inclined to completeness. The proof of a role of a heredity gives and an analysis method. So if at one of twins excess weight surplus of weight most likely will appear and at another develops. At last, there are lines (breed) of laboratory animals with very high frequency of adiposity. Here, probably, follows which what to explain. In medicine and biology lines of rats and mice at which the sign, interesting scientists, meets much more often, than on the average for a long time already are used. Sometimes frequency of occurrence of a sign reaches hundred percent. How to receive a pure line of laboratory animals? For this purpose it is necessary to cross in a current of 20-30 generations among themselves mice or the rats received from one pair of animals. Linear animals are genetically identical.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

And still. In working muscles fat oxidation repeatedly amplifies. And, it is natural, on the contrary, if the person works as muscles also fat in them is oxidised a little a little. Here again some more words. Work of muscles is not always obvious or even is appreciable. For example a muscular tone. This partial reduction of muscles defining their availability for service. Energy too is spent for maintenance of this reduction. Probably, many of you noticed that the tone depends on mood. The above mood, the above a tone.