Wednesday, January 7, 2009

25.XII - The Analysis Of Whey Of Blood:

25.XII - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =15,47mg %; "Ca" =11,8mg %. 26.XII - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 31.XII - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 2.I. - the state of health is better. Headaches less. Goes more freely. 3.I - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =20,44mg %; "Ca" =12mg %. 4.I - Intravenously 1 sm3 StCa. 5.I - Intravenously 1 sm3 StCa. 6.I - the State of health has sharply worsened. muscles has increased. The feeling of constraint has amplified. 9.I - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =17,97mg %; "Ca" =13mg %. 9) B Th - . Complaints to dull aches in the belly cavity, sometimes amplifying on so many that the patient hardly can go. Locks are replaced by diarrheas. Appetite is not present. For last three months has lost in weight of 5 kg. Frequent dizzinesses. 2.IX - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =19mg %; "Ca" =11,2mg %. 3.IX - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 5.IX - Intravenously 1 sm3 StK. 11.IX - the Analysis of whey of blood: "K" =20,2mg %; "Ca" =10,5mg %. The state of health became better.

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