Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It Is A Question, First Of All, Of

"Have a serious talk with your life partner about herpes virus, open dialogs with partner always helps to reduce the risk of transmission of herpes virus during sexual intercourse or oro-genital contact). Living with herpes is not easy for many people infected with the virus spreading the virus is making living of other people as difficult, you must do utmost to prevent it. Remember herpes is a highly contagious viral disease that affect the body in many ways and usually seen on the face, including the cold sore, or other body parts, like genital herpes. Day to day life requires a lot of adjustments at first, then it shell become a part of routine of the day. " by Herpes: Protecting Others

It is a question, first of all, of the following: About use of the verifying table of Sivtsev (instead of the STD Herpes table of Snellena used abroad) which is applied in our country to sight check; about the changes caused by use of Russian, instead of English (in exercises where the knowledge of the words written on tables is required); About use of the European system of measures, instead of Anglo-American (instead of foots and yards metres are resulted, instead of inches - centimetres etc.). Technics of execution of exercises, and also all principles put in their execution, are completely observed according to recommendations of foreign authors. In the end of the book the small dictionary of terms which has for an object is resulted to help the general reader to understand some professional terms used in ophthalmology. If you do not find in it not clear terms for you who have met on a course of reading of the book address for the help to encyclopaedias or to experts in ophthalmology. For simplification of reading the text concerning to the technics of execution of given exercise or expressing a finished thought, separates from the basic text a dashed line.

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