Sunday, May 13, 2007

. To Sorokin. The Conclusion Thus, We Come

. To Sorokin. The conclusion Thus, we come to a conclusion that revolt was not casual that it was Antibolshevist. It has been caused by Central Electoral Committee attempt to prevent commander-in-chief to carry out the purposes into which entered an establishment of dictatorship and triumvirate formation. The public and the press long time named Sorokin's act change. Course of M. , , . Pedagogics . The head: So-called FORMATION OF NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS AT CHILDREN OF THE GREEK NATIONALITY TO STAVROPOL TERRITORY It was many long years considered to be that the ethnic question in our state dared successfully and the country went by the way of deleting of distinctions between the nations and the nationalities living in it. Changes occurring in the state force to comprehend in a new fashion international communications in all regions. In Stavropol Territory is about 150 nationalities occupying its territory. During the given period of time national relations became aggravated because of international conflicts.

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