Friday, July 11, 2008

Such Terrible Infections As A Typhus, A Cholera,

Such terrible infections as a typhus, a cholera, a plague have receded. And after all in the Middle Ages of epidemic of these illnesses devastated the whole cities. But also adiposity has all signs of epidemic. People are not ill with any other illness so often. And of any other illness so often do not die. So where medicine? After all more often the doctor is simply limited to council to grow thin, and on a question as it to make advises is less and to move more. More shortly - burst less and stamp more. Piece of good advice, but, as a rule, the ineffective. And in general, the impression is made that adiposity, is simply ignored by doctors. Why so? Partly because comprehension of adiposity as metabolism diseases, was generated in medicine only last 10 years. And that to tell it has started to be formed more correctly. Last ten years representations, besides, have started to be formed that excess weight is an immediate cause of cardiovascular diseases and a diabetes, and that timely normalisation of weight can prevent development of these diseases.

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