Friday, December 26, 2008

At The Majority Of Patients The Long Current

At the majority of patients the long current of disease was marked. At children of the second half of the year of a life of an aggravation and relapses proceeded much easier, than in a disease initial stage. Basically they were shown by an easy intestinal syndrome, and duration of semiology during aggravations and relapses did not exceed 7-10 days. Depending on a feeding kind essential distinctions in a clinical picture of disease are found out. At children of the first half of the year who are on artificial feeding, the infection proceeded much more hard, than at naturally raised children. Maintenance change Ig A in a course of disease during the different age periods was various. So, at children of the first half of the year increase of level Ig A in the first 2 weeks of illness with the subsequent decrease on 3-4 weeks of illness was observed. At children who are on chest feeding, level Ig A was above, than at artificial, and in dynamics of treatment in both groups increase of maintenance Ig A, apparently, at the expense of own synthesis was observed.

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