Sunday, December 21, 2008

It Is Necessary To Change And Other Appointments.

It is necessary to change and other appointments. It completely excludes possibility to cure the patient for one session. After the treatment termination it is necessary to observe the certain principles of a food interfering a set of weight. If the patient does not know about these principles, its weight will return after a while to initial level or will exceed it. Probably the majority of patients which now come to me on treatment in the past is not casual or were coded, is frequent on some times, or applied other fashionable methods of self-treatment. But feeling of hunger, unfortunately, not the unique problem rising before interested persons to grow thin. Other problem, is undesirable, but diets of change usually arising against observance in a metabolism and in a way of life. As soon as the person starts to cut down a food, passes to diets with smaller caloric content, its organism tries to spend less energy, to save it, to put by. In other words, you try to eat less, and he tries to spend less.

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