Monday, March 3, 2008

In Process Of Democratisation There Was A Set

In process of democratisation there was a set of newspapers and magazines, the radio and telecasting network has extended, there was a set of the points of view. The theme urgency consists and that it is badly investigated, not enough literature and primary sources. As to journalism definition the journalism is a publicity, publicity is a transparency of the power, that is its realisation according to the law. And the power transparency is a sign of the lawful state which formation occurs before our eyes. The newspaper "Tiflissky sheets", and begun printing to Stavropol Territory was the first newspaper in the North Caucasus, there was a newspaper "Stavropol Provincial sheets" which has appeared on January, 1st, 1850 and left weekly on Saturday days. The newspaper "Stavropol Provincial sheets" consisted of two parts: official and informal. The official part contained the information on orders, government orders, on affairs state, about the property etc. In an informal part articles of the scientific maintenance, public data, a practical advice, data on market prices for consumer goods, statistical data on a province condition, the entire accounts on epidemics, about outstanding incidents etc.

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