Monday, April 23, 2007

So, Carbohydrates - Nutrients With Power Value Of

So, carbohydrates - nutrients with power value of 4,1 kcals on gramme. That is this quantity of energy is released at splitting in an organism of one gramme of sugar. What for energy is necessary to us, I think, already it is not necessary to explain. There is at carbohydrates one more important enough property. They can be split and give energy even in absence of oxygen. In general it is considered proved that superfluous consumption flour and sweet is connected with excess weight occurrence. In other words, the more the person eats carbohydrates, the with probability it will have superfluous kgs. But why? Long time the mechanism of development of fatness at abusing carbohydrates saw in their basic possibility to be reconstructed in an organism in fat. Really, for a long time it is known that the organism does not create stocks of carbohydrates. Creates more truly, but very small. All stock of carbohydrates is settled by 60-80 grammes (animal starch) in a liver and approximately such quantity in muscles.

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