Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ability To Burn Fats Decreases And At Consumption

Ability to burn fats decreases and at consumption of considerable quantities flour and sweet. It speaks simply. The organism tries to burn first of all carbohydrates (starch and sugar) as more effective fuel, reserving fats on then. If occasion to spend fats does not happen, they will fill up stocks and weight will increase. Actually in it also consists effect of carbohydrates. In itself they in fat do not pass. To overeat carbohydrates for stout persons really harmfully. But if from two harms to choose smaller, it, all the same, smaller harm, than an overeating of fats. Here there is one more very important moment for us. On scientific it is called sequence of oxidation of substrata in an organism, or, telling easier in what sequence an organism uses nutrients? It has appeared that after meal first of all in an organism burn down just eaten carbohydrates, further carbohydrates from stocks . As I already above told, a stock this small, an order of 80-140 In recalculation on a white loaf - that that nearby 200 - 250 gramme.

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